Finally Away From Hell

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"I wish you would just go somewhere far away from us."

Another bully said as she laughs with her friends..."Aggghhh!" I scream as someone pours their drink over me. 'What luck...' I thought as everyone started to laugh at me. Point fingers and calling me names. 

This has been a routine ever since they heard that I 'Cheated' on him. I would in random times, think....

'What would it feel like to have friends?"

Or like...

"Can I find true love?"

I walk to my locker to see if somehow I have extra clothes on. I find one and head to the bathroom as fast as I can before the next bell rings.

I enter the bathroom and get inside one of the stalls.

I take off my now wet clothes.

I gently fold them and put them over the little shelf inside. (P.S. This is true in some malls)

(Your new clothes)

As I was putting on my new clothes I hear two girls talking and eventually...their topic went to me.

"I wish Saeyara would leave"

"I know right?"

"And I don't want the school to be ashamed...She is soooo Ugly"

They say as they laugh.

I finish and hesitate on coming out while they were still there. Eventually I just came out as I pass them with their eyes staring with pure hatred and disgust. Before I could hold the the door knob, I feel a bottle of some sort hit my head. I turn around and see a small glass bottle. 

I feel my head and see blood. I run to the nurse's office and ask her to patch me up...

I go to my next class and wait for the bell to ring.

I run to my house as I go and ask my mother about something.



I beg with puppy dog eyes...

" I'll ask your uncle if you can go to his school"

She agrees as I jump up and down.

I go up to my room and lay down.

"AHHH...Finally away from hell."

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