CHAPTER 02- Star Of The Night

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L I L A C ' S  P O V

Lilac looked at the extravagant mansion that was beautifully decorated for the Coronation Ceremony of the future Alpha..... People from different packs are entering inside the mansion with a profound hope in their mind especially the girls in the pack who are eager to be the Luna of this pack..... Who wouldn't be after all, the future Alpha is someone who's not only extremely handsome and charming but also firece and powerful..... Who wouldn't dreamed to be with a fine man like him....

A hand was placed on Lilac's shoulder as she turned around and saw her mother who looked at her with a happy face and asked," What happened, my little babydoll??? Are you still worried about that??? Come on, You are a part of this pack.... Stop overthinking And let's get inside!!! It's big day for your brother too ... Your brother is officially becoming the next Beta In Command Of Credential Moon Pack....  Let's go!!!!"

And with that, Lilac's mother wrapped her hand with Lilac and dragged her inside the mansion.... As soon as, she stepped into the mansion, The stares are already on her.... She can feel it how the Werewolves are looking at her... Some are looking at her with disgust as some are looking at her completely annoyed by her presence or someone wasn't acknowledging her presence as she is a mere human.... She was used to this kind of behavior so it's not New for her.....

Just then A person approached to the Kim Family with a big smile on his face..... Lilac's mother smiled seeing her son as he came towards his mother and hugged her tightly.... As they pulled out, Lilac's mother planted a small kiss on her son's forehead and said," Namjoonie~ my Big Boy, You have grown muscles.... You are looking like a Hulk!!! Where's my little Namjoon who used to be cutest thing on this planet??"

Hearing his Mother's profound compliment, Namjoon laughed and said," Omma!!! Stop embarrassing me like that!!! I am going to be Beta In Command just in few hours... You can't treat me like a small kid.... I am 28 you know!!!"

He said those words while adjusting his coat trying to show his mother that he is a grown up man who is taking responsibility... A smack landed on Namjoon's head as his mother glared at her son on the other hand, both Lilac and her father are so done seeing this behavior of Mother-Son Duo creating embarrassing moments in front of a party not caring about the image....

As both Mother-son was about to start bickering luckily someone came to greet them....

" It's really nice to see your whole family in here Namjoon.... ", Taehyung's Mother, Kim Ye-ji Said those words as Lilac's mother and father both greeted the Luna.....Lilac looked at the Luna who looked a little aged and weak compared to how she last saw her before the incident happened.... Losing mate is really a heartbreaking thing.... The pain is  too unbearable to feel and most of the Werewolf can't live longer after their Mate's demise... And the effects are already started to shown in Luna... She looked so weak and broken.... But still she was handling everything after Her mate's demise to make sure the pack doesn't broke.....

Taehyung's Mother eyes went on Lilac as she immediately greeted her with a small bow which she accepted with a small smile as she looked at the Former Beta who signalled something through his eyes to Luna assuring her...... 

Luna slowly went towards Lilac and looked at her angelic face as her fingers are caressing Lilac's cheek and said," You look marvelously beautiful creation on this mother earth... So, Dear how old are you???"

Such a delicate sweet words from Luna's voice was melting Lilac's heart as she answered,"  thank you so much for the compliment And 18 years old, My dear Luna..... "

As Luna was about to ask another question, The lights turned off and a big flashy light went on the second floor from there a masculine man come out making the girl gasp in admiration.... Lilac looked at upstairs and saw the Star of the night, The Future Alpha of Credential Moon Pack, Kim Taehyung,  is standing next to the railing and looking at the crowd who has came to his Coronation Ceremony.....

On the other side, Taehyung's eyes roamed at  the whole hall room but his eyes landed on the certain Person that he knew would come because she is a part of his Next Beta In Command family.....  Both Lilac and Taehyung looked at each other eyes as Taehyung's mind his wolf, Vincent aka V  is screaming happily in joy finally seeing their mate who looked like a goddess descended on Earth..... While, Lilac feel a sudden urge to look at him with a lovable gaze like she was eager to see him..... She can't understand why she is feeling like that because she was never ever interested in seeing him.... But tonight, Lilac can't seem to take off her eyes from him.... Like a magic spell are casted on them.... Both are looking at each others eyes one with admirable kindful gaze and another one is demanding Fierce Gaze with a little hint of love......

Taehyung came downstairs as he first went towards his mother who is standing beside Lilac and Kim family..... Lilac felt so intimidated by the Aura of Taehyung that she decided to go away from there leaving the Mother-son duo on their own private talk but Mrs. Kim immediately hold Lilac's hand not letting her escape from there as Mrs Kim Said," Taehyung, My Dear Son, You should meet her..... Mr. Kim Hyunsik Youngest Daughter, Lilac Kim..... Today she is here for the first time to show support to her Elder brother..... "

Hearing Mrs. Kim words, Lilac immediately bowed a little bit to Taehyung greeting him as she did the curtsey and said," Nice To Meet You And Congratulations For being The New Alpha of Credential Moon Pack!!!!"

Taehyung just stared on her from Head to toe giving a very cold stare that give Lilac a little shiver down to her spine but inside on Taehyung's wolf Vincent wants to hug his Luna and declare it in front of everyone as His but Taehyung is taking the Control of his Wolf.....

Mrs. Kim seems to see the awkward atmosphere between them as she coughed a little bit trying to ease the situation as just then the announcement of the Ceremony was about to begin announced helped both Taehyung and Lilac immediately get out of this situation.....

Both Mrs. Kim and Taehyung went towards the stage as they're walking, Mrs. Kim said," Accpect your Luna, Taehyung.....  I can feel she was capable of holding the responsibilities of the Luna of this Pack....."

Taehyung listened everything as he closed his eyes and opened it again and whispered," But She is a human.... And I don't think I deserve someone like her....."

Taehyung's Mother disappointed was shown of her face hearing his son's words as she replied," Moon Goddess was never wrong, Taehyung.... Lilac was chosen as your Destined Mate.... And you know very well for the betterment of the pack you need your Luna..... And don't think about rejecting her.... Because Rejection won't hurt her as much as it will hurt you my Son.... And I don't want you to regret like I  did for the rest of my life."

Taehyung looked at his mother with shocked face as Mrs. Kim just sadly smiled at his son.... The pain is indeed something that she can never forget..... She herself rejected her human mate and she suffered a lot for that until she got her second Chance Mate, Taehyung Father.....

They both went up to the stage as Taehyung's eyes went on Lilac who is giggling with her brother, Namjoon about something..... For the first time, A small smile appreared on Taehyung's lips seeing her.....


U N K N O W N ' S  P O V

His eyes are red in anger and Betrayal as he saw how her destined Mate is completely naked sleeping peacefully in another man's arms..... His heart is bleeding seeing this scenario in front him.....He wants to kill that person who's touching her, he wants to rub off that another person's smell from her body.... He wants to mask her with his own scents.....

His eyes are glowing red wants to wash off her skin where that man has touched her...... He swallowed his anger as he slowly moved towards her to touch her just for once, he wants to feel her for once but just as he was about to touch her, the whole world around him started to spinning.....


He woke up in cold sweat huffing very badly as his eyes are still red.... He got up from his bed and went towards the window and opened it as a cold air was blowing making him feel less suffocated than before....

His mind is on turmoil as he and his wolf form, Ian, wants to find her as soon as possible..... He wants her to be near him, wants to cage her, Feel her, Bleed her,  engraving in her mind that she only belongs to him.... He then looked at the Moon that was slowly getting covered up by the dark clouds, He remembers after 7 days , Full moon Will emerge..... And he can got out of his territory to find his Mate.....

The Door of his Room opened as his Beta In Command bowed down to him and said," Alpha Jungkook, We Got The Letter from Ancient Temple Council... They refused to help us....."

Jungkook scoffed manicly making the Beta In Command gulped nervously.....He can feel The Alpha is angry right now....The Century Old Curse of his Lycan Wolf Pack is hindering him to go outside of his territory and search for his Mate.... Because of this damn Curse, He can't claim his mate.....

Jungkook: They Won't? Find out their weakness, Jimin !!! I will make them to help me no matter what happens!!!!! I will break off this shakle of Curse that was engraved in our pack....

Determination to find his mate and change the destiny of his pack who knows what is waiting for them..... Only Time will Tell....







hi!!!! My beautiful slothies!!!!! Finally I am back with a new chapter of Howl Of Destiny!!!! I hope you will like it!!!! The Main Show was about to began!!!! Hope you are ready for it!!!! A little bit romance between taehyung and lilac with the twist of disaster!!! A little spoiler!!!!

And I mentioned Taehyung's Mother as a Luna sometimes so I hope you won't get confused!!!!

Please vote and comment on the chapter because it helps me to motivate and write magnificent Chapters for you all !!!!!

VOTE GOAL: 50 votes and 10 comments!!!

Guys i will be waiting for this vote goal to be completed by you all!!! I know I have many loyal slothies who will help me on this and eager to read another chapter ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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