A Crazy Meeting

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3rd Person Pov

Crescent walked through the streets of people as if it was an anime convention.

Normally she went on a different route, but she decided to try something new and went down the busier street.

She regretted it.

But it wasn't that bad, considering all the people were practically running each other over.

Crescent literally had to jump to avoid falling.

Well, at least I'm not carrying anything yet.

She went inside the local bookstore, and was greeted by the owner.

"Hello, Ms. Glow. Are you here for your pickup?" She asked.

"Heya. Yeah, I am." Crescent looked outside. "Was it this busy most days?"

The owner chuckled as she took out the book. "Recently, yes. They say that Professor Ozpin is in town, looking for new students for his school."

Ozpin? Sounds familiar. Crescent thought.

"Here you go, honey." The owner put the book in a bag, putting a small note on the cover.

"Thanks, ma'am." She paid for it, waved goodbye, and walked out.

The streets have gotten more crowded, cars becoming benches.

Crescent squeezed past everyone, before tripping and falling on a guy in front of her.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to trip on you!" She apologized.

"Oh, no worries. I must admit, there are a lot of people here."

Crescent helped the man up, and it was after the man stood that everything was quiet.

"Looks like I'm found out," he chuckled.

Realization hit Crescent. The man she fell on, was Ozpin.

Her face was as white as the moon, her mouth agape.

"Idiot! Do you know what a privilege it is to be in front of the Professor himself?! And all you can do is just stand there?!" One of the people sneered.

Ozpin chuckled again. "You seem like you have potential. What's your name?"

"C-C-Crescent Glow, s-sir," she stuttered, getting ready to pass out of stardom.

Ozpin smiled. "Well, Crescent. Would you mind taking me to your house?"

Everyone gasped, while Crescent, still nervous, nodded her head and led the way.

They all stared back at them with envy.

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