Lylaa's Hunt

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Lylaa runs too fast.
She got to the main camp in barely 5 seconds and I arrive there in hours.
Guess what happened when I got back!
Yup! Da bullies.

"Howl! Why you so slow! We're all waiting ya know!"
"Snail! I like snails better than slugs!"
"Slugs are sooo much better!"
Then a mini World War 3 happened to decided wether snails are better or slugs.
Personally, I like snails.
But I don't have time to express my opinions. Oh wait, I can't show my opinions. Cause I'm a fallen.
So I used this opportunity to slip away.

"Howl! Howl!"
I saw Mira calling me.
"Mira? Why are you with the hunting group?"
Mira smiled shyly, "The Alpha said it'll be good if me and Scar join the hunting pack."
"Wow! Good job!"
Mira joyfully clawed me in the face, "Stupid. It's not as if I like hunting."
"Really?", I teased.
Mira turned into this beautiful shade of red. Ruining her white fur.
"Sheesh! Shut up Mushroom Head!", Mira pounced on me.

Scar came walking by, "Hey! Wassup Lovebirds?"
"Shut up Scar." Me and Mira said in perfect unison.
"It's SCARLETMOON! Ugh, I can never get that across into your thick skull." Scar growled.
"Awwww little Scar pup is joining the big wolves hunting group!", Mira taunted joyfully.
"OMFG IT'S SCARLETMOON! Actually I'm used to Scar now so whatever. And anyways Mira, I caught my first squirrel yesterday!" Scar said proudly, puffing up his chest.
I laughed at him, "Hmmm when did I catch my first squirrel.... I think it was like 3 years ago..."
"SHUT UP!" Scar growled.

"Um..... H-Howl...."
I saw Lylaa peeping in the bushes.
"Yeah Lylaa?" I asked.
Mystic playfully went to drag Lylaa out of the bushes while Scar overwhelmed her with questions.
"Where are you from!"
"What Birth Defect?"
"Who are your parents?!"
"Is this your first pack?!?!"
"How many squirrels did ya catch?!?!?!?!"
"What is the diameter of the Lightbulb <AKA the Sun>?!?!?!?!"
Wow. I'm surprised Scar can ask so many questions in one breathe.
On the other hand, Lylaa is freaking out. She looks like she's gonna throw up.
Well, if I was her, I would've thrown myself off a cliff by now.
Lylaa is attempting to answer all of Scar's questions, "Um.... I'm from the Northern Territories, My Birth Defect is weak senses, I don't know who my parents are cause they got killed before I met them, this is my first pack, I caught 475 squirrels so far, and the diameter of the Lightbulb is probably 3376 Wolves<Made up>."
"Show off." Scar grunted.
Mira began introducing us, "Anyways, some mysterious wolf should be nicer to the newcomer. My name is Mystic, you may call me Mira. You probably met Howl already, the other Omega, and finally there's Scar, the mysterious wolf."
Lylaa looks terrified, "Um.... Ok Sc-Scarlet..."
"Scar-let-moon! What do you wolves not understand! Scarlet is that assassin in our pack. I am not an assassin!" Scar glared at Lylaa and Lylaa literally jumped back 5 meters.
"Hehe, even if you were an assassin, you'll probably be captured on your first mission." Mira laughed.

Ok, I'm fairly sure that was Gray's voice. Or maybe it's Luna Snowflake's.
Only they mess up our names.
"W-what do w-we do...?" Lylaa asked nervously.
"Just follow me! The brave and powerful Sir Knight!" Scar shouted and then ran into a spider.
So much for being "brave" and "powerful".

"For today's hunt, we will split up into 2 groups, because our hunting group is getting very big. Hopefully is we split into group we'll capture more food!" Alpha Crimson announced.
Snowflake looked really bored as she announced the groups,"Blah blah, so the groups are as the following,
In Crimson's group: Crimson, Gray, Mystic, Lie, Hoel, Hydra,........
In my group: Me, Scar, Kody, FlameLeo, Phoenix, Luppa, Hitillia,..........
Ya ya, that's it, goodbye."
Snowflake is always like this. Rude. Careless. I don't know how did she become Luna. Probably an accident.
"Howl! Mystic! Lylaa! C'mon! Come join our group!" Alpha Crimson barked joyfully at me and my friends.
"Oh come on! I'm not in your group and I'm also stuck with that thing!" Scar pointed his nose at Kody.
Kody still had the wounds from yesterday.
"Heh, look whose the one talkin pigeon!" Kody hissed.
Scar hissed back at him.
But Snowflake pinched Scar's tail, "Scar! Don't mess with Commander Kody!"
Scar made one last glare at Kody and then turned away.
Kody just smiled with "pride". He look towards me at mouthed 'You'll be next'.
Wait.... Commander Kody?! Since when was he a commander.
I either accidentally said that question out loud or Kody read my mind, "Haha! Losers! I ranked up into Commander status yesterday! For fighting off a bear that's attacking camp!"
I swear he made that up. He did not fight off a bear.
Remember? I was sleeping outside of the den? I'm sure he was snoozing all night.
He probably made up that excuse cause he woke up late today.
And Snowflake actually believes his nonsense.
What in Wolflania is going on?
Wow, I'm acting like the Alpha now.

"Let's go group 1!" The Alpha called out.
So we all ran off to search for our prey.
"Hey Snail! Better not slow us down again this time! I want a proper meal! Not leftovers!" Gray jeered.
"Just ignore him." Mira whispered fiercely at me.

We finally found our prey, a large deer that is surly enough to feed the whole pack, except me and Lylaa of course.
Our group ran and charged at the frighten prey.
I almost feel bad for it. No Howl. It is the prey. You are forbidden to feel anything for it other than hatred and a desire to kill. That is the first rule I learnt for hunting.

When we got extremely close to the deer, the deer suddenly used a burst of speed and escaped.

"Sigh... So close!" The Alpha groaned.
"This is your fault Howl! Why can't you ever keep up with us!" Gray snared at me.
Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe because of that thick skull of yours, you forgot I have birth defect
"It's ok Howl. You did your best." Lylaa whispered to me.
"Thank you." I replied.
Mystic growled at Gray.
Gray just clawed her in the eye.

"Wolves! Stop fighting with each other! We are a pack! We work together! Let's find another prey!" The Alpha barked.
We just sulked.

Very soon we found another prey, another deer.
In fact, I pretty sure that deer is the same one as the one earlier.
And the same thing happened.
We chased it.
It ran.
When we got close,
It used a burst of speed to escape.
Except this time, when the deer used the burst of speed, Lylaa charged at it.
Gosh Lylaa is fast! She looks like a blur of white and specks of blue.
She sank her fangs into the deer's neck, killing it instantly, and proudly brought it back to our group, and got rewarded with a claw at her neck by Gray.
"What were you THINKING?! You pathetic Omegas stay behind the Alpha and me! Only the Alpha gets the honour of killing the prey! Now that prey is tainted, with an Omega's scent! Now we can't eat that prey!" Gray growled at her angrily.
The wound Gray gave Lylaa on her neck was bleeding really badly now.
Mystic jumped in front of Lylaa before Gray got another claw at her, "Lylaa is new to our pack! She doesn't understand the rules for hunting! Please spare her!"
Gray snarled at Mystic, "How DARE you stand up for that pigeon! You know what?! Banishment for both of you!"
All of us gasped at the word 'Banishment'. That is the worst punishment for wolves.
When your banished, you leave the pack. You have to live on your own as a lone wolf.
And if that doesn't sound bad enough, if any other wolves from other packs find a banished wolf, they may kill him/her. Harsh huh?
Mystic look completely frightened. She slowly backed away from Lylaa and Gray and started whimpering by a tree.
Lylaa had no idea what's going on. She just stood there, with blood streaming down her neck.
That when the Alpha stood up, "Now now Gray, don't get so far of yourself. Don't forget, I decide the punishments."
Gray glared at Lylaa and Mystic then turned back to the Alpha, "Yes Alpha, of course. I'm sorry."
"Your apology is accepted. Now, Mystic... Step up." The Alpha nosed at Mystic
Mystic walked to where the Alpha was, her legs shivering in fear.
"Mystic was trying to tell you not to disobey the rules. Of how only I can assign the punishments." The Alpha told Gray.
Gray nodded his head, "I'm sorry Mystic for raging at you. But you disobeyed a rule as well, a lower ranked wolf cannot annoy a higher ranked one. Therefore you still must be punished."
"So you and Mystic both broke a rule. To make things fair, Cleaning duties for both of you for a month." The Alpha ordered.
Cleaning duties, basically cleaning up everything left by the pack.
Oh, and if you think that isn't so bad, you should see the messes we make.
Wolf littering.
Then the Alpha turned to Lylaa, "You, you broke an important rule of hunting, so you must be punished harshly. Normally, when such important rules are broken, the punishment is banishment. But because you are new to the pack, I'll make the punishment less servre."
"How about bounds and chains?" Gray suggested.
Bounds and chains is another harsh punishment. Basically the Alpha or Beta uses vines to bound you to a tree for a week. During that week you are not allowed to drink or eat.
Each day 2 wolves comes and claws you. And each day you get whipped 10 times.
If you can't handle it anymore, you may choose to be banished.
Basically all wolves choose banishment.
"Bounds and chains.... Very well then. Gray, you may bound Lylaa to the punishment tree. Tell Emera and Lupis to guard her." The Alpha assigned.
"Yes Alpha Crimson. It is my honour to do so." Gray bowed then dragged Lylaa to the punishment tree.

It was sunset by the time we got our prey. In fact, we caught a group of deers, crowded by the centre of the forest.
It was a good catch, we got enough food for a week and maybe more.
When I returned back to our base, I saw Lylaa, tied to a tree. Being whipped right now.
With each whip, I can sense her pain.
Even though she didn't make any noise or such, the look on her face is enough to sadden me.
She's a newcomer. She is punished for a rule she didn't even know.
And even if she asked, she will still be punished.
Lower ranked wolves cannot talk to higher ranked wolves without permission.
Omegas are basically the bottom of the rank system.
That's the miserable life of Omegas.

When the wolves in charge of Lylaa finished their whipping job, they went to get some water and take a mini break. I used that time to talk to Lylaa.
"Lylaa. Lylaa! Lylaa!" I whispered.
She weakly turned her head in my direction.
Her voice sounded raspy, and dehydrated. I don't know what to do anymore.
I made a quick decision and ran to the pond. I got some water in a leaf and brought it back to Lylaa.
Thankfully, the guards haven't returned yet.
"Thank you." Lylaa said while thirstily gulping down the water.
In a mere 5 seconds, she was done.
"Lylaa... Maybe you should go. Leave this pack. The punishment is way too harsh. It-It'll be better if you become a rouge wolf<Lone wolf>..." I told her.
She looked at me with big puppy eyes, "I can't. T-this is the only pack I was accepted into! I-I can't leave you."
The guards were coming back, so I left her.
I guess I can't change her mind anymore.

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