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Chapter Thirty-Five: Final Girls

(Bricks And Mortar, Part 2)


Inside the surveillance room, Nora's calm mood had shattered with nerves as she eyed the glitching screens while Abi stood behind her, as nervous as Nora felt.

At some point, Nora had realised she could look through the screens to check and see if she could spy Sarah and Nick as werewolves or if they'd turned back human with their curse breaking thanks to Laura, Allison and Ryan, or Hayden, Dylan and Kaitlyn coming back to the lodge, or any unfriendly werewolves roaming the woods. Sometimes, she caught flashes of the werewolves caught on camera—including the one she'd encountered and was still covered in its blood—before they disappeared while Abi sat next to her, also looking at the screens as her nerves became visible wth her bouncing leg and darting eyes.

Then, as thunder had boomed, the screens had started to glitch. It had freaked both Nora and Abi enough that the other girl had gotten to her feet, looking terrified while Nora remained near the desk, watching the glitching screens. The only solace was that the time hadn't been affected, letting both Nora and Abi know there wasn't much time left until dawn came.

It didn't really settle their nerves much, but it was a sliver of comfort.

"Come on, Abi. Keep it together. Not long 'til morning," Abi told herself.

Nora nodded. "As long as we don't leave the room, we should be okay until it's dawn."

But the minute the words were said, a roar sounded.

Abi gasped in fear while Nora moved away from the screens and snatched up her axe, holding it tightly. She and Abi moved back to back, looking around as Abi asked, "What was that?"

"I have no idea," Nora whispered as heavy, thumping noises came. Nora tightened her grip on her axe as the noises died away before Abi pulled away from her and went to the screens, looking at them. Nora joined her, watching as one screen flashed to inside the lodge and Nora's heart jumped into her throat as she saw Hayden, Kaitlyn and Dylan, looking ready to fight as they stared at the chimney.

Just before something burst through the chimney.


Hayden watched warily as the chimney shook, dust raining down from the werewolf inside it, growling and snarling. Fear fluttered inside her, warring with adrenaline as she held the knife aloft, ready to use it as an animalistic noise came from behind the shaking portrait.

"What the—" Kaitlyn said as she, Hayden and Dylan took a collective step back—just as the painting was torn apart and thrown off, revealing the werewolf that had burst through the solid stone of the chimney and then leapt for the balcony's railing before falling.

The werewolf snarled as Hayden, Kaitlyn and Dylan stood there, frozen, hunkering close together and stepping back as they watched the werewolf climb the stairs and onto the landing, growling lowly as it prowled toward them.

"Run. RUN!" Hayden yelled.

"Oh God. Oh God, okay, let's go, let's go!" Kaitlyn exclaimed in panic.

"Okay. Okay, go, go, go, go," Dylan said as they turned and sprinted for the door on the other side, Kaitlyn flinging it open as they charged through, closing it as Hayden turned and helped her drag a chair under the doorknob to block the door. They stepped back, Hayden panting rapidly, heart thrumming inside her chest, before she and Kaitlyn ran, banging coming from the door as the werewolf tried to get in. Hayden sprinted up the steps with Kaitlyn, taking them two at a time, trying to put as much distance between herself and the werewolf after them.

To try and get out with their lives.


"Kaitlyn! Hayden!" Abi exclaimed in horror as Nora stared at the screens, her own horror settling over her.

They and Dylan were being pursued by a werewolf, running for their lives as it chased after them, hungry for their blood.

"Oh my god," Abi panicked, stepping back.

"They're gonna get killed," Nora breathed. 

"We've got to help them, Nora!" Abi exclaimed, tugging at her arm. "We've got to help them!"

"I know, but how? The minute we leave, we're dead as well! And I don't have any werewolf blood on me to mask your scent as well!" Nora yelled back.

At that, Abi stumbled back, eyes wide and face ashen as she and Nora looked at the screens, watching helplessly as their friends were pursued and being unable to help.

Not without getting killed in the process.

Nora turned away, fisting her hair, sighing in frustration and helplessness before she heard Abi whisper, "Silver shells."

Nora turned, and her eyes widened as she saw the shells in Abi's hand, as she took out the shells in her pocket, before she remembered something else Abi told her—something that Hayden had.

"Werewolf's blood," she whispered, both girls looking at each other, a plan to help their friends coming to mind.

"If we can time this right..." Abi started.

"And we can tell Hayden about the vial in time..." Nora continued as she and Abi looked at the screens. "Then we can help them."

Abi nodded, determination flickering across her face as it did across Nora's, looking at the screens as they got ready for the plan.

To help Kaitlyn and Hayden and kill the werewolf pursuing them once and for all.


Hayden's lungs ached inside her chest, mirroring the burn in her legs as she and Kaitlyn raced up the stairs, the werewolf close behind them. Hayden had no idea where Dylan was, all her mind focused on outrunning the werewolf and making sure Kaitlyn didn't fall behind. She hoped he was somewhere safe—she prayed he was somewhere safe.

But her mind quickly snapped out of worry for Dylan and focused on survival as she and Kaitlyn made it to the landing—the highest point in the lodge—the werewolf growling and roaring behind them. Hayden panted heavily, her arm throbbing and joining the rest of the pain in her body, but Hayden hardly cared, adrenaline numbing most of it, as she and Kaitlyn looked around wildly for a source of escape.

There was a window, but Hayden knew if she and Kaitlyn jumped out, they'd be killed—and who knew if there were other werewolves prowling outside, waiting to rip them apart. And there was the beam, stretching from one part of the landing to the other—a beam that looked like their only chance of escape and evade the werewolf a little bit longer, increase the distance between them.

 If they could get across in time...

Hayden and Kaitlyn shared a look, before they moved to the beam, Kaitlyn sliding the shotgun strap over her shoulder and Hayden slipping the knife into her pocket, the blade clinking against the vial. She went first, leaping over the rail and onto the beam, testing her weight before she nodded and started walking across, bent slightly over to lower her centre of gravity due to her taller height. The beam creaked as Kaitlyn joined her, whispering, "Come on. Come on," both girls carefully walking across the beam and to the other side, Hayden pointedly not looking down and see how far of a drop it was.

Hayden was more than halfway across when there was a snarl and a scratch of claws on wood.

She risked a look back and her heart stuttered at seeing the werewolf on the landing, Kaitlyn also looking back.

"Keep going, Kaitlyn!" Hayden yelled, risking falling as she straightened and took larger steps, her longer legs eating up the distance in a few large steps as she reached the other side, climbing over and sticking a hand out for Kaitlyn to take. "You're almost there!"

Kaitlyn continued walking, and Hayden's mouth dried as she now saw the werewolf stalking across, getting closer to her.

"Hurry!" she screamed as she held her hand out, ready to pull Kaitlyn over as the werewolf prowled closer, got ready to lunge—

And fell to the ground when it did, giving Kaitlyn the time she needed to safely cross to the other side and grab Hayden's hand.

"I got you! I got you!" Hayden assured as she pulled the shorter girl over the railing and to solid ground, both of them panting before they ran, growling following behind them as Hayden risked a look back and saw the werewolf climbing up the chimney.

"Seriously?" she gasped before refocusing on running, the girls sprinting down the stairs and running toward the right, turning a corner and pausing before a flight of stairs, Hayden's mind running—should they run down them or not?

"Hayden! Kaitlyn!"

Hayden and Kaitlyn whirled, seeing Dylan there and alive.

Hayden felt relief as she pulled the knife back out and Kaitlyn yelled, "This way!", before they ran down the stairs and into the dining hall, panting heavily as Hayden looked around, trying too figure out where they should run to next before the werewolf caught up.

That was when she heard a pounding.

Turning, Hayden, Kaitlyn and Dylan saw a door on the other side of the dining hall, the pounding coming from it as now Abi's and Nora's voices screamed, "Kaitlyn! Hayden! Over here! KAITLYN! HAYDEN!"

"Is that..." Hayden breathed and Kaitlyn nodded, eyes wide. Nora was with Abi, and she sounded okay, sounded like she hadn't been hurt or bitten. But why weren't they in the storm shelter?

They looked at each other, before walking toward the door. Growls sounded close by as Dylan whispered, "Kaitlyn, Hayden. We don't have time for that, come on!"

Hayden looked at the door, then at Dylan before she hissed, "Go. Hide. Me and Kaitlyn need to check this out."

Dylan looked at her, but at seeing there was no changing her mind, he whispered, "Be careful," before he turned and headed for the kitchen, slipping inside. Where he would be safe—for now.

Assured at that, Hayden raced to the door, Kaitlyn right behind her, as Abi yelled, "Here! Silver shells!"

From underneath the door, shotgun shells filled with silver rolled out across the floor, Hayden side-stepping them as Kaitlyn shouted, "Hey! I'm here!"

"Grab the shells, Kaitlyn!" Hayden yelled before she asked, "Nora! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but Hayden! That vial you found—it's full of werewolf's blood!" Nora revealed.

Hayden frowned. "What?"

"Werewolf's blood! That's what the hunters threw at you and Kaitlyn! To protect you guys! It smells awful, but it can camouflage your scent! Use it, Hayden!" Nora roared.

Hayden blinked, the words processing as she yelled, "Okay!"

"USE IT!" Nora screamed as Hayden ran away, following Kaitlyn—just as the werewolf lunged into sight.

"Oh God!" Hayden cried out, staggering back, as the werewolf turned to them. It growled and lunged at them. Without thinking, Hayden shoved Kaitlyn out of the way as the werewolf now tackled her, snapping and growling as Hayden struggled to fight it off. It's teeth lunged for her neck before Hayden stabbed it in the throat, the werewolf yelping as hot, stinking blood sprayed on her face and Hayden kicked it off. As it did, it shook its head before frowning in confusion as it sniffed for her—after her face was drenched in blood. Its blood.

"Werewolf's blood," Hayden whispered, before the werewolf lunged for her again and Hayden ducked, avoiding being tackled by it again. As she did, she got to her feet and tackled it into a table, sending it crashing to the floor.

"Hayden! Get out of the way, I can't get a clear shot!" Kaitlyn screamed—but her voice attracted the werewolf's attention.

NO! Hayden thought as she grabbed the vial and, before she could second guess, tugged the cork off with her teeth and dumped the contents over her head.

Blood poured down, sinking into her hair and dripping over her face. The potent smell made her gag, but she could see it working as the werewolf paused, sniffing and snarling in confusion as Hayden lunged for the werewolf and jumped on its back, slamming the knife into its fur as she now recognised it—this was the werewolf that attacked her and Kaitlyn and Dylan in the scrapyard, that had almost killed them or bitten them. And, though it was crazy, maybe this was the werewolf that bit Nick, that transformed him into a monster. That took her brother away from her and twisted him into something he wasn't.

At that, rage burned as the werewolf bucked her off, sending Hayden crashing into the ground, but that was what she wanted.

As the werewolf towered over her, Hayden lunged up and thrust the knife into its heart before she used her now-free right hand to grab the silver bracelet and jam it down its throat—as its teeth reflexively clamped down into her arm.

Hayden bit back a scream as fiery pain flooded her, infection beginning to seep into her bloodstream, before the wolf started to choke on the silver and yelp in pain. Hayden glared at it with hatred as she ignored the pain and shoved the bracelet further down its throat, pain searing her further, the infection sinking further into her blood, hissing as she stared into it's yellow eyes, "This is for my brother, asshole."

As the werewolf began to claw at its throat, it ripped its teeth out of Hayden's arm and she stumbled away, turning to Kaitlyn and screaming, "Shoot it, Kaitlyn! NOW!"

Kaitlyn didn't hesitate, aiming the shotgun and shot it in the chest point blank.

The werewolf stumbled back, yelping in pain and growling before it collapsed to its knees. As it did, Hayden rushed to Kaitlyn's side, her arm having stopped bleeding but that was as far as the fast healing got as they crept closer to the werewolf now lying on the ground, twitching in death throes before it choked up and spat out the bracelet, the silver shining as the knife was still lodged in its heart.

Hayden stalked forward, not afraid now as she yanked it out, blood spurting slowly as she watched it twitch and writhe before, finally, laying still.

Kaitlyn's face contorted as she snarled, "Fuck you! We got you motherfucker! We got you!"

Hayden only gave a cold look at the werewolf before she thrust the knife into its heart again, panting as she snarled, "Rot in hell, son of a bitch."

She yanked it back out, standing to her feet as she checked the bite, still bloody and savage, but there were no black lines and she didn't feel aggressive, didn't feel the searing pain of infection slithering through her veins, changing her from the inside out. Not that she would—the infection had died with that werewolf. She was still human.

She would leave with her life and the scars.

That was when the kitchen door creaked open and Dylan stepped back out, holding a... frying pan?

Looking at him, Hayden called out, "Lower the frying pan, Rapunzel. It's dead now."

Dylan did—just as the werewolf twitched.

Hayden jumped, clutching onto Kaitlyn as Dylan hurried over to them, staring at them as he asked, "You got it?"

"Yeah. Yeah, we got it. Me and Hayden," Kaitlyn affirmed, Hayden nodding as Dylan took her in.

"Oh my God. Hayden..." he breathed, before he pulled her into a tight hold.

Hayden accepted it, wincing at the pain flowing from her wounded arms as Dylan whispered, "You're okay. You are okay, right? You're not..."

Hayden shook her head. "No. We killed it right after it bit me."

"Yeah, after Hayden shoved Abi's bracelet into its mouth and had it choke on it like a badass," Kaitlyn informed as Hayden pulled away, leaning on Dylan as her wounded arm dangled.

"Right before you shot it down like a badass as well," Hayden complimented.

Kaitlyn grinned, before it fell as the events of tonight fell upon them all—they'd gotten out alive. They were wounded—her and Dylan most of all—and would bear scars for the rest of their lives, but they were alive, and so were Abi and Nora and hopefully everyone else. And, if that werewolf was the werewolf who bit Nick and Sarah instead of Chris, then they were cured just like she and Dylan were. But the three of them had made it. They had made it.

A sob shuddered out of Hayden as she pulled Dylan and Kaitlyn into hugs, the three of them collapsing as their respective weapons fell out of their grasps, holding onto each other as they sobbed and laughed and were just happy they were alive.

That was when the door creaked open and footsteps rushed over before two more pairs of arms encircled around them—Nora and Abi.

Hayden just laugh-sobbed harder as Nora and Abi joined in, all of them holding each other and just relieved they'd made it. They were alive.

"Hey," Nora whispered and having Hayden look at her, seeing blood streaked across her face and in her hair as she smiled and went on, "What you and Kaitlyn did was very final girl."

Hayden choked out a laugh as Kaitlyn observed, "You look like you did that too."

Nora laughed quietly, before she hugged them tighter. As they hugged her tighter—the final girls holding each other, all of them holding each other.

They were alive. They had made it.

They were alive.


This was fun

No, but seriously, I loved writing this chapter so much!! Along with the scrapyard, this is where Hayden finally got her final girl moment with her and Kaitlyn evading Caleb while Nora and Abi helped them with Abi giving Kaitlyn the shells and Nora telling her about the blood and she finally used it!!

I really loved writing that moment of Hayden just going all out on stabbing Caleb, then shoving the bracelet down his throat and having him choke on it (and she was right, since I think Caleb DID bite Nick and Sarah, so she got revenge for her brother) but not without being bitten in the process (which is all good, since Caleb died and  Hayden's still human and now just has some wicked scars) before Kaitlyn shot him. It was a team effort between our final girls >:)

And yeah, they all hugged and just... processed they made it and are alive, along with Nora and Abi because I'm shocked Abi didn't come out and reunite with Dylan and Kaitlyn in the walkthrough I watched sooner, so here she did along with Nora. And yeah, the final girls hugged each other (Laura, Allison and Emma will join in soon)

Speaking of Allison... we're back with her next chapter!! And we're getting into the end—only a few more chapters left!! (and some expected reunions) Are you excited?? 

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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