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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Reunion

(Ending, Part 2)


The rumble of an engine told the five inside the lodge of who arrived first.

After resting and taking in they'd survived the night, Nora and Kaitlyn as the only ones not injured took Caleb into the nurse's station, where Hayden waited inside to put a sheet over him. In the light of day, she could understand that if Caleb had bitten Nick, then he wouldn't have wanted that—wouldn't have wanted to inflict this curse upon anyone else. That if they'd all stayed in the lodge, perhaps it could have been avoided. The bites, his death... everything.

So Hayden rested the sheet over Caleb Hackett as Nora whispered a farewell, Kaitlyn lingering by the door before they left the room, Hayden gently closing the door and leaving Caleb inside until they could tell authorities about what happened. To hope that they'd believe what Hayden and Kaitlyn had done was a matter of self-defence, of saving those they cared about.

In the dining hall, Abi, Hayden and Dylan rested as Kaitlyn rechecked their injuries, and as she did Hayden murmured, "Dylan, if Ryan's alive and he comes back, given everything that happened... then take the chance to tell him how you feel. Don't leave it too late", Dylan nodding as he held her shoulders with his right arm, that was when they heard that rumbling engine.

The five of them looked at each other in confusion before they stood up and walked to the door leading to the entrance of the balcony, where the van was.

And where an unfamiliar car was driving in.

Hayden, Abi, Nora, Kaitlyn and Dylan shared confused glances as they stood on the balcony, watching as the car came to a stop before two doors opened...

And out of them came Laura and Ryan, Allison following a heartbeat behind. All of them covered in sweat and blood and Laura wearing an old-fashioned dress and a few arrows missing from Allison's quiver as she limped slightly, but they were standing there. They were all alive.

Hayden didn't hesitate, launching herself down the stairs as everyone else followed, Nora and Abi going at a slower pace as Hayden got to the bottom first and ran to Allison, tackling the shorter girl in a hug.

"You're alive!" she yelled, a laugh-sob building in her throat as she held Allison tightly. "Oh my God, you're alive!"

Allison chuckled wetly, her arms snaking around Hayden. "A little bit bloody and a little bit stabbed, but I'm alive."

The girls pulled back, where Allison immediately noticed Hayden's new wound on her right arm.

"Shit, Hayden, what happened?" she demanded.

"I got bitten, but it's okay. Me and Kaitlyn killed him, before infection could take," Hayden told her.

Allison looked thoughtful. "I know. Me and Laura made sure of it."

Before Hayden could ask—or wonder if she should ask—Kaitlyn tackled Allison with a hug, nearly toppling her to the ground as Allison hugged her back, Nora and Abi right behind her and smiling as Hayden turned to Laura, smiling at her—for even though they weren't friends and doubted they would be, she was glad she was alive.

Laura smiled back, before her eyes found her bitten arm and she mouthed, "Didn't get it cut off?"

Hayden just shook her head and grinned before pointing to her left eye. Laura grinned, winking with the left eye that must have come back thanks to the werewolf healing.

As Nora and Abi pulled away from hugging Allison, who eyed Abi's ankle critically, that was when Dylan and Ryan reunited, hugging each other tightly before pulling back.

Then, to everyone's surprise and delight—well, delight in Hayden's case—Ryan grabbed Dylan's face in his hands and kissed him.

Hayden let out a shocked, delighted gasp as Dylan's eyes widened in shock before he sank into the kiss, his remaining hand holding Ryan's face as everyone grinned and cheered and clapped, as delighted as Hayden as Ryan and Dylan finally, finally, shared what they felt for each other and kissed outside of Truth and Dare.

Leaning over to a grinning Allison, Hayden whispered, "Did you give Ryan a nudge?"

"Me and Laura," Allison whispered back. "You give Dylan a nudge?"

Hayden nodded, turning back and whooping as, considering she'd been the one trying to get them to confess and be together for months, took the time to shout a well-deserved, "ABOUT TIME!"

That was when Dylan and Ryan broke apart, grinning and chuckling with everyone else at Hayden's words, Hayden grinning with them.

"Well, I have to agree with Hayden there! It was about time you two finally got over your pining and just kissed."

Hayden's eyes widened as she, Dylan, Ryan, Abi, Allison, Nora and Kaitlyn turned to see Emma and Jacob striding out of the trees, Jacob limping and Emma covered in blood, but they looked like they were in one piece and grinning and, most importantly, alive.

"Holy shit, you're both alive!" Kaitlyn cried out as Nora stared at Emma in shock before, to everyone's surprise, she lunged at the blonde whom she had such a fraught friendship with all summer, holding her tight as Emma, as shocked as they all were, returned the hug.

They stayed locked in the embrace before Nora pulled away, and revealing to Hayden that along with blood, Emma was wearing only torn shreds for clothes.

Hayden's eyes widened as a horrific chill entered her bloodstream as Allison whispered, "Guess me and Ryan were right. She was bitten by Max."

Hayden whirled to her. "How did you know?"

Before Allison could reply, Kaitlyn was launching herself at Jacob, nearly toppling him over as he cried out, "Ah, careful, careful, Kaitlyn! Injured here!"

"You jerk, I thought you were dead!" Kaitlyn yelled, pulling back with tears in her eyes. "And what do you mean injured?"

"His foot was caught in a bear trap, then he was taken by the Hacketts and trapped in a basement cage before me and Ryan let him out," Allison revealed.

"What?!" was the collective exclamation from everyone who wasn't Allison, Ryan, Jacob or Laura.

Jacob nodded. "Yup. That's what happened. Also, having your foot caught in a trap really fucking hurts."

Hayden barked out a laugh and raised her bandaged arms high in the air. "Join the injured club, Jacob."

"Hey, maybe you might need to join my club," Dylan joked before he lifted his stump.

Jacob and Emma's eyes widened.

"Holy shit dude! What the fuck happened to your hand?!" Jacob demanded.

"Yeah, I'm with Jacob here. What happened to you and to Hayden? Also, who's that girl?" Emma asked, pointing to Dylan, then to Hayden, and finally to Laura.

"Hey, don't forgot about me and Abi over here," Allison said before she turned to Nora. "Shit, did you get hurt? You're covered in blood."

Nora shook her head. "Nah, it isn't mine. If I wasn't soaked in blood, I wouldn't be alive."

"What happened, guys? Seriously, I was on the island, then I was attacked and I swore I got bitten by some sort of... monster, then I met Jacob and we were attacked again, then I went back at the fire pit and the lodge and into the van after I couldn't find you guys and... nothing until I saw Jacob again in the woods," Emma questioned, looking confused.

Hayden froze, sharing a wide-eyed look with Kaitlyn, Dylan, Nora and Abi as they realised that Emma was the werewolf in the van, not Nick or Sarah. And by the look on Laura's, Allison's and Ryan's faces, they knew or at least guessed that Max was responsible for biting her until it was confirmed by Emma herself despite her not knowing the werewolf's identity or even that it had been a werewolf that bit her.

"Oh shit. I am really glad I didn't use the silver bracelet on her," Hayden whispered.

Kaitlyn nodded in agreement while Dylan looked pale, remembering how close Emma had come to dying if Kaitlyn had listened to him and used the silver bullet instead of the regular one.

But Hayden decided to ignore it right now, sending that same message to the others. There would be time to explain it all.

Right now, Hayden was just glad that, so far, everyone had survived the night.

"Seriously, what happened?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, Allison said it was werewolves?" Jacob said, frowning in confusion.

"Werewolves?" Emma repeated, looking even more confused.

"We'll explain it all later. Right now, I think we're all just glad you're alive," Nora said, smiling at Emma. She still looked shocked by the lack of animosity from Nora, but she tentatively returned the smile.

"Yeah, Nora's right. We're all alive and soon we'll be able to leave when help comes," Abi said hopefully.

"That's right—you guys got a message out, right?"  Kaitlyn remembered, looking at Ryan and Dylan.

Ryan nodded. "Yeah. Guess we just have to wait and see."

As silence descended, Emma asked, "Wait, where are Nick and Sarah? And seriously, who is that lady in the frumpy dress and holding the gun?"

"I asked them that too," Jacob muttered to her, pointing to Allison and Ryan, the latter still standing close with Dylan.

"I'm Laura Kearney," Laura introduced before any of them could, a rueful smile on her face. "I was supposed to be one of the counsellors along with you guys."

Emma's and Jacob's eyes lit with dim recognition at her name as Allison said, "Okay, I think we should all head to the stairs since three of us, including me, have injures regarding their legs and shouldn't be standing any longer."

Hayden didn't argue on that, as Kaitlyn supported Abi and Emma did with Jacob, all of them heading to the stairs and sitting down, with Dylan and Ryan sitting together while Hayden sat on the bottom step. Allison checked Abi's ankle and Jacob's foot, brow scrunched up as Kaitlyn looked at her leg before both took one of Hayden's arms and checked her arms, while Jacob and Emma fired questions on what happened to her and to Dylan's hand and why Nora was covered in blood and what did Allison and Ryan mean by telling Jacob werewolves were responsible?

Dylan laughed at that. "Oh man, you guys don't know the half of it."

As Emma and Jacob were about to let loose another volley of questions—or before the eight who knew what really attacked them could ask each other what happened after they'd split up at the pool house—Abi leaned forward and frowned as she asked, "Hey, is that...?"

They all turned and Hayden's eyes widened as she saw a figure walk out of the woods.

A familiar figure, covered in blood and wearing torn shreds of her pink shirt and blue jeans, her Converse sneakers long disappeared, walking up to the lodge as the dawn haloed her in gold.

Nora rose to her feet, eyes wide as she breathed, "Sarah?"

The figure looked up, strands of blood-matted blonde hair sliding over wide blue eyes. "Nora?"

"SARAH!" Nora screamed, launching herself off the stairs and running to Sarah as the blonde ran to her, the two colliding in the middle in a tangle of limbs and sobs and laughter, Nora holding Sarah close as she pressed kisses over her forehead, her hair, every inch of her.

"You're back!" she sobbed, clutching her closer. "You're really back!"

"I'm back," Sarah whispered, returning Nora's kisses. "I'm back, darling."

Nora laughed again, holding Sarah's face as she said, "I love you too. I love you so much, Sarah Coleman. I love you with everything in me and I'm so glad I can finally say it back to you."

Sarah only kissed Nora back, gently stroking some of Nora's blood-soaked curls out of her face before she peered around and saw everyone there.

"Oh my God, everyone's alive!" she exclaimed, as she and Nora got up. When she did, Sarah's eyes immediately found Hayden and Emma.

"Hayden! Emma!" she cried out, running to them and crushing first Hayden into a hug, then Emma, before she noticed Hayden's arm.

"Hayden, what—" Sarah started but Hayden interrupted, "I'm okay. But Sarah, we did it! You're cured now and so is Emma and Laura and me and Nick!"

Sarah's eyes widened. "You did? I didn't think..."

"No, we did, babe. We did," Nora assured before she looked at Allison, Ryan and Laura. "We did, right?"

The three looked at each other before nodding.

"Yeah, we did it," Laura confirmed.

Nora's eyes shuttered. "Chris..."

Ryan and Allison looked down as Hayden's heart spiked in sympathy for Ryan, Dylan holding Ryan close as Sarah frowned and asked, "What about Mr. H? And hey, aren't you the eyepatch lady that shot Kaylee? When did your eye grow back? And why are you wearing that hideous dress?"

"Wait, she shot Kaylee Hackett?" Jacob questioned as Emma murmured, "I was thinking that dress is hideous... Also, what are you talking about with Kaylee and Chris? And where were you, Sarah?"

"Long story," they all said in unison, before Hayden looked at Sarah and asked, "Nick..."

Sarah shook her head. "Haven't sene him since the pool house. We kinda... went our separate ways."

Hayden slumped, Kaitlyn giving her hand a squeeze as Laura did the same with Allison, before Dylan said, "He has to be coming back, right? I mean, if he's cured like Sarah..."

"Then he's human as well," Sarah finished as she leaned against Nora, their hands intertwining before her nose wrinkled. "Nora, you smell."

Nora laughed before kissing Sarah. "That smell saved my life last night, you know."

Sarah frowned in confusion as Kaitlyn looked around before saying, "Guys, I know we're all happy about surviving and all, but I think we need to explain some things to Jacob and Emma."

Allison nodded as she turned around and said, "Jacob, what me and Ryan said back in the basement was true."

"It was?" Jacob asked, eyes wide as he looked at her, then at Hayden and finally at Sarah. "So Nick..."

"Yep," Allison confirmed, before looking at Laura to pick it up from there.

Laura accepted, saying, "I'm Laura Kearney—I was supposed to be one of the counsellors here along with my boyfriend, Max. We got here one night early and got involved in a whole lot more shit we were prepared to deal with..."

Laura trailed off, staring off into something in the distance.

"Laura? Is it Max?" Abi asked, thinking her attention was on her boyfriend coming out of the woods after getting off the island, Hayden thinking the same.

Until Kaitlyn murmured, "Hayden. Allison."

Hayden and Allison turned around.

And Hayden's heart stuttered inside her chest as she saw who came out of the woods, saw someone who, while covered in blood and wearing torn clothes, she'd recognise anywhere, would recognise him even in the darkness.

"NICK!" she screamed, getting to her feet and leaping off the stairs, sprinting to Nick as he turned to her, barely able to brace himself before Hayden tackled him, narrowly avoiding having them both collapsing to the ground.

But Hayden hardly cared, nor did she care about the pain throbbing from her arms or the burn in her eyes and the thickness in her throat, all she cared about was that Nick was here, he was human again, he was back, he was her brother again, her twin was back and the phantom ache of his parting was healed up, Nick was back, the brother she loved so much was back, her other half was back, Nick was back.

"You're back," she sobbed. "You're really back."

Despite the shock of Hayden barreling into him, Nick wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him. Hayden didn't care about the blood on him or that he was mostly naked, just focused on holding Nick so tight he wouldn't disappear again, that she wouldn't have to lose him again and fear losing him forever.

"I'm back," he assured, before adding, "Though I don't know why..."

Pulling back slightly, Hayden looked at Nick, seeing the puzzlement in his face as she asked, "Nick, what do you remember? After the bite?"

"It's a little foggy. I remember getting back to the bonfire, then to the lodge and that hunter guy in the lodge. Dylan's hand being chopped off and the pool, then..." Nick frowned, trying to remember. "It's all hazy. I think I..."

At that, a look of horror came over his face as he pulled away from Hayden, staring at her with that horror. "Hayden, what did I do? What did I do to you and Allison? Is she okay? Did I..."

"She's fine—and was hellbent on bringing you back after what happened," Hayden assured, resting her hand on his arm to comfort him. But that was her left arm and Nick flinched away, staring at the dark lines underneath the bandages as his face blanched.

"Hayden, did I... I think I..."

"In your defence, that wasn't you. And I kinda shot you before you clawed me, so we're even there," Hayden said, trying to joke, but Nick still looked horrified.

"I... I hurt you Hayden. I hurt Allison. I wouldn't, and I tried to stop myself, but I... I still..."

"Nick, it. Wasn't. You," Hayden insisted, holding his face in her hands so he could meet her eyes, as Nick registered the bite on her arm, the blood all over her face. Concern and brotherly rage flashed over his face at seeing it, warring with the horror of what he'd done underneath the werewolf curse, as Hayden met his eyes squarely and continued, "It was the curse or infection or whatever, okay? We both know you'd never hurt me or Allison willingly, not without something twisting you beyond belief, that you could never be that person of your own volition, and the fact you tried to fight the curse speaks volumes of who you really are in your core. But I'm okay and Allison's okay, and we're all okay. We're okay."

At that, Hayden pressed her forehead against Nick's before she hugged her brother, murmuring, "We're okay."

At that, Nick held her, leaning his head down to bury in her shoulder as she held him and he mumbled, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"It's okay.It wasn't you, Nick. I'm okay. We're okay. We're gonna be okay. It's over now. We're all gonna be okay. We're okay," Hayden soothed, holding her brother.

She knew there would be guilt—guilt over how his werewolf self had scratched her, guilt over how she shot him—and perhaps lots of hugs and tears and trust rebuilt between them, but Hayden was willing to work through it together, and in the way Nick held her, he was too. That in this moment, she knew she was right. They would be okay.

They would be okay.

Finally, they pulled away and returned back to the others, Hayden remaining close to Nick—she refused to leave his side, terrified her brother would transform again and disappear forever, never to be saved again—as Allison stood, staring at Nick. Nick stared at her too, fear over his face as he tensed, the twins watching Allison walk slowly down the steps and stand there, still looking at Nick.

Then, her blank face shattered as tears welled in her eyes and she ran at Nick, launching herself at Nick and hugging him, legs and arms wrapped around him as Nick staggered back, not expecting it just like he hadn't expected Hayden's tackle-hug.

"Allison, I..." Nick started to apologise, but Allison whispered, "I know. But it wasn't you. I know it wasn't you. And I'm just happy that you're back. The real you, the one I love."

At that, a shadow of a smile creased Nick's mouth. "The one you love, huh?"

Allison smiled, before she pulled back slightly—then dove back in for a kiss.

At that, shouts of surprise came from Emma and Jacob as the rest of them grinned, Hayden as happy for Allison to be reunited with Nick as she had been, as Nora and Sarah had been. Nick returned the kiss, holding Allison around the legs as they kissed passionately before needing to draw breath, the both of them smiling as Alliosn pulled back her arms and legs and Nick let her go, Allison landing on the ground with a wince.

Nick noticed, hovering over her. "Allie—"

"I'm okay. Nothing a little time can't fix," Allison assured, leaning against him.

"She said the same thing back at the house, after..." Laura said, before she clamped her mouth shut.

"After what?" Kaitlyn questioned as Hayden, Nick, and Allison walked back to the others.

"After I got stabbed and Laura bit me so I wouldn't bleed to death," Ryan explained.

"You were WHAT?!" Hayden and Dylan yelled in unison, turning to Ryan as they all gaped at him and Laura in shock, then at Allison who simply held her hands and said, "Hey, it was gonna be temporary. And he survived."

Despite the flippancy of her tone, something trembled underneath as Dylan pulled Ryan closer, the slightly shorter boy saying, "Guess we're even, huh?"

Dylan huffed a laugh. "Guess so."

He grinned at Ryan before they kissed again, making Sarah gasp as Nick frowned and asked, "Did I miss something last night?"

"No, this is recent," Hayden assured as the three of them sat back down on the steps, Hayden and Allison close to Nick.

Silence descended as they all soaked in the dawn's light and that they were all alive. Sure, six of them were injured and would bear those injuries for the rest of their lives, the scars that would last with them, and three of them only survived because they'd been infected and two of them had turned, and Hayden and Nick would need to patch their trust again, but that didn't even seem to matter in the dawn and the simple fact they'd all survived. They'd all gotten through the night and to the other side and, thanks to Ryan, Allison, Laura, Kaitlyn and Hayden, Nick and Sarah and Laura and Emma and Ryan and Hayden were all human, that they did not need to worry about turning into werewolves when the next full moon rose.

They were all alive.

The silence lasted for a minute before Emma spoke up and said, "Uh, not to ruin the moment or anything, but do you think we can raid the minivan and me, Jacob, Sarah and Nick can get some clothes? I don't know about you guys, but I for one don't want to be borderline naked anymore."

At the question, the normal question after such an horrifying night, they all looked at each other and laughed, Emma joining in as their laughter rang out across Hackett's Quarry.


The minivan spilled out bags, their contents also spilling forth, like entrails from a corpse a few minutes later.

Hayden stood next to Nick, who wore a fresh pair of jeans, a graphic shirt and a new pair of sneakers while Sarah sported a Taylor Swift folklore merch shirt, Allison nodding in approval, shorts and thongs—or flip-flops, as they called them in America—while Emma wore a one-shouldered green crop top, capris and slip-on sneakers while Jacob wore a short-sleeved shirt and jeans, not wearing any shoes due to his injury. As they'd changed one by one inside the lodge as a matter of privacy, they all got off the stairs with the exception of Abi and Jacob and hovered around the stairs, as if wondering what happened next. The van was still broken, and help was probably coming. Should they just wait, then?

As she looked at everyone, Hayden asked, "What do we do now?"

At the question, they all looked each other. They'd survived the night and everyone had been reunited and Nick, Sarah, Max and Laura had been cured, with no more fears any of them would turn into werewolves the next full moon.

So where did that leave them?

 Nora frowned, before she said, "I guess we can wait for help to come, like Abi said."

"Yeah, I guess we can do that," Sarah commented. "Especially with most of us being injured, so we can't exactly go anywhere."

Emma's  eyes widened. "Wait. What about Mr. Hackett? He said he'll be back soon, right? Why are waiting for the cops to arrive then?"

"Yeah, and someone will have to tell him about him Kaylee," Sarah agreed, before looking at Laura and adding, "And keeping him from killing you since you shot his daughter dead."

At that, Hayden, Dylan, Ryan, Kaitlyn, Nora, Allison and Abi winced before Kaitlyn said, "Uh, guys?"

"Yeah?" Emma and Sarah replied.

"Chris is... kinda the one responsible for all of this," Nora revealed.

"Wait what? What do you mean?" Sarah pressed, still looking confused.

"Well, uh—"

"Chris was a werewolf who bit you and Nick and Laura's boyfriend," Kaitlyn cut in.

Sarah, Emma and now Jacob looked in shock.

"What?!" Sarah exclaimed. "No, you're kidding. Right?"

"No, we're not," Hayden murmured, wincing at the shocked and betrayed look on Sarah's face, at how Emma and Jacob still looked shocked and confused, Nick also looking shocked and confused.

"Okay, I think we need to do some explaining here," Abi said, looking around at those who knew.

"Right. So, uh, Laura and Max got here one night early and..." Hayden started, before she looked at Laura. "Laura, should Max have left the island by now?"

Laura's eyes widened, tuning to the woods. "He should have."

"You don't think..." Nora murmured,

"No. No, he's alive," Kaitlyn insisted, giving Laura an assuring look.

"Yeah, but..." Laura said, before her voice trailed off and she froze.

"Laura?" Ryan asked as Laura stood up and they all turned to see a man walking out of the woods, wearing a pink, black and white hoodie and jeans just a bit too small, a pink baseball cap on his head, eyes locked on Laura.

"Laura," he breathed.

"Max," Laura whispered, before she rushed toward him and as he ran toward her and they met halfway, crushing each other in a tight hug, holding each other so close it was like if they let go the other would be gone, of relief that the other was okay and that Laura had done it and freed him of the curse, that after everything she'd succeeded and saved him. 

When they pulled back, Laura kissed Max before they went back to the others as Max looked at Laura and asked, "Who are these people, hun?"

"We're your fellow counsellors," Hayden revealed.

"Well, we would be if..." Dylan added on, as Hayden jabbed him in the ribs and Ryan hissed, "Dude."

"What?" Dylan whispered, as Hayden and Ryan rolled their eyes in unison.

"Okay, can one of you explain something? We're still left out on the loop here," Emma cut in.

The ones who knew the full truth looked at each other as Max asked, "What's going on?"

Laura sighed. "Look, the truth is—"

That was when the police sirens started blaring.


This chapter was nice to write 🥰

No, but seriously, I loved writing all of the reunions (even if there's many, MANY explanations in store) so much!!! I loved writing the beginning reunion (and yeah, the girls moved Caleb's body and covered him up to give him some peace), and the RYLAN KISS!!! I loved writing that a lot and everyone being so ecstatic!!

And yes, Nora hugged Emma and was happy she survived and they're all happy she and Jacob survived!! (let's see how long that lasts before Jacob comes clean why they with the exception of Max and Laura were stuck there...)

AND NORA AND SARAH REUNITED!!! I loved them reuniting so much 🥰...

... but not as much as the Hayden and Nick reunion!! The twins are finally reunited!! And yes, there's some pain with Nick feeling guilty about having hurt Hayden and Allison, werewolf curse twisting him to do it or not, and that Hayden did shoot him and reworking through the guilt and trust there, but they love each other so much and I can say they can, that while there will be some bad days, they will be close again 

And the Allison and Nick one!! I loved writing it and them kissing and Allison just being relieved that killing Silas brought Nick back to her, just like it did for Hayden and Nora, before they all reunite and the ones who need clothes get clothes on, of them dropping the Chris Hackett bombshell and writing the Max and Laura reunion!! (because they deserved to reunite in the game with everyone else surviving)

But now the police are here before things could be explained!! And things are gonna get serious... (I have plans >:) )

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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