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"WHERE had you gone off to earlier?"

Freya's question stirred Theon out of his trance. They were striding through the halls of Winterfell, planning to visit Bran that evening. Theon had just rode back from outside Winterfell's walls, where he had a special meeting with a long-lost friend. He was going to miss Ros, and truthfully, he was sad to see her go. At least he had Selene to fuck.

"I was saying goodbye to an old friend," he finally responded.

Freya smirked. "I know you went to see Ros," she chuckled, earning a look of shock from Theon. "I'm no idiot, brother. News travels fast around these walls, especially when all the men are groaning about how their favorite Northern whore is leaving for King's Landing."

Theon was going to reply, but as they began to pass through the great hall, they noticed a figure on the floor. The Wildling woman from before – Osha was her name – gathered straw from the ground and began to sort through it. Robb had made the decision to keep her alive and was now keeping her as a servant.

Freya tried to pull her brother away as he stepped in back of Osha, and she knew he was trying to cause trouble. She couldn't manage to move him as he said aloud, "You're a very lucky girl. Do you know that?"

Osha looked over her shoulder at the Greyjoy siblings and slowly nodded.

"Where we come from, we don't show mercy to criminals." Theon continued. "Where we come from, if someone like you attacked a little lord – what would we do, sister?"

He was looking at her jokingly, knowing that she was not for playing his game. Freya replied in a bored tone, "At low tide they'd lay you on your back on the beach, your hands and feet chained to four stakes. The sea would come in closer and closer. You'd see death creeping toward you a few inches at a time. Truly, terrifying really."

Osha wiped at her nose. "Where is it you two come from?"

"The Iron Islands," Freya answered.

"They far away?"

Theon scoffed. "You've never heard of the Iron Islands?"

"Trust me, you've never heard where I'm from neither."

Freya laughed. "That's probably very true." Osha had looked over again and sent Freya a smile.

"Trust me, my Lord." Theon challenged, walking forward. Freya raised a brow. "You're not living in the wilderness anymore. In civilized lands, you refer to your betters by their proper titles."

Freya frowned. "Theon –"

"And what's that?" Osha questioned.

"Lord," Theon gestured to Freya, "and my sister here is addressed as my Lady."


"Why?" Theon was taken aback. "What do you mean, 'why?' Our father is Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands. Freya is next in line for his title."

Freya rolled her eyes, wanting to be kept out of his rant.

"What's that got to do with you?" Osha asked, continuing to sort through the straw at her feet. "If your father's lord, how can you be lord too?"

"Freya will first become Lady and Queen of the Iron Islands, and I will become Lord after –"

Osha's mouth twisted. "So you're not Lord now?"

"No, you –" Theon frowned. "Are you having a go at us? Is that it?"

Freya put up her hands. "I'm not involved in this."

"I just don't understand how you Southerners do things."

Freya took a step to stand beside her brother. "Oh, we're not Southerners –"

"You're from South of the Wall," Osha clarified. "That makes you a Southerner to me."

Theon grinned, moving closer to the Wildling. Freya tried dragging him back, but he only pulled her along with him. "You're an impudent, little wench, aren't you?"

"Couldn't say, my Lord." Osha sighed, resting her knees on the ground to relax herself. "Don't know what impudent means."

"It's okay," Freya patted her shoulder. "Neither does he."

Theon jabbed his sister in the arm. "I do too! Impudent – it means rude, disrespectful." He kneeled down beside the Wildling, grabbing for her leg. "You want to lose that chain?"

Freya's mouth fell open. She ripped her brother away as he tried merging his lips with Osha's. "Don't you dare –"


Freya pulled her brother to his feet, her nails digging into his clothing so hard that he could feel them piercing his skin. He tried to rid himself of her grip, but she held him hard. Theon stood upright at the voice, and both looked up to see it was Maester Luwin.

"This lady is our guest." Luwin said, more calmly this time.

Theon glared towards Osha. "I thought she was our prisoner."

"Are the two mutually exclusive in your experience?"

Freya gestured to Theon, holding him tighter than ever before. "I apologize for my brother's actions, Maester Luwin. We will be going now." She tugged on his arm, pulling him out of the room.

They began to walk down the dingy halls once again before Freya stopped her brother and pointed a finger at him. "What is wrong with you?" She exclaimed. "You are done harassing others in this castle. Do you understand? We're not Lords in this castle. Maybe on the Iron Islands, but not here. We're hostages."

"We're wards," Theon muttered.

"Jaime Lannister once told me that they are the same difference, and as much as I want to disagree with a Kingslayer, it's true." She jabbed her finger into his chest. "Best not do it again, brother."


Selene could not control her affections. She let Theon Greyjoy ride her to his heart's content, just because she enjoyed the feel of him and only him inside her. She wasn't sure if what she felt was love, or just simple lust. Selene had been taught the art of lust her entire life, but love? That seemed like a feeling completely foreign to her.

She would always feel inadequate when Theon wouldn't lay with her after he was finished. It made her feel like she wasn't enough, even though he always came back. The two usually snuck off whenever Freya was gone or during early hours of the night in his chambers.

Theon's power always made Selene's dark skin go aflame, but did she want more? Most likely.

After they rode out their highs, Selene was surprised that Theon was laying beside her. He breathed out heavily, rubbing his hand over his forehead. Selene reached over for her goblet of wine on the table beside her, and she took a heavy sip from it. The time was around early morning, and Lady Freya was sleeping soundly in her bed. Selene wished she could've slept in Theon's bed for the rest of the night, but she would always be either a whore or a handmaiden, and thus she was confound to a cot in her lady's room.

"You seemed very excited tonight," she drawled, sitting up against his pillows as she sipped the wine. "You haven't asked for me in weeks."

Theon viewed up at the dark-haired beauty. "Ros left yesterday." He sighed, moving to sit at the edge of his bed. "Have to make the best of it."

So, there it was. He only wanted her now because Ros left the North. "Can't say I'm surprised," Selene mumbled, setting down her drink. She pulled on her undergarments, and then her clothes. She tied her corset back herself, because Theon would not have done it otherwise.

She was heading for the door when Theon, who was lazily drinking the rest of her wine in his sheets, asked, "May I see you tomorrow night, Selene?"

Selene sighed. Knowing that he'd never cared for her heart, but there was no other way that she could say no to his offer. And this caused her to mutter, "As you wish, m'lord."

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