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FREYA found herself thinking of her brother more often than not. She worried for him, and her father and sister. Something was off. The tide was shifting; the winds howling. She wasn't sure if it was the oncoming winter that would last longer than they hoped, or simply something else. But the air spoke of words that she feared. Something was wrong, and she didn't know if she'd ever figure it out.

Robb began to come up with dozens of solutions to Freya's barrenness. He suggested medical results or taking her to a maester, along with other ideas. His answers scared Freya, and though she didn't exactly want Robb to have a Frey girl as a second wife, it was their only solution. Robb was King, and thus he needed an heir. If Freya couldn't give him that, what would they do? She'd be known as the Warrior Queen Who Bore None, or even a Virgin Queen.

Two boys of House Frey sat in front of her and company in the great hall of Riverrun. Robb clasped his hands on the table, ready to hear the sons' solutions. Freya hoped he was going to bring up the option of a second wife, since they had nothing else left. Black Walder and Lothar Frey sat with glum expressions.

"Thank you for riding here so quickly." Robb thanked. "I know travel isn't easy in these times."

Black Walder smirked. "The roads are crawling with cutthroats and bandits. But when the King of the North summons us, we come."

Lothar then continued his bastard brother's statement, "Our father has instructed us to tell you that his alliance with the North can continue if his terms are met."

Freya and Robb shared a look as she played with the earring in her lobe.

"Lord Frey requires a formal apology for your violation of your sacred oath to marry one of his daughters." Lothar said, his eyes on Freya.

Robb nodded. "Of course, he deserves as much. I was in the wrong."

"We never meant any harm to your father," Freya cut in, her laced hands now on the table. "As we are on this subject –"

Black Walder interrupted, "As restitution for this betrayal, he demands Harrenhal and all its attendant lands."

Edmure's brow creased as he sat forward. "I don't think that's –"

"We are fighting for the North." Robb reminded, raising his voice towards Edmure. "Harrenhal is not in the North. It is his once the war is over and we have no further strategic need for it."

Freya lifted a finger. "Excuse me, Ser Walder and Lothar, if I may continue my previous statement." All eyes were on her now, but Freya did not cower away. "My husband and I would like to offer you a proposal. King Robb did not first marry one of Walder Frey's daughters, but that does not mean this cannot still happen. We have both discussed that we are willing to offer a Frey girl in a position of a second wife."

Robb rubbed at his forehead, regretting his decision to not stop her.

"That will not be needed, Your Grace."

Freya's brow quirked upward at Lothar's reply. "And why not? She is still marrying a King."

"Yes, a King, not the King. She will be a secondary wife, only there for a marriage alliance. Our father wanted his daughter to marry the King in the North, and be his only wife. This will not meet his terms." Black Walder informed, leaving Freya's mouth to drop.

That was it. Her plan was now completely fucked. Robb seemed to have no problem with it though. Gods, what did this man expect? She was declared as barren by a maester; there was no way for her to have his children now. They had not thought about this when they had been proposing this marriage, and she was suddenly lamenting her decision to go along with it to spite her father.

Black Walder continued, "He does, however, have one more term."

"We will do whatever we can to give Lord Frey what he needs." Robb responded, more pep in his voice that made Freya roll her eyes.

"Not what – whom."

Freya realized the brothers were now looking at Edmure, as well as the rest of her company at the table. She turned, staring at him in a confused way.

"What?" Edmure asked, before beginning to laugh hysterically. "No."

"Our father requires Lord Edmure to wed one of his daughters," Lothar said, "Roslin."

Freya quickly sucked down some of the wine in her glass. She felt the air in the room become tense.

"How old is she?" Edmure inquired.


"Could I see her first?"

"You want to count her teeth?" Black Walder chuckled. "We depart for the Twins in the morning. We need an answer before we leave and a wedding not more than a fortnight thereafter, or this alliance is at an end."

The Blackfish scoffed. "Your father does realize we're in the middle of a war?"

"Father is old." Lothar sighed with a fake expression. "It will put his heart at peace if he could see her wed to a good husband."

"And his recent experience has made him wary of long engagements," Black Walder agreed.

Freya nodded her head, whispering, "He has every right to be."

"Please excuse us while we discuss this," Robb proposed, allowing the brothers to silently get up and leave the great hall. They shared a look before departing, and the Stark kin watched them on their way out.

As soon as the door shut, Edmure exclaimed, "Why should I let that old ferret choose my bride for me? At the very least, I should be offered the same choice you were. I'm his liege lord."

Freya stared at her hands. "He didn't even accept the other marriage proposal." She looked up, noticing Edmure standing from his seat. She pounded her fist on the table angrily. "We needed that Frey girl in our family ... for personal reasons."

She glanced to Robb as he said, "Lord Frey is a proud man and we've wounded him."

"I didn't wound him!" Edmure and Freya spat back at once. The Greyjoy then sat back in her seat when she realized Catelyn was giving her odd glares.

"My answer is no," Edmure spoke flatly.

The Blackfish finally stood from his spot and walked over to Edmure. "Listen to me and listen very carefully. You –"

"The laws of gods and men are very clear!" Edmure thundered towards the uncle. "No man can compel another to man to marry!"

Brynden frowned. "The laws of my fist are about to compel your teeth!"

Freya cleared her throat. "It's alright. You heard him," she added. "As much as I don't want it to happen, this must."

Robb continued, "If you refuse, our alliance with the Freys is dead."

"He's wanted me for one of his daughters since I was twelve. He's not going to stop wanting it now." Edmure argued, stepping over to grasp the handles of his chair. "When I say no, he will come back and offer me a daughter of my choosing."

Catelyn's eyes narrowed. "You're willing to risk our freedom and our lives for a chance at a prettier wife?"

Edmure raised his hands in defense, but was cut off by Robb, "We have a war to fight, and we can't win it without them. I have no time to haggle!"

"Didn't you say that you wanted to make amends for the Stone Mill, Lord Edmure?" Freya asked in a mumble. Edmure was now glowering at her.

The Blackfish leaned forward. "Your Queen asked you a question. Do you recall that heroic engagement?"

The room was silent for a beat, and Edmure struggled to reply, "I had something ... less permanent ... in mind."

"I've won every battle, but I'm losing this war." Robb tried to reason with his uncle.

Freya laid a hand on her husband's in comfort. "Although it was not my plan, we need this army. If we don't do this and do it now, we're lost. We might as well forfeit."

Edmure looked at his hands and sighed. He felt all their stares on them, and Freya's teeth began to dig into her lip more and more as Edmure took his time to decide. After a long moment, he muttered, "I'll marry her."

Robb released an exhale of relief. "You're paying for my sins, uncle. It's not fair or right. I'll remember it."

Freya didn't watch Lord Edmure exit the hall. She did, however, feel her husband's hand lace through her own. Freya sighed, wishing she was as relieved as him. They were going to retrieve more men, but Robb would still have no heir. As if on instinct, she felt that something terrible was about to happen because of this.

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