Hoyo battle - that one and this one

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Hoyo Chomi was thinking about Hoyo Nanako again. Hoyo was a malicious vicar with greasy spots and red fingers.

Hoyo walked over to the window and reflected on her dark surroundings. She had always hated very dangerous A Haunted hospital with its talented, tired trees. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel sad.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a malicious figure of Hoyo Nanako.

Hoyo gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a smelly, considerate, tea drinker with ruddy spots and sloppy fingers. Her friends saw her as a mutated, melted monster. Once, she had even rescued a warty deaf person from a burning building.

But not even a smelly person who had once rescued a warty deaf person from a burning building, was prepared for what Hoyo had in store today.

The rain hammered like sitting snakes, making Hoyo worried. Hoyo grabbed a magic knife that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her fingers.

As Hoyo stepped outside and Hoyo came closer, she could see the poor smile on her face.

"I am here because I want revenge," Hoyo bellowed, in a clumsy tone. She slammed her fist against Hoyo's chest, with the force of 1521 ostriches. "I frigging hate you, Hoyo Chomi."

Hoyo looked back, even more worried and still fingering the magic knife. "Hoyo, I want to kill you cause of my brother's death," she replied.

They looked at each other with stressed feelings, like two magnificent, miniature maggots skipping at a very noble funeral, which had orchestral music playing in the background and two considerate uncles bopping to the beat.

Suddenly, Hoyo lunged forward and tried to punch Hoyo in the face. Quickly, Hoyo grabbed the magic knife and brought it down on Hoyo's skull.

Hoyo's greasy spots trembled and her red fingers wobbled. She looked calm, her body raw like a naughty, nice newspaper.

Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Hoyo Nanako was dead.

Hoyo Chomi went back inside and made herself a nice cup of tea.


"I feel like I know Hoyo Chomi. In a way, it feels as though I've always known her."- The Daily Tale"About as enjoyable as being hailed on whilst taking in washing that has been targeted by seagulls with the squits."- Enid Kibbler"Saying the rain hammered like sitting snakes is just the kind of literary device that makes this brilliant."- Hit the Spoof"I could do better."- Zob Gloop


link đây : https://www.plot-generator.org.uk/kcjo36u/two-considerate-uncles-bopping-to-beat.html ;

Điều tôi cảm thấy "rất nguy hiểm" : tôi cũng không biết tại sao nó lại nói mỗi Hoyo mà không nói đủ tên ở một số đoạn.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
