Chapter 6: Discrimination

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A week before Halloween, Harry reached Hogwarts. Of course, since he wasn't allowed to board the train for students to Hogwarts (besides, the train had stopped running since August and wouldn't run again until the next school year), Harry decided to use a more realistic way which is...jogging to the school.

This exercise not only increased his stamina, but also allowed Harry to experiment with special spells he decided to reinvented, reference from Scorpion's spells constructing structure.

Harry used a combination of two smaller spells, in which one spell was used as both itself and the base for the other. This would be impossible to achieve with the current wizarding technology, and even more so for a Squib (without a special casting aid device). Harry, however, can use it by utilizing his own A.I mind as a replacement for the casting aid device.

The spell code goes something like this:

@@ - A16402


                   import lib = require("PhoenixLib");


                   import index =require("index");

                   import pow = require("powerUp");

                  function (index.priority=00) map(event onActivate) {

                                     map.init = null;


                                     var newMap = [,pow.inject(#A16402)];

                                     map.pow = newMap;


                  function (index.priority=00) bodyEnhance(event onActivate, target.object) {


                                    for( i > 0; i < target.object.length; i ++) {

                                                   switch (i){

                                                                        case muscle:

                                                                                  return pow.i.optimize * 1.7;



                                                                                   return pow.i.defense * 1.7;




          all.module.exports = {




Overall, Harry thought this method of training was quite successful, as he was able to reach Hogwarts in less than a day's time.

However, having to do too many repetitive calculations left his head hammering with headaches, plus his body was extremely tired from being drained of energy when he finally set foot on the stone steps inside the building. Harry was surprised that he didn't crawl inside the castle instead. This method of moving is slightly slower than boarding by train, of course, as there is only so much he could do, optimizing his body. The spell was designed, even by the Scorpions, to fight in close combat in a short time anyway.

When he knocked hard on the old wooden door, Harry decided to never use this spell for a prolonged period of time, except in case of imminent emergency. Its dangers far outweigh its benefits.

The one who greeted him was not Professor McGonagall, but a man with shaggy hair, a large build, and a pair of gentle blinking black eyes. He held a candle in one hand, and Harry was reminded of Lieutenant Jured - who also had a muscular build and a cheerful expression - that he used to practice hand-to-hand combat with.

"Are you Harry Potter?" he asked, and when Harry nodded, he held the lantern in front of him. "Follow me. The professors are having an important meeting in the staff room, but they will come out shortly to tell you about your work."

As the two walking down the corridor, the man introduced himself:

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys and Grounds, and Gamekeeper at Hogwarts."

Harry stated:

"Yes. And you already know who I am."

Hagrid went on to say:

"When I brought you two to the Dursleys' front door, you were tiny. Lily and James were really brilliant at magic, I didn't think they could have a Squib child." Although Hagrid tried to avoid the disdain tone in his voice, Harry could feel the pity he felt for him.

The two walked to the end of the hallway, where there was a large oak door. When they got there, the door swung open. About a dozen or so wizards and witches in different colored pointy hats, boots and robes burst out of the room. Harry guessed they were Hogwarts professors Hagrid had been talking about. However, the look that they gave him was either unfriendly or condescending. Several professors whispered to each other in annoyed voices as they went past Harry:

"Why would Dumbledore send another Squib here?"

"Isn't one troublesome enough? And now even two Squibs?"

They didn't even bother to stop at Harry, and some even gave him scornful looks.

Only three wizards stayed behind, waiting for him. One was an old man with a white beard and white hair, wearing a light blue robe dotted with twinkling stars, his blue eyes shining behind half-moon glasses. The person to his right was the professor Harry had met before, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall.

The last professor was someone Harry had never met, and it was impossible to guess who he was. He was tall, thin, and looked like he was barely in his thirties. The professor had pale skin, a huge hooked nose, and shoulder-length hair that resembled two curtains which wrapped around his face. His eyes were black, cold. His thin lips curled up into a nasty smile.

"The youngest child possesses a mediocre mind at best, and the older one is a Squib who can't even use magic. Looks like James Potter won quite the lottery, didn't he?"

"Professor Snape!" Professor McGonagall scowled. Snape didn't say another word, but still shot Harry a malicious look.

"This is Professor Severus Snape. He is the Potion Master at Hogwarts. Potions is a discipline where we create substances with varying effects in cauldrons, do you understand?" Professor McGonagall spoke to him in a soft, but somewhat pitying voice, even tried to explain the subject to him as if he was a three-year-olds, and Harry wasn't sure if he liked her tone or the blunt insults just now better.

"Your job is to make sure the castle is clean, if there's any problem with the castle's condition just let the house-elves know and take care of it. This job doesn't require the actual cleaning, however, sir Argus Filch here, who will be working with you, prefers to clean up by himself. You will also be responsible for preventing and punishing students who break school rules." Professor McGonagall briefly explained the work to him, "In addition, you are also responsible for the maintenance of the school equipment, including brooms, the medals and the annual Quidditch Cups stored in the Trophy Room. The professors will also send you personal requests about the equipment to be arranged for everyday's classes. With the exception of a few cases where students with detention are assigned to such work, the rest of the responsibilities are assumed by the caretaker. You are also responsible for keeping a record of students' misdeeds, and Filch here will show you the document storage shortly. "

Harry began to see that this job of caretaker wasn't as easy as he had first imagined. No wonder that caretaker named Filch didn't want to retire early so someone else could replace him.

The professor took a short breath and continued:

"Mr. Potter, since you're a Squib, we didn't expect you to be able to stop the students' magical pranks. If you happen to see them doing illegal acts, you just need to quickly notify the relevant professors so we can deal with it."

Harry nodded, signaling that he understood.

Suddenly, the old white-haired old man spoke, and he also spoke to Harry in a gentle voice. But to Harry's surprise, this was the first time a wizard was speaking to him as an equal, even with some respect, instead of scorn or pity:

"You will receive a salary of 100 Galleons a month, with the holidays coinciding with the school holidays, if you want, just ask for a leave. I also want you to have your own office, but most of the faculty opposes this idea, so you will be sharing the room with Caretaker Filch."

"Squibs don't have to have their own office. They don't study magic, so what will they do with all the wasted spaces? To store trivial things and junks? This is not just my opinion, but that of more than half of the professors, Headmasters." Snape added, smirked triumphantly. Harry sensed at once that this man just wanted him to be as miserable as possible.

What did he ever do to make him hate him so much? Or is it Adrian's doing?

At this moment, a man with a bald head, bulging eyes, sunken cheeks, who is holding another lantern came to them:

"I am the former caretaker here, Argus Filch. Is that the boy?"

Dumbledore said to Filch:

"Yes, Mr. Filch. I hope you can guide this boy to your office, and show him a place to sleep."

Filch bared his yellowed teeth, then gestured for Harry to follow him. He led Harry all the way down the hall, to an old looking office, with a single flickering lamp illuminating the room. On the wall hung a bunch of chains, which seemed to have been polished and cared for regularly by Filch himself. In the far left corner of the room was a chest of drawers with the names of the students Filch had punished. Two people named Fred and George Weasley have separate drawers dedicated to themselves. Filch instructed:

"The crime of the students, with the confiscated items, put them here. I have organized the files of those brats very carefully. Don't mess with them, do you hear me?"

Before Harry could answer, he pulled his hand back into his living room. There was an old kitchen in the room, a tiny and cramped bathroom in the corner, and a low round table with chairs in the center of the room. All were lit only by a flickering candle. If anything looks new, it's the freshly painted wooden bunk bed in another corner of the room. Harry bet Headmaster Dumbledore had enchanted the upper bunk, because the bunk below still looked the same with all other furniture, which were old and dirty.

"I will be sleeping in the lower bed, you sleep in the upper. The kitchen is on the right hand side, the bathroom's right through that corner, and your wardrobe is here." He pointed to the wooden three-drawer cabinet, which looked much newer than the old identical one next to it. "If you have personal items, put them here. Early in the morning at five, you have to get up to light the torches for all the lights inside the castle. Understand?"

Harry nodded. While Caretaker Filch climbed into bed and slept soundly with his cat, Mrs. Norris, Harry quietly arranged his belongings inside the three-drawer cabinet. Then, he began to open the book on principles of magic, and shone a dim candle over it to read. It doesn't matter how terrible the working conditions are, a genius will still surprise people with his results.

* * *

Inside the headmaster's office, Dumbledore let out a sigh.

It cannot be said how relieved he felt when not only Adrian, but also his brother, Harry, volunteered to go to Hogwarts. The cruel fate seems to have always wanted to tease people. The older brother had to be a Squib who couldn't use magic.

The boy would have had a much happier life if he had continued to live in the Muggle world. Despite his lack of magical abilities, this boy was still an undisputable, world-recognized genius.

But, that didn't stop him from immediately agreeing to give the boy a job in the castle as soon as he asked for it. He even intended to convince Harry to take the job in the first place.

Although in this place, he will face obvious discrimination from both teachers and students in the school, but Harry needs to learn the dangers of constantly being around people who are magically capable, and understands what he need to do to keep himself safe if the Voldemort returns. The boy is very smart, Dumbledore believes he will understand.

Staying at Hogwarts also partly helps him ensure the safety of both brothers, from any dark forces that may target the children. Especially now, when the protective charm he had placed at the Dursleys no longer worked.

(A little explanation from the author: The protective charm that Dumbledore placed on the Harry brothers so that the Death Eaters could not harm them only worked as long as Harry and Adrian still considered the Dursleys as 'home'. However, because Harry reported the Dursleys to the authorities, the spell was no longer effective. However, this charm was different from Lily's mother's protective charm for the two children. Harry and Adrian's mother's protection will continue to exist, with or without Dumbledore's charm.)

If Voldemort ever rose again, and Dumbledore was almost certain of the possibility, he would arrange for Harry to take his adoptive parents away, while Adrian would be the child forced to carry out the Savior duties in the prophecy.

Gently moving the pieces on the stone wizard's chessboard, the old man said quietly:

"Perhaps, I have placed too much burden on these children."

* * *

The next day, after Harry had lit all the lights in the castle, he arrived at Great Hall to have breakfast. However, just as he was about to sit down to get himself a bowl of porridge at one of the teachers' desks, a hand blocked his seat. It was Professor Aurora Sinistra, professor who taught Astronomy (Harry remembered all the teachers' names in just one night after reading the school's staff list):

"I don't want you to misunderstand, but this chair is for professors only. If you're Squib, why don't you go eat with Filch?"

Harry noticed that Filch didn't like eating in the Great Hall. Now he has an answer for why that is.

Harry politely said:

"I see. Excused me, then."

When he turned away, Harry could still hear the mocking giggles of the professors at the table. Of course, in their eyes, Harry was nothing more than a useless second-class citizen. Although wizarding society has advanced in its discriminatory treatment of Muggle-borns, Squib had always been seen as inferior and looked down upon as a source of shame by the wizarding world, because of their stark difference in magical ability.

He caught sight of Professor McGonagall coming into the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry immediately approached her and asked:

"Professor, I know I can't attend classes, but can I go and read books in the school library?"

The teacher was quite surprised at Harry's request, but then shook her head regretfully. The boy hadn't been at work for a day, but she saw right away that this kid was an extremely inquisitive person. If the kid could use magic, and was a real wizard too, he would definitely go far:

"I'm afraid I can't allow that, Mr. Potter. I'm sorry, but the school's rule is that the library can only be used by teachers and students."

Harry bowed his head. He had known in advance that things would not be simple and easy.

Professor McGonagall said, in a serious tone:

"I have a Transfiguration class later, at ten o'clock. I need you to come prepare school supplies for the students at nine. Professor Snape also needs you to prepare for his class, right now. Can you do it?"

Harry replied:

"Yes, I understand."

Then he decided to go straight to the Potions dungeon. Last night, he also took the time to memorize all the locations inside the castle while looking at the school map, so getting there should not be difficult.

Harry didn't know why, but he had a feeling that Professor Snape wouldn't go easy on him if he dared to show up late.

* * *

(Author Explanation on the spells. Do not bash my broken code, since this spell was supposed to be created by an entirely different programming language used by the Scorpions, not by the conventional programming language used by Muggles. The programming language will be introduced in later chapters.)

@ - A16402

//Author note: This is the inject code programmed at Eidos data level


             import lib = require("PhoenixLib");


             import index =require("index");

             import pow = require("powerUp");

//Author note: in the first three line, the necessary library and injected code are imported

             function (index.priority=00) map(event onActivate) {

                               map.init = null;


//Author note: The map function initialize as null, then injected with the mapping code

                               var newMap = [,pow.inject(#A16402)];

                               map.pow = newMap;

//Author note: newMap is assigned the value of all previous mapping, then + the new mapping into the array. The map now will equal to newMap


             function (index.priority=00) bodyEnhance(event onActivate, target.object) {


//Author note: first line reuse the map function, but to a specific object instead of all surrounding.

                                 for( i > 0; i < target.object.length; i ++) {

                                            switch (i){

                                                     case muscle:

                                                                       return pow.i.optimize * 1.7;



                                                                      return pow.i.defense * 1.7;



//Author note: if within the object, there are muscles, then the muscles will be optimized in power 170%, otherwise they will increase defense 170% (in order to not be crushed by too strong muscle).


all.module.exports = {




//Export all modules

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