Chapter 9: An uneven match

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That evening, inside the Great Hall, instead of gradually emptying after dinner, students and professors gathered into crowds, the children seemed nervous, and the adults completely doubted that this would even be a match worth watching.

A red carpet enchanted by Professor Dumbledore was laid in the middle of the Great Hall for the duel stage, just as long rows of wooden tables and chairs were cleaned up, lined on either side of the hall. Both Harry and Percy stood near the door of the Great Hall, each of them was required to read a long stack of parchments and then sign them, which stated that they would obey the Dueling rules at Hogwarts that were proposed nearly two centuries ago when the practice of dueling was still in it's prime. They must not cast any spells that cause too much damage or can cause death to the opponent.

A traditional duel requires permission from the Challenger's Head of House, as well as a suitable time and location (usually outside of study hours), and the match must be witnessed by at least one professor or the Headmaster/Headmistress themselves. All in all, the rules were pretty complicated, so when the popularity of duels dwindled, and after nearly a decade of stress from the war with Voldemort, no one bothered to put in the effort to set up an official duel.

Professor Quirrell stammered to Harry, as he collected the parchment he had signed:


Harry nodded at the poor hooded professor. He didn't know why, but he didn't sympathize much with this teacher. He could almost feel the eerie Psion auras emanating from this person. They are dark, cold, and creepy in color.

Both Harry and Percy stepped out into the middle of the Hall, facing each other. Adrian and Ron looked at Harry nervously. The Weasley twins tried to earn some extra money by organizing a small bet among the students. Almost all of the students immediately bet on Percy, with the only exception being Adrian. Their younger brother Ronnie didn't have a dime to bet on anyone.

Professor McGonagall stood between the two of them, looking extremely angry, and the corners of her eyes were slightly red. Harry knew she was worried for him, even blaming herself for lending him her magical books that led to this fateful duel.

"Greet your opponent," she said grimly, her lips tight.

Both Harry and Percy bowed to each other. Percy put a smug look on his face and bowed to him, while Harry bowed politely.

In the midst of the crowd, Snape whispered to Dumbledore:

"What are you thinking, agreeing to have two children hold a duel in the Great Hall? The Potter's boy, a Squib? As if he didn't get enough attention to inflate his already ginormous ego. He will be utterly defeated. Too proud to know the limitation of his own strength. A Squib claiming to defeat a wizard? Ridiculous!"

Dumbledore shrugged:

"Honestly, I wouldn't be so sure about that, Severus. Besides, I thought I reminded you not to equate Harry and Adrian with James." Dumbledore crossed his arms, but his blue eyes were fixed on Harry, twinkling. He whispered so that only Snape could hear, "I have the feeling that he's not like how he displayed to everyone. He seems more mature than kids of the same age."

Back at the center of the match, Professor McGonagall began the countdown. All eyes were focused on two people standing, facing each other. The tension is almost palpable. Adrian looked around at the other nervous students as he gulped.


Percy swung his wand with the same speed as when Harry raised his hand. But, instead of pointing his hands toward his opponent, Harry crossed both hands in front of him, his eyes closed.

Picture: Harry crossed his hands.

In his mind, Harry has already finished his magic calculations.

For the first one or two seconds, no one uttered a word. The atmosphere of the whole Hall was as tense as an elastic band that had been stretched beyond the limit. People were waiting for Harry to be thrown back, perhaps a few yards away, or knocked unconscious.

But, nothing happened. Two seconds turned into ten seconds. The whispers of the students began to emerge. And not just students in school. Even the professors started throwing confused looks at each other.

Percy, who realized something was wrong with his magic, loudly chanted the spell. At first, he planned to cast a wordless spell to hit Harry's on point, knocking the boy out of consciousness, and he was certain to win. However, nothing happened, causing Percy to worry that the spell wasn't right because he was so nervous. He shouted:


Still, nothing happened. Harry kept his arms crossed before him, looking at Percy coldly.

"Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy!" Percy yelled several more times.

Still no effect at all. Harry just stood and raised his eyebrows at him.

"Come on!" Percy waved his wand, shouting a few more spells. "It won't work at all, professor! My wand has never acted like this before!" He said angrily to Professor McGonagall.

At this moment, the students who were witnessing the duel began to talk. They thought that Percy wasn't serious about dueling a Squib, but those who knew Percy and his magical abilities suggested that Harry had messed with Percy's wand before the match began.

"Student! Please remain quiet while we investigate the situation." shouted Professor McGonagall, raising her wand to cast something to calm down the crowd. But, almost immediately, the professor acted very, very strange. She looked at her wand as if it had just grown another head.

The professors turned to her fellow colleagues, who were watching the match:

"Headmaster, there really is something strange! My wand couldn't cast magic at all!"

Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, and Professor Flitwick all cast spells with their wands, and to their surprise, none of their spells could work. Some students in the crowd watching the match also pulled out their wands to try. Of course, even their own wands also proved to be stubborn and useless.

At this point, all curious looks were on Harry. Dumbledore stepped forward, raising his wrinkled hand:

"Alright, Harry. The match is over. Percy, put your wand down and lead your fellow Gryffindor students to bed. Perfects from each house are also responsible for leading students to their bedrooms."

Percy tried to argue:

"But, professor...!"

Dumbledore looked at him kindly but firmly:

"If you can conjure any magic in front of Harry right now, then naturally, I won't stop you. But as you've tried yourself so far, I can assure you that you can't."

Percy looked at Professor Dumbledore, then at Harry sullenly. He swung his wand again, but when there is still nothing, the guy turned around irritably and walked away toward the Gryffindor students who were making O shapes with their mouths.

Only then did Harry let go of his crossed arms. Dumbledore said to him kindly:

"Harry, could you come up to the staffroom for a moment, please? Explain to us what just happened, would you?"

Harry nodded. He doesn't want to keep this magic a secret for long, anyway.

* * *

Inside the staffroom, which had long wooden benches, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, and a dozen professors were all looking at Harry expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

Filch stood in the corner, Mrs. Norris hovering around his feet. He looked excited for the first time, as if some student had just been caught stealing. Like all other spectators of the match, he had given no false hope that Harry could defeat a real wizard. All his life, he had been trying to get away from this Squib title, but to no avail.

And now the boy had gone and done the unimaginable feast. Filch could not help but rekindle the hope that his chance to change his life was about to come.

Harry scratched his head, looking down at his knees. Dumbledore said slowly:

"Can you explain to me what just happened? How can you nullify all the spells in the Great Hall?"

Harry took a deep breath, then he asked the professors:

"Do you know the Psion wave theory?"

The professors all looked at each other confused. Even Snape, who had read hundreds of thousands of books on magic, gave Harry a puzzled look, because he had never actually heard the concept mentioned in any academic literature.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, nodded leisurely:

"I do know."

The heads of the professors in the staffroom all turned to him. Dumbledore slowly explained:

"Recently, the International Wizarding Confederation has been researching that topic, and they are close to coming up with an official thesis. We have seen the thesis, which is not only solid in terms of evidence but also explains many of the strange things that have happened when magic is performed by any witch or wizard. "

He looked at Harry.

"The author of that treatise and defense report, is it you, Harry Potter?" Dumbledore peered at him behind his half-moon glasses. "I can't think of any other explanation than you were already aware of this theory before it was published."

Harry knew there was no point in denying it, so he nodded.

"That theory explains that magic as we know it is made up of tiny string-waves elements called Psions. Because I have studied String Theory in Physics, I thought that maybe magic is also formed from invisible strings connected together, and these wires act as ropes at times, elastic, while also diffuse as waves."

The professors let out small gasps. Then, very quickly, they were talking loudly among themselves. If this theory really exists, and it is true, then magic will turn to a new page in history with more research deepening and reinforcing, as well as growing more in complexity, or in other words, will completely change the traditional magic that uses the Latin system as its basic core.

Harry watched the professors attentively. He knows well what goes on in their minds, because the planet Scorpio itself has also gone through such revolutionary changes. Magic, without relying on the Latin language, also meant that not only humans could perform it. The invention of androids replaces humans to participate in magic wars to reduce meaningless sacrifices, or robots take on magical work from production to housework. Being able to program the magic inside the machines also means that spaceships will be born to conquer new galaxies.

Although, of course, the magic community here still has a long way to achieving what Scorpions accomplished.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" Dumbledore raises his voice. The whispers around the table gradually quieted down, but it was clear that the professors' faces were filled with excitement and curiosity as they continued to stare in Harry's direction.

Dumbledore put a hand up to stroke his beard, then asked Harry:

"I understand that you have made a very important discovery. But that's still just a theoretical discovery, we haven't even found a way to manipulate this...Psions. Then why does it have to do with the magic you used on Percy?"

Harry looked tense as he answered. In fact, he's not certain that revealing what he can do is a smart move at this early stage:

"Squibs are not completely without magic. They are very different from Muggles, although seeing from the outside they do not. And also because that difference is so small and invisible, Squibs often being overlooked.

Squibs can't control enough Psions to actually create magic, given the traditional Latin system of spells alone, but in essence, they can still create, control, and influence Psions to some extent."

Professor McGonagall only now puts her hand over her mouth in surprise:

"So every time a child can't create magic..."

Harry smiled amusedly:

"It was simply because that child couldn't manipulate enough Psions waves together to create magic. The Enrollment Pen that always records students' names in the school also works on the same principle, it automatically excludes children who cannot control enough Psions to ensure no Squib is admitted."

Of course, if that pen could actually see through all of Harry's spells instead of just being able to control a lot of Psions or not, then Harry would probably be at the top of the admission list this year.

He gently raised his hand to rub his neck before explaining:

"Actually, since I was little, I have been able to see the movement of Psions waves. That's why I can easily understand the nature of Squibs and how to use these waves."

Harry was careful to ignore the even bigger fact that he could see even units smaller than Psions waves, Eidos data structures. But even without that said, it already caused countless excited cries from all over the room. Professor Quirrell, who had been silent the whole time, shot Harry a calculating look.

Harry cleared his throat to get everyone back to order, then said, "Anyway, the magic I used on Percy wasn't really magic at all. It is simply Psions waves interfering with each other."

Professor Flitwick was so excited that he leaned forward, and almost fell off the chair. It is obvious that this little half-elf professor has an endless passion for all kinds of magic.

"How is it possible that Psions waves interfere with each other can cause any effect? Normally, the students in the school throw many spells back and forth all the time, if it were true that Psions interference could nullify magic in such a large area like that, no one would be able to do any kind of magic at all in this school. Whoa, this research topic might be quite interesting, would you like to collaborate with me on it?"

Harry smiled reluctantly. He glanced around at the teachers before continuing his speech:

"Only one type of interference can cause that effect. I discovered them by accident." Harry raised his left hand and right hand in the air. "There are two prerequisites for this to happen. The first is these Psions waves must be emitted from the same person at the same time, otherwise, the waves will not be able to synchronize. Second, one wave will do the magic in the forward direction, while the other will do the magic in the exact opposite direction. When these two types of magic interfere with each other, it will cause an unexpected effect: it will nullify all spells used within 50 meters. Of course, because I'm a Squib, that range has been reduced considerably."

The professors now not only looked at Harry with strange eyes, but they also started pulling each other's wands out to try. After about 10 minutes, still, no one could find a way to recreate what Harry had done. Professor Flitwick dropped his wand on the wooden table:

"This is impossible. How can the same head be divided into two sides, one side chants forward, and the other side chants backward?! This is essentially something that humans can't do!"

Harry smiled shyly. Professor Flitwick is right. It was impossible for humans to do this, and that's why no one had discovered such a simple trick. But machines are different. With his AI brain, it shouldn't be difficult for Harry to do that kind of monstrous Psions control over and over again.

Of course, in Scorpio, there are also handheld devices called Cast Jamming that has been born with the same principle. If humans can't do it, just put programming in the tool to do it for them. But with the level of magical knowledge here, you can only dream of creating such devices.

Dumbledore stroked his long beard again. He looked at Harry, and behind those half-moon glasses, his eyes twinkled at him once again:

"Harry Potter, I want you to give me a specific essay on this magic by the end of the week. If you do, we should be able to register it with the Magical Patent Office to figure out how to apply this principle for public use. Right now, it seems you're the only one who can use them."

Then he turned to Professor McGonagall:

"From next week, Mr. Potter will be the only exception allowed into the school library to research without being a student in the school, please note that to Miss Irma Pince."

Harry couldn't help but think that things would definitely change dramatically from now on.

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