Chapter 2 - welcome to Candyland

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When they arrive to Candyland GingerbreadCub said to Autumn sweetly, welcome to Candyland Autumn. Autumn said as she looks around,'s beautiful. GingerbreadCub said as he smiled, it sure is. When they were on there way to the castle they were being watched by the evil Lord Licorice who bored little resemblance to Shifty. Lord Licorice said as he snickered, so that wretched GingerbreadCub has brought a little girl to help save KingCandy huh?...well I'll give those two a "sour" taste they can't forget. When they arrive GingerbreadCub and Autumn looked to see no bridge across a fudge moat. GingerbreadCub said as he turns to Autumn, are we gonna get pass this yucky mess? Autumn shrugged and said, I don't have a clue GingerbreadCub. That's when a fudge creature that bored little resemblance to Nutty the squirrel appeared in front of them in the fudge moat and said with an insulated look, and just who are you calling a yucky mess? Autumn jumped before GingerbreadCub said,'s okay Autumn it's just Gloppy he lives in the cocoa's a swamp made out of fudge. Autumn said, ooohhhh...*to Gloppy* excuse me mr. Gloppy we were wondering if you can let us cross the bridge...we're here to save KingCandy. Gloppy said, did you say kingcandy?!...he's in the Licorice palace dungeon that mean old Lord Licorice put him there...*thinks of Candy* oh how I love's so sweet and so delicious...I'll tell you what if you collect six candies I'll move aside and let you save KingCandy. Autumn and GingerbreadCub talked for a moment before GingerbreadCub said, alright..*to Autumn* I bet we can find that six candies in Candyland let's go Autumn. Then Autumn said smiling confidently, ALRIGHT!!..hold on KingCandy will save you. Then without delay the two start the cart and drove off. Unaware of the evil lord Licorice spying on them and said, not if I have anything to say about this!...CANDY SERVANT?!..COME HERE!!! That's when a candy servant to KingCandy now for lord Licorice that bored little resemblance to Lifty and said, you called my lord? With one glare Lord Licorice said, no fooling around you nitwit!...follow that nosy GingerbreadCub and that little friend of his. The candy servant said as he sighs before looking up, whatever you say my lord. The candy servant wondered off as Lord Licorice said, AND DO NOT FAIL ME!! That's when Lord Licorice spies them on their way and said, nothing will stop me not even you most brats!

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