the old knowledge...

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Remnant P.O.V.
It's such a quiet, peaceful time we'll mostly for me because I barely get any peaceful time like this due to many problems and danger I get myself. I doubt there will be a long rest for me any time sooner or later in these days as I have fought a semi-god too many time... although if I were to fight a god like Xeno it would probably be the end of me or something worst besides that.

Remnant: my life is just dangerous and horrible

???: Is it...I find it more than dangerous and horrible.

Remnant: that voice.

I turn around and saw someone who I haven't seen for so  long.

Remnant: Mr.Knowledge, what are you doing here?

Knowledge: well I came here for a visit it's been long since I seen you and your siblings but please just call Knowledge I'm no longer your teacher.

Remnant: ah yes, you're right.

Knowledge: how have you been on this big world?

Remnant: it's been great after I finish my schools but then things have been more than I thought fighting and discovering ruins, temples, and ancient/old stuff.

Knowledge: I see, you have grown a lot that quickly. tell me, what is it that has been bothering you?

Remnant: what do you mean?

Knowledge: you said that your life is dangerous and horrible, so I'm curious about it.

Remnant: well I been living within me a world of danger, having to battle the semi-god and a upcoming god.

Knowledge: Empress is still around and alive

Remnant: you know her?

Knowledge: not that I meet her more like, I know about her.

Remnant: like what?

Knowledge: she's a reincarnation of a god name Izayoi, you heard about her?

Remnant: well I heard that name from Empress's swords that are called Izayoi Blade.

Knowledge: those blades that Empress wield pretty much prove that she's a reincarnation of Izayoi. Even if Empress isn't a complete god as Izayoi she's still strong as her.

Remnant: yeah, I know that. I fought Empress so many times but I doubt our battle will never end, like those years with Izayoi existence.

Knowledge: Izayoi existence is 150,008 years from now.

Remnant: has it even been that long that she existed?

Knowledge: yes, especially with Empress now.

Remnant: wait how did Izayoi die anyways?

Knowledge: by a warrior who wield the Blood Sword, which had the blood of all those that Izayoi kill. The Blood Sword had so many blood if many people that it became way to strong that it kill Izayoi with ten hits only.

Remnant: wow but what's the name of the person that kill Izayoi.

Knowledge: who knows but people call Anonymous Hero.

Remnant: wait is there a way to completely kill Empress then?

Knowledge: I doubt it, the only thing we have that's close to the Blood Sword is the Light Sword that you have for so long.

Remnant: what about the Holy Sword?

Knowledge: the Holy Sword is strong but not as strong as the Blood Sword and the Light Sword.

Remnant: I see...

Knowledge: I wouldn't be surprised if you're like the incarceration of the Anonymous Hero.

Remnant: I will be surprised if I am.

Knowledge: As much as I understand keep your bond between your weapon and yourself well that's the only way you could become stronger.

Remnant: what do you mean?

Knowledge: weapons aren't just tools to fight they are your partner that you travel with and fight with a weapon Kay not seem special but there's a bond between the weapon and the man. Keep that in mind and you will unlock new possibilities. You will be strong to face the god Xeno.

Remnant: wait, how do you know about Xeno?

Knowledge: because I know who he is

Remnant: can you at least give me a short info about him, please?

Knowledge: okay. Xeno has two form his normal form being a very dark gray wolf with green eyes and wields the Zero Delta Blade. He won't kill someone unless he respects them for their skill or strength.

Remnant: I see, what's his other form?

Knowledge: his other form is the
Power Form or Zero Form. In this form he wears a dark gray armor cobering his whole body with dark green energy flowing around the armor and his sword changes form as well. He isn't someone to go straight on battle as he attacks are very dangerous and hard to avoid. He could let you live if he's satisfied by your skills and battle.

Remnant: I he's truly a god, that I have to be aware off. Will the Light Sword work on him?

Knowledge: it will but it will make the fight pretty even.

Remnant: interesting. Today I learned a lot from you. I wish you could live in this town at least so I can learn even more if these gods and ancient stuff.

Knowledge: well I can come an visit, if that's okay?

Remnant: that will be great.

Knowledge: well then that's settled, I gotta go. I'm going to visit your brother Timi and see how he has grown.

Remnant: you will be surprised

Knowledge: you might be 90% percent right. Goodbye Remnant and congrats on having a family.

Remnant: good-bye Knowledge.

I saw my old teacher, Knowledge walk away and walk to my own way. I'm surprised he knew I have a family, well I don't have to that surprised after all he is the knowledge.

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