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Dominant P.O.V.
It's night and my night assistant Lunatic the twin sister of Sunman came ready as we slowly headed to Timi's house.

Lunatic: so what's the plan?

Dominant: the plan its straight forward, we slowly and quietly go to his room, grab him, and we successfully take him to Empress

Lunatic: got it. Lets do this quick we don't want to keep lady Empress waiting.

Lunatic use her paperclip to unlock the door and slowly opens it and we enter the house, it was a bit dark and hard to see but not for Lunatic since she has night vision so I follow her as she lead us to Timi's room and we slowly open.

Dominant: okay, we are here

Lunatic: good then let's quickly get him before he wakes up

I slowly walk to him as I saw him sleeping so I slowly took off the blanket off him but before I got to get him, he slowly turn around and open his eyes and saw me.

Timi: thieves! who are you?!

Dominant: uh ho

I saw putting his hand in his jacket and quickly got two knifes but before he could attack me a block hit him in the head and knock him out unconscious and I turn to Lunatic.

Dominant: what the hell was that?!

Lunatic: sorry, I had to react quickly before he could do anything, here cover his wound before his blood falls on the floor *hand Dominant bandage*

I didn't notice he was bleeding on the right side of his head until I turn around so I quickly wrap the bandage around him and then carry him.

Dominant: alright lets go while he's unconscious

Lunatic: right!

Dominant: you don't have to scream

Lunatic: sorry

We quickly left the house and lock everything and ran to the forest straight to the castle-base. As we made it there Lunatic went to his brother Sunman while I headed straight Empress, who was sitting in his office waiting for me.

Dominant: lady Empress I'm back with the bear you were order me to capture

I show her Timi as she look at him with a smile.

Empress: excellent job Dominant, you never disappointed me, you may leave the bear in the cell and take a rest you been out for so long.

Dominant: yes lady Empress and thanks.

I left her office and carry Timi to the cell room, but to be honest Timi is very soft that I just wanna carry him more but I can't since he's a enemy. I lay him in the cell next to a wall and walk to the dining room as I was very hungry, when I got there I quickly got my food and sat next to the window alone until a bear that I know who was drinking sat in front of me on the other side of the table.

???: Hey Dominant how was your long-term mission today

Dominant: it went well and easy, why do you ask? Harverster

Harverster: I just wanted to know after all you were away for the whole day

Dominant: I guess I can understand why you were asking

Harverster: so what was this mission that kept you away for the whole day?

Dominant: tracking down an enemy of Empress and bring him here

Harverster: ah I see so he's lock in the cell right now, I wonder what kinda enemy is he *drinks his glass of water*

Dominant: apparently he's an assassinator but just by looking at him he doesn't look like an assassinator

???: Don't judge a book by its cover

After I heard a female voice, I quickly look around.

Dominant: who said that?!

I looked around but if course there's no one in the dining room besides just me and Harverster.

Harverster: calm down that was just a secret friend if mine, she already left since you scare her.

Dominant: hmph, who is that "secret" friend of yours?

Harverster: her name is Reflecta, she's a wolf who carries a mirror and has strange power that's all I can tell you right now.

Dominant: it better not be a enemy or a spy that's using you to attack.

Harverster: relax man, I doubt she will ever attack as she's alone. Trust me

Dominant: *sigh* I will trust you for now

Harverster: thanks, so back to what we were talking about, who is this assassinator? Do you know his name? *continues drinking water*

Dominant: yes he does, his name is Timi also known as Timid Bear and-

Before I could continue talking Harverster quickly spit out water at the window and started coughing.

Dominant: are you alright?

Harverster: don't worry I'm okay *cough* oh jeez...

Dominant: this is what happened when you drink too much

Harvester: it's not because of that is because of the assasinator's name

Dominant: Timi? What about it?

Harvester: I heard that name in my school

Dominant: y'all both are friends or something

Harvester: no, we never meet not has he heard of me

Dominant: than how do you know him or his name?

Harvester: I meet his older sister in school and she told me about her siblings and Timi's the youngest one

Dominant: I see... anything else you know about him? Because I don't really know anything about him

Harvester: I'm not surprised, but....*sigh*

Dominant: but what?

Harvester: I'm his step-brother

Dominant: what?! How?

Harvester: well it's sort of a long story but it doesn't matter

Dominant: tell me about is it that you have a step-brother and you never told anyone

Harvester: because I never met him, I just heard of him from her older sister who I'm also her step-brother

Dominant: yeah, well at least tell me

Harvester: *sigh* look it's late and I'm tired, I might tell you tomorrow but not today. Good night Dominant.

Harverster left the dining room leaving me alone but I have a feeling he's hiding something that he just doesn't want to tell me, and I think he's gonna pretend that he doesn't remember today's conversation. What are you hiding Harverster?

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