The final floor/ finding Lifty

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Shifty glanced at the final floor he recognized it as the solitary confinement floor. Shifty looked around to see no traps but a note that says: Lifty is in one of these rooms might want to pick which one before his electrocution. Shifty had no time to loose he put an ear on the door one by one neither of them were the rooms that Lifty was held in but Shifty knew that Lifty had to be behind one of these doors (in one of these rooms) every time he hears nothing behind each door it sets off a trap that he can dodge easily but this time Shifty was determined to to make it out alive with his brother although Shifty realized that there was one more door that he haven't checked in but when he heard the ticking of a bomb he realized right away that Lifty was inside that room he tried to open the door but it won't budge. Shifty said as he recalled that he knew Fliqpy had the key, RATS!! But Shifty didn't have time to go and look for it but that's when he spotted a nearby rusted crowbar. Shifty used it to pry open the door (sure enough it did the trick) and as Shifty stepped in and pushed the door wide open, he looked in horror to see Lifty not only tied up and taped gagged and was knocked out cold and a bomb strapped to his chest but was violated too. Shifty noticed some sticky stains on his inner thighs and hickeys on his skin...Shifty noticed right away what happened.

(Earlier when Shifty was on his way up stairs)

MMmmph mmpphh shmftm hmmph mhmmp hm hm hm hm hm mmmpph hmmph hmph hmph mmmpph!! Lifty wept in a muffled cry as tears stream down his face as he saw Fliqpys scary face the raccoon felt more scared as the soldier bear walked around him in a circle and said as he smirked, hahaha I wanted to say you may have to suck it up but all I can say is your pretty cute when you cry baby. Lifty felt paralyzed as the veteran said as he was beginning to touch his thigh, once I take care of that lousy brother of yours I will violate you, rape you, and make you mine forever for a proper cost. Fliqpy pulled out his teaser and zapped Lifty. MMMMMMPPPPHHH!!!! Lifty let out a muffled scream as he feared the soldier even more. Fliqpy began to draw him closer and said as he laughed with those perverted eyes putting one hand on the back of his neck, oh don't worry my dear it won't take long. With that Fliqpy kissed his taped gagged lips. (Which made Lifty super paralyzed)

(During and after the second floor contact)

Lifty was getting even more scared as Fliqpy came closer with that teaser and right in front of Shifty who is in the next room halfway there. NNNNNNMMMM!!!NNNNMMMM!! NNNNMMMM!! NNNNNNMMMMM!!! Lifty made a muffled panicked tone as he shook his head no as  Fliqpy walked towards him with the teaser and zapped him once again. MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPHHHHHH!!! Mmph mmph! Mph.. Lifty let out a muffled scream as the war veteran zapped with a teaser and then blacked out but not before hearing Shifty screaming, Nnnnnoooooo!!!! STOP IT!!!! LEAVE LIFTY ALONE!!  Lifty thought he was dead as he blacked out. As the conversation ended Fliqpy decided to have a little more fun with the unconscious raccoon. He kissed his gagged mouth while touching his cock hard, kissing and sucking his neck, sucked on his cock, and kissed his whole body. That made the unconscious Lifty flinched and moan while out cold. Fliqpy smirked as he can hear his moans then kissed once more as he pumped his cock. Lifty Moaned while unconscious, mmmmmmm....mmm....
...mmmmmmmmm....mmmmmmmm.... Fliqpy broke the kiss and said with a grin, yeah...that's right you know you like this babe... then he kissed his lips before touching him.

(Now on the solitary confinement floor)

Shifty was even more furious than he was before seeing Lifty like this and said as he growled, at that perverted rapist...Fliqpy is going to regret this!!

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