The robbery/the preperations

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Lifty and Shifty are about to do like they did last Christmas rob Flippy the veteran bears but little did they know that a surprise awaits the both of them but this surprise wasn't a good one. As they entered the veterans house house unexpectedly they started to get ready and started to steal. Shifty said as he smirked, well this is more easier than last Christmas Lifty. Lifty said in delight, yeah but it's weird that he left the door unlocked. Shifty shrugged and said, yeah big deal let's just continue before he gets back. Shifty continued what he was doing but then he thought about what Lifty said and had a bad feeling about this. Shifty whispered to himself as he went to the other room, Lifty is right this can't be a coincidence that his door was unlocked something isn't right around here. Just then a familiar evil voice  said from behind the older raccoon, hahahahaha that is exactly what I wanted you both to do Shifty Raccoon. Then as Shifty turned he got knocked out cold by one hit. Meanwhile Lifty was finished but heard a thud in the other room he investigated it and saw Shifty knocked out by none other than Fliqpy. Lifty was paralyzed as he saw him but was about to scream and run for help but was stopped and cut off by Fliqpy who put a hand over his mouth while he used his other arm to hold the Bowie-knife on his neck Fliqpy said as he smirked, hehehehehe now now my dear you don't really want to attract attention do you? The frightened younger raccoon shook his head no as Fliqpy removed his hand from his mouth and touched his crotch. Fliqpy said as he licked Liftys shoulder, hmmm oh Lifty you are so cute when your scared in anyway but your going to be part of the preparation I'm making. Lifty said as he trembled in fear, wh..what preparat...MPH!!! Before Lifty can finish asking the perverted side of the veteran bear applied two pieces of cloths one wrapped around the younger raccoons wrists together and tighter behind his back and the other wrapped around his mouth tight as the one on his wrists. Then Fliqpy kissed his gagged lips and said as he laughed with the Bowie-knife back in its previous position, oh don't worry my dear I'll explain but now shall we get going my green sweetheart? With the knife on his throat Lifty quickly nodded fearfully. A little while later Fliqpy arrived at a abandoned hospital along with a unconscious Shifty who is bound by only his waist and hands tied behind his back and Lifty who is no longer bound and gagged by the two cloths but has two pieces of duct tape across his mouth and had a gun to his back by Fliqpy. Fliqpy left the unconscious and tied up Shifty on the floor while Lifty was in his clutches. Fliqpy held the gun to his back even closer and said as he was smirking, might want to take off your jacket baby and after that put your hands behind your back. Lifty quickly obeyed the war veterans evil side and left it on the floor and then put his hands behind his back. Lifty whimpered in a muffled tone as Fliqpy dragged him upstairs all the way up to the solitary confinement center. As they made it into one of the rooms with a pole in the middle Fliqpy dragged the terrified younger raccoon and forced him on the pole. Then Fliqpy zip-tied his wrists together behind his back and did the same with his feet, then pulled out a long rope and tied him around the waist and did the same with his legs. Then came the scary part he pulled out a bomb and strapped it to his chest and the pole. MMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHH!!!!! Lifty let out a muffled scream as he saw the bomb strapped to the pole and his chest. He began shaking in fear as Fliqpy said as he kissed his cheek, oh don't worry love this bomb isn't an ordinary bomb this is a special kinda bomb. One that can put you out cold unconscious but not dead but don't worry babe I'll be back to activate it when I'm through with this and once I activate it *puts a hand on Liftys cheek to make him look at him* I can have some fun with you Lifty Raccoon. With that Fliqpy left the room and locked the door behind him leaving a bound and gagged Lifty standing and shaking in terror. Lifty thought as he struggled to get loose but failed, ( he...he's going to rape me when he gets back and after he activates this bomb...*Lifty started to cry* I DON'T WANNA BE RAPED, I'M SCARED OF BEING RAPED, IN FACT I'M TOO YOUNG TO BE RAPED!!!!.... HHHHHHHEEEEELLLLPPPPP MMMMMMMEEEE SSSSSHHHHHIIIIFFFFTTTTYYYYY!!!)

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