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Voices: I can't believe it, killer! You monster, this must be a misunderstanding, wake up, wake!...WAKE UP!!!

Pop: *wakes up breathing heavily*

Pop P.O.V.
I woke up, almost feeling like I lost my breath and those voice that sounded that were directly referring towards me.
I looked around and saw that I was in room almost dark and creepy, with only a iron door in front and I was there..sitting in front of a table with only a light above. The room made me feel sorrow and regrets of my life for what I am now. I can't even think right now but knowing that Poq took over my body for so long and I was unconscious. Not only that my body it feels painful as if someone punch and kick me really hard and my bandages around my arm and blood in it, I can't move my hand much as it hurts the same with my legs. All this pain and not knowing anything of what Poq has done is making me wanna cry and kill myself.

I been sitting at this table for what it seems like forever and no voice or sounds hears except for some dripping water above me. I question myself on, what's going to happen to me? Will I ever be free? Can I even live longer? Is it okay for me to die? Questions of myself floating around my head without an answer.
Suddenly I heard voices, I don't know if they are near or not because of the iron door that's probably blocking any sound but since I hear voice they must be outside of the door. I stare at the door frightening not knowing who's gonna walk in and what's gonna happen besides probably death. Suddenly the door open and the one in front was... Splendont and Sniffles.

Pop: h-hello

Sniffles: hello Pop, we are here for a talk. Mostly Splendont wants to talk with you.

Pop: *gulp* okay

Splendont: *sits across Pop and glares at him* you know why I'm here for, right?

Pop: t-to talk to me

Splendont: about what?

Pop: I-I don't know

Splendont: dont act like you don't know! You know what you did yesterday and it was a complete mess!

Pop: I'm serious, I don't- *gets interupted by Splendont who suddenly grab him by the neck and slam him down*

Splendont: I'm not an idiot! You better admit that you kill all of those people and my brother! I live because of my friends who came and revive me! I know you are responsible for everything that happened yesterday!

Pop: I...I don't *almost losing his breath*

Sniffles: Splendont stop it. We are here to talk to him if you are just gonna be this cruel and forceful than I recommend you to leave.

Splendont: why should I be nice to a killer like him?!

Sniffles: killing him won't fix anything. I came here to get answers from him but with you it seems like I'm not gonna get anything from him, so again I recommend you to leave.

Splendont: grrr, fine *let go off Pop* you better get something from him, okay?

Sniffles: I will.

Splendont: *walks out the room*

Sniffles: sorry about that.

Pop: Its..it's okay *sits down and catches his breath*

Sniffles: *sits across Pop* I need to know what happened yesterday? So tell me what happened?

Pop: well I got taken over by this evil person living within me call Poq and well after he did, I don't know what else happened.

Sniffles: who's this Poq? How did he ended up living in you?

Pop: I don't really know what Poq is besides a evil being that started to exist 3 weeks after my wife's death.

Sniffles: I see. I'm curious who is your wife, you never mentioned her or her name.

Pop: well my wife's name is Aya.

Sniffles: I see, she sounds like a pretty nice person.

Pop: she is. She was the beutiful women I seen in my life and she was kind and caring.

Sniffles: okay. What happened to your wife again?

Pop: *looks down* she died

Sniffles: what happened to her? Was there something going on before her death? You don't have to talk about it if you want.

Pop: I think it's best if I do, maybe something in my story could be related to Poq.

Sniffles: okay.

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