Gift of the Night Fury

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(First of all, This will be in third person. This will also be a one shot and it is for the holiday season. I originally was going to post this before Christmas but some things came up and I couldn't get any work done. So, Happy Holidays to all and I hope you enjoy this.)

"This is Berk, boasting the kind of balmy, fun-in-the-sun climate that will give you frostbite on your spleen." Hiccup's voice narrates as Berk is shown. The village is covered in snow as smoke escapes through the chimneys of some houses as fires are lit for the families within them to keep warm. The sun having just risen to shine light on the island. "The one upside is our annual holiday. We call it Snoggletog." The Chief's house is shown then it reveals Hiccup in his bed as he sleeps. "Why we chose such a stupid name remains a mystery, but with the war long over..." Until a roar is heard, the objects in the room shake because of a certain green-eyed dragon "...And with dragons living amongst us," Hiccup awakens but then covers his head with his blanket to try and go back to sleep. "This year's Snoggletog..." The roof rattles once again as Toothless continues to roar, "...Promises to be one to remember."

Hiccup turns over to try and ignore Toothless' roars, but he gives up, "Okay, okay, I'm coming." Hiccup groans, sitting up as he reaches out to grab something. He grabs his helmet and places it on his head then gets up from his bed as he makes his way outside. He yawns as he rubs his arm to warm himself up. He looks up to see Toothless on the roof with wide and eager eyes, "Well, good morning, Mr. Bossy." Hiccup says to the green-eye Fury. Toothless chuffs at him and Hiccup playfully mocks him. The young man walks as the black-scaled dragon climbs down to meet with him, "Do you always have to wake me up so early to go fly-i-i-i-Unh!" Hiccup grunts as Toothless stops his fall, his prosthetic slipping on some ice. Toothless lifts Hiccup so he would be on his feet, or foot. "Stupid leg." Hiccup mutters as he looks down at his metal foot, still getting use to it. "Oh, thanks, buddy. I'm okay." Hiccup assures Toothless as the dragon looks at him with some worry. "Yeah, we can go flying now." Hiccup smiles as he lays a hand on Toothless, but then the Night Fury burps in his face. "Ew! Ew! What?! Ew! Ohh! Toothless." Hiccup complains from the dragon's bad breath but smiles as Toothless purrs at him.

Elsewhere, (Y/N) was already up as she was doing some forms with her sword. While not many people liked the cold, she for one found it challenging in a fun way. Building a fire within herself as she swings her sword with grace and accuracy. She then swings her sword at a tree, cutting off one of the branches with ease. She breathes out and sheathes her sword. She then hears yawning and looks to find a certain purple-eyes dragon approaching her. "Hey, Twi. Ready for your morning flight?" She asks the female Night Fury. Twilight shakes her head to wake herself then looks at (Y/N) with mild annoyance. "What?" The (H/C)-haired woman asks. Twilight just rolls her eyes as she yawns again. "Well, I had a lot of energy so I woke up early. Now, let me put away my sword then get your gear on." She says as she jogs to the Hofferson house. Twilight watches her go and could tell that she was hiding something.

Above the clouds, Hiccup and Toothless soar through the skies. "Come on! Let's see what you got today." Hiccup says then Toothless dives down. The two enjoying the feel of the wind in their faces. "Woo-Hoo!" Hiccup cheers. Toothless spreads his wings as he glides across the water. "Yeah! Okay. You ready?" Hiccup asks as he detaches his prosthetic foot from the pedal that connects to Toothless's prosthetic tail-fin, closing it. The green-eyed Fury flaps faster to keep himself up as Hiccup stands on him, "Easy." Hiccup says as they approach a skerry.

The young Viking then jumps and makes it across the ledge and lands on Toothless, quickly placing his metal foot back in the pedal. The tail-fin opens and Toothless becomes steady again. "Yes! Finally!" Hiccup says with relief. But then something flies by him and Toothless and they look to find it to be none other than Twilight and (Y/N). "Cute! Now watch this!" (Y/N) shouts as she then positions Twilight's prosthetic tail-fin and have her fly upwards. She then detached her foot from the pedal and falls back as she free falls. For a moment, she feels the absence of the feelings that have been on her mind for the past few days as she closes her eyes with a peaceful smile. Twilight dives down and passes her, twirling a little to show off then she angles herself as (Y/N) opens her eyes maneuvers her body as she gets on the saddle and puts her foot back in the pedal, opening Twilight's tail-fin as the purple-eyes Night Fury glides across the sea, water flying up from the action and a rainbow appearing for a moment from the droplets.

Hiccup watches them with a smile on his face as Toothless flies after them. The four having fun together as they fly through the sky, not a worry in the world.

In the village, the people of Berk were preparing for Snoggletog. "Here?" "Yes. No, no, no. That one a wee bit higher." "Here?" "There! Ah, that's the spot." Gobber says to a woman on a Gronckle as decorations are hung up. Stoick smiles and pats Gobber's shoulder as the two watch the village become lively with holiday cheer. "Rar!" A young kid dressed up as a Gronckle roars at Meatlug and the dragon roars at him. The boy laughs as he runs off and Meatlug playfully chases after him. "Attaboy, Meatlug." Fishelgs says as he watches his dragon play. "Are you ready, girl?" Astrid says to Stormfly as she holds two shields, standing in front of a giant structure that was made from wood and painted green to resemble a tree of some kind. Stormfly bares her spines and Astrid tosses the shields at the structure. The Nadder shoots some spines and the shields are struck by them, keeping on the structure.

"By Odin's Beard, Gobber, Vikings spending the winter holiday with dragons. What would our fathers say?" Stoick says as he and Gobber walk. "They'd think we lost our minds." The blonde mustache man replies to his friends question and Stoick laughs heartily. "Well done! Well done. All of you. I never thought I'd love to see this day- Peace on the island of Berk." Stoick says to the people. Astrid watching as she scratches Stormfly's chin and the dragon affectionately nudges her, making the young woman smile and give her head a hug. "This will surely be our greatest holiday we've ever seen." Stoick states, the crowd cheering and applauding along with the dragons roaring with them.

But then some distant roaring was heard, "What the..." Stoick mutters as he looks around. All the dragons look up as they growl and the people of Berk look up to find hundreds of dragons flying over them. "What in Thor's name..." Gobber says in puzzlement at all the dragons. But then Hookfang roars and all the dragons on Berk take to the skies. "Come back! What are you doing?!" Snotlout's calls out as he hangs from a house. "Meatlug!" Fishlegs gasps as he runs off. "What's going on?" "What's happening?" Ruffnut and Tuffnut question. "Where's Hiccup and (Y/N)?" Astrid says.

Meanwhile, up in the skies, the Night Fury siblings glide through the clouds. "What do you say, Bud? You want to go again?" Hiccup asks Toothless. "And almost end up swimming with the eels?" (Y/N) teases. Hiccup rolls his eyes playfully. But then a roar was heard and the two young Vikings look ahead to find, "Whoa!" Hiccup cries out as he and Toothless try to avoid the dragons flying their way. (Y/N) makes Twilight dive down to avoid the swarm of dragons, but Hiccup and Toothless continue to dodge them. "Woah! Ohh!" Hiccup exclaims. But then a dragon flies above him, and knocks his helmet off his head, "Oh, no! My helmet!" Hiccup says as he looks back to see it falling towards the see. Toothless looks at it and roars as he dives down after it, "Aah! Toothless! No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no!" Hiccup exclaims.

(Y/N) hears Hiccup and looks see something and her eyes widen as it's his helmet. She makes Twilight dive down and reaches her arm out to grab it. Hiccup sees her and pulls back on the saddle, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Wait! Toothless, Twilight, STOP!" He yells. Toothless does stop but Twilight continues to dive down. The female Fury watches as the water gets closer and spreads her wings to stop herself. "Twilight!" "It's okay, (Y/N)." The young woman looks at Hiccup with wide eyes as she breathes deeply. "We'll get it later. We need to get back and find out what's going on." Hiccup says as he looks back up at the dragons.

(Y/N) looks down at the water along with Toothless as the two search for the helmet while Twilight looks at the two with concern in her eyes. (Y/N) quietly growls in frustration as she and Hiccup direct Toothless and Twilight back to Berk.

"What's the matter? Where are you going?!" A man says as a Nightmare flies off. "No, no, no no! Don't leave, Stormfly!" Astrid begs the Nadder, but Stormfly looks back at her before running off and taking flight. "Don't go! Please!" Astrid calls out, but the Nadder does not come back. Toothless and Twilight land as they arrive and Hiccup and (Y/N) get off them as they rush over to the people. "Astrid!" (Y/N) calls out to said person. "(Y/N), what's going on? Where are they going?" Astrid questions as she meets with (Y/N) and Hiccup. The people then start to surround the two, "Why did they leave?!" "What's happening?" "What if they never come back?!" They question them. "Stop! Wait!" "Please!" Hiccup and (Y/N) say as they try become overwhelmed by all the questions, "Calm down! Give them a chance to explain." Stoick orders as he makes his way to his son and (Y/N).

"Kids, where are all of our dragons going?" He asks them. "Dad... I don't know." Hiccup answers, just as lost as the rest of the villagers. (Y/N) looks back up at the sky as she sees the dragons leave, and this close to Snoggletog too. Roaring is then heard as Toothless and Stormfly converse with each other. Twilight roars at the Nadder and Stormfly roars back then flies off to follow the dragons that have left Berk. (Y/N) then looks to find everyone watching the dragons fly further away and she then sees Hiccup look down at the ground. She looks at the top of his head then back out at sea, placing a hand on her chest as she feels a slight pain in her heart.

Later that night, the villagers meet in the Great Hall. "Where'd they go?" "Snoggletog is ruined." The people converse, wondering why the dragons. "It's not ruined!" The chatter seizes as all then attention is focused on Stoick. "We're Vikings. We've been perfectly happy celebrating the without dragons for generations, and there's no reason we can't do it again." The Chief affirms as he stands on a table. "Now, we don't know where they've gone off to," He starts again, the teens standing together as they all look gloomy and upset except Fishlegs who smiles happily for some reason. "But we have to have faith that they'll back again soon." Stoick says, some people in the crowd muttering in agreement. "Am I right?" Stoick asks the people.

"You're right! We are Vikings! We're tough!" Gobber says trying to act tough, but it was hard when he was decked out in Snoggletog attire. Having a prosthetic hand made up of jungle bells. "Most of the time." He corrects himself after feeling the crowd's stares on him."Let's sing some Snoggletog songs." He says. The teens make their leave since they were not in the holiday mood.

As they walk through the empty, they feel sad as they think about their dragons and where they have flown off to. "That was depressing." Ruffnut breaks the silence as she voices what they are thinking. "I know. I was looking forward to spending the holiday with Stormfly." Astrid agrees, looking down as she remembers her dragon leaving her. Fishlegs was whistling happily as if he had nothing to be sad about. "What are you so happy about? Don't you miss Meatlug?" Tuffnut questions him as he looks at the large teen with an irritated look. "Me? Oh, yeah." Fishlegs says then clears his throat, "I miss him so much." He sobs, "Well, good night." He says as he quickly walks off.

The others looking at him with suspicion until Astrid gasps loudly, "I've got an idea. Let's come up with a bunch of new holiday traditions. You know, to bury the sadness." She suggests, or more likely states. Snotlout, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut sigh in disinterest. Astrid looks to Hiccup and (Y/N) with a small glare, "Actually, Astrid might be onto something." Hiccup voices. "Yeah, and besides, perhaps the dragons are having their own holiday." (Y/N) says, rubbing her bandaged left arm. "Easy for you two to say. Your dragons can't go anywhere without you guys." Tuffnut argues as he gestures with his hand to where Toothless is. The male Night Fury looking out into the distance with a searching look.

But then Twilight makes her presence as she appears to the others, walking towards (Y/N) as she nudges the young woman gently. "Well, I guess she is fine with it." Tuffnut comments. "Must be nice." Ruffnut says as she along with her brother and Snotlout leave. Astrid then leaves shortly after, but Hiccup continues to look at Toothless as he thinks about what the others said. He then looks back at Twilight and finds (Y/N) petting her with a sad look on her face, her (E/C) eyes looking clouded with something.

He then comes up with an idea and (Y/N) notices, "What is it?" She asks. He looks at her, "Whatever is going on, Toothless wanted to go." He says. (Y/N) removes her hand from Twilight as she walks over and lays a hand on his shoulder, "Yeah. He does." She says, but something in her voice suggested otherwise, but Hiccup did not catch it. Twilight senses their unease and walks over to them as she pushes herself between them. They smile and give her some scratches, "But Twi doesn't really seem bothered, so I think she will be fine." (Y/N) says, getting down on her right knee but groans a little from the movement as she rubs her left leg. Still recovering from the injury she sustained from the battle with the Red Death, but was not letting it stop her.

Hiccup smiles as he lays a hand on Twilight but looks back at Toothless as he then thinks back to his idea from earlier. "Hey, how about you head on home? Get some rest." He says. (Y/N) looks at him as she stands up, "You sure?" She says. Hiccup nods his head, "Yeah. Twilight, make sure she gets in bed and stays in bed." He tells the female Night Fury. She nods her head then gently grabs (Y/N)'s skirt with her teeth as she starts walking to the Hofferson house. "Okay, okay. Make sure to get some sleep yourself!" (Y/N) calls to Hiccup as she looks back at him. The aurburn-haired teen only smiles and waves at her and once she faces away, his smile drops as he heads to forge.

In the morning, there was still some gloom in the village. Some kids had made a Gronckle out of snow to cope with the loss of their scaly friends. "Yak nog! Get your yak nog! Come on! Get a frothy, delicious cup of cheer!" Astrid calls out as she carries a platter with mugs and a pitcher. She then spots her friends and hurries over to them, "Hey, you guys, try this tasty, new beverage I made for the holiday." She says. "Ugh! What's that smell? Is that you?" Tuffnut says, pushing away his sister thinking she was the reason for the smell. But she was not.

"It's yak nog!" Astrid corrects, poring a cup of yak nog. But the beverage was thick and chunky along with having some hair in it. Tuffnut retches and coughs in disgust, "Ugh! If I drink that, I'm gonna yak nog all over the place." He says. "Maybe you'd rather taste a punch in the face?" Astrid not-so-subtlety suggests, grinning with a testing look and clenching her hand into a fist. Ruffnut sniffs the yak nog and gags from the smell. "Astrid, it sounds delightful. I'd love a mug." Snotlout says, trying to impress Astrid. He drinks the yak nog, but chokes from the taste. He swallows it to not upset, or anger, the blonde warrior. "Ugh! You can really taste the yak." He says, placing the mug back on the platter.

"Mmm! Yum!" Fishlegs says, racing towards the group as he sees the mugs Astrid has, knocking Tuffnut aside in doing so. "What is that?" Fishlegs asks. "Oh! You want to try some? It's my new traditional drink." Astrid says excitedly, but Snotlout shakes his head with an expression that told Fishlegs what he needed to know. "Oh, you know, um... I have suddenly and, uh, inexplicably changed my mind." He declines. "Well, you don't know what you're missing." Astrid says smugly as she walks off. "I bet Hiccup will love this." She says. With her gone Snotlout holds his stomach in slight pain. "Are you crying?" Ruffnut questions him as she looks at his face. Snotlout retching like he was going to vomit. (And let's be honest, he most certainly did.).

At the forge, Astrid arrives, "Hiccup?" She calls out. "Yeah! I'm over here, Astrid. Coming." Hiccup answers as he grabs a tool and walks over to a table. "Here. Happy Holidays, from me to you." She says, offering him a mug of yak nog. "Thank you." Hiccup thanks her, grabbing a mug, "What are you up to?" Astrid asks him, Hiccup lowering the mug before he could taste the drink. "Okay, you're gonna think I'm crazy, but I just couldn't stop thinking about what Tuffnut said last night." Hiccup says, putting his mug down on the table as Astrid puts down the platter to listen to him. "Toothless and Twilight can't come and go like the other dragons, and that's just not fair." Hiccup says as he touches one of the contraption on his table. "I was up all night, and I think I found a way to fix that." Hiccup says, revealing that he made new tail-fins. He pulls on a stem of one of them, showing how it moves symmetrically with the tail-fin. He then closes it as he grabs the mug of yak nog. But pauses as right before the mug touched his lips, "Also, Astrid, how has (Y/N) been?" He asks looking at the blonde woman next to him, his green eyes laced with concern.

Astrid looks at him then looks down as she frowns in thought. "Well, to be honest, around this time, she would usually be alone. She hasn't really celebrated Snoggletog ever since her parents... well, you know." She says, sympathy in her voice as Hiccup looks down as he frowns. "I mean, she would be out in the woods but lately, she has been in her room a lot. I think she's making something." She says hopefully. Hiccup then makes a mental note to talk with (Y/N). "Okay, thank you, Astrid." He says. Then he takes a drink of the yak nog, but immediately regrets it as he chokes from the horrid taste. "Anyways, you built Twilight and Toothless new tails?" Astrid then changes the conversation back to the new tail-fins while Hiccup holds himself up with the table as he holds the yak nog in his mouth.

Thankfully, Astrid did not notice his discomfort. "So they're gonna be able to fly without you or (Y/N)." Astrid adds. "Mm-Hmm." Hiccup hums, nodding his head and smiling for Astrid. "Wow. What a great gift." Hiccup hums in agreement again, setting the mug aside. "What if they never come back?" Astrid questions. "Mm?" Hiccup hums again as he looks at Astrid with minor disbelief. Then hums with a thinking expression on his face. "What am I saying? Of course they will. Though, Twilight seems content with being here. Though, I wouldn't blame her if wanted some time for herself." Astrid reassures chuckling a little. "Mm-Hmm." Hiccup hums in agreement with her.

"Well, I'm gonna go spread some more holiday cheer. You're amazing!" Astrid calls back as she jogs off. Hiccup hums and give her a thumbs up. Once she was gone, Hiccup finally spits out the yak nog. "Augh! Bla-a-a-a-ah! Ugh!" He groans as he wipes his mouth of any remains yak nog. He then looks down at the tail-fins with a hesitant look but then sighs as he grabs them in his arms and walks off.

(Y/N) was currently standing outside of Hiccup's house, fiddling with a small package in her hands. She has been lost in her thoughts for a while now, but after seeing Hiccup lose his helmet, the helmet for which is his only connection to his mother, she has been thinking of something crazy. She looked over at Twilight as the female Fury roars up at her brother for him to get down from the roof. She smiles fondly as she looks up at Toothless, who remains where he's at. (Y/N) puts the package in a bag then closes it and puts her arms through the loops made of rope to keep the bag on her.

She hears Toothless roar as he looks down at something past her so she turns around to see Hiccup approaching. "Hiccup. Hi." (Y/N) greets the one-legged teen. Toothless hops on the roof in excitement, even knocking down some tiles. "Hey, (Y/N)." Hiccup greets, not exactly expecting to see her at his house. He then looks up at the male Night Fury, "Toothless, come on down, bud." He says. Toothless got down quickly and (Y/N) had to move out of the way for Toothless almost ran into her as he met with Hiccup. Twilight gives her brother a slap on the head with her tail, roaring at him for his recklessness.

(Y/N) then notices what Hiccup is holding, "Whatcha got there?" She asks him. "Oh, I got something for Toothless and Twilight." Hiccup answers. Toothless sniffs the contraptions in Hiccup's hands, "What do you think of that? Yeah." Hiccup says as he places them down carefully, picking up Toothless' first. "Are those..." (Y/N) trails off as she closely examined the tail-fin for Twilight. "Yep. I made new tail-fins. These ones will allow them to fly on their own." Hiccup says, moving to put on the tail-fin made for Toothless, but said dragon was walking around him.

"Would you just settle down?" Hiccup says to Toothless. (Y/N) looking over at the two as she has she thinks. "Toothless, come on, bud. Let me get this on you. Yeah." Hiccup says, getting down on his knees as he attaches the tail-fin onto Toothless. The male Night Fury looks back at him wide eyes and growls softly at him. He then hears a soft whistle as he looks over to find (Y/N) looking at him. She had a hand on Twilight and the female Night Fury was dead asleep. (Y/N) removes her hand from the dragon, her fingers twitching a little from having to apply pressure on her companion's neck.

"You are going to love this." Hiccup says, not having seen the silent interaction. He grunts as he finishes, "Okay." He affirms, Toothless pulling his tail from him and looks at the contraption but then growls as he whips his tail around, trying to get the contraption off. He roars as he flails his whole body. (Y/N) making a quick rolling motion to dodge his tail while Hiccup tries to stop him. "No, no, no, no, no! Toothless, stop!" He says, ducking his head before he could have been hit by the dragon's tail. "Please wait! Toothless, please!" "Toothless!" Hiccup and (Y/N) call out to him, right as Toothless fans out his real tail-fin and immediately stops, his pupils dilate as he notices how the fake tail-fin copies his real one.

Hiccup sighs in relief, "Ah, there you go. See? Got it?" Hiccup says, smiling with pride as he sees the tail-fin work. (Y/N) rests a hand on his shoulder and the young man looks over at her to find her with a small smile but then it turns into a sad frown. "Sorry." She apologizes. Hiccup looks at her with a confused frown, but then (Y/N) moves her hand to place pressure on where his shoulder and neck meet and this causes Hiccup's body to tense for a second before he falls limp and onto the ground. Losing consciousness as he looks up at (Y/N) then passes out. "Sorry, Hiccup. Sorry, Twilight." (Y/N) mutters under her breath, looking remorseful but then steels herself as she walks over to Toothless. "Let's go." She states. Toothless does not argue and lets (Y/N) on him as he takes flight into the sky.

(Y/N) looks back as she sees Hiccup and Twilight's bodies unconscious on the ground but then shakes her head and looks forward. Both her and Toothless having the same goal.

Some time later, Hiccup feels himself get nudged and his eyes flutter open as he looks to see Twilight look at him with wide and concerned purple eyes. She purrs at him as she gives him some nuzzles. "Twilight?" He says but then realizes that he is on the ground and so pushes himself up to stand. Twilight lowers her head under Hiccup and help him up. The auburn-haired boy slowly stands with the help of the female Night Fury as he rubs the right side of his neck where (Y/N) struck him.

His eyes widen as he remembers what had happened before he lost consciousness. "(Y/N)! Toothless!" He calls out but ends up stumbling as he tries to walk on the ice, causing his metal foot slip. Twilight yelps in surprise and quickly catches Hiccup with her head. Hiccup rests his hands on her head as he rights himself up and look up at the sky. He also notices that the sky was darker so that it would be impossible to track them down now. He hears some rumbling and looks down at Twilight as she looks at him with doe-like eyes. He stands on his own but keeps a hand her as the two look up into the sky, wondering where Toothless had gone and why (Y/N) went with him.

Hiccup looks up at the ceiling of his house as he thinks about (Y/N) and Toothless. He looks to his left as he sees Twilight curl on the floor, also awake as she thinks about her brother and friend. After what had happened, Hiccup had put on Twilight's new tail-fin on said dragon so that she could go after her brother or the other dragons but did not. She had stayed with Hiccup and now the two had each other as their respective companions are somewhere they did not know.

Hiccup sighs as he turns onto his side to try and get comfortable but then he hears the wood creak. Clattering followed and Hiccup slowly sits up with wide eyes as he waits. Then thudding was heard and he perks up, "Toothless!" He pulls off his covers and rushes outside while Twilight watches him with confusion.

"I'd knew you come ba-" He gets interrupted as his metal prosthetic slips on the ice. Again. "Ohh!" But before his back could hit the ground, Twilight hurries over and uses her head to break his fall. "Unh!" Hiccup groans from the impact, albeit not as bad as it would have been. Hiccup looks up to find his father hammering the roof. Stoick looks down to see the them. "Morning, son!" He greets cheerfully. Hiccup blinks as he processes his thoughts. "Oh. Hey... Dad." He greets back, sounding disappointed. Twilight helps Hiccup back onto his feet as the young Viking thanks her for her help with a pat on the head. "Glad you're up. I was looking for your helmet." Hiccup tenses as he remembers what had happened to his helmet and Twilight looks at him with some comfort. "My-My helmet?" Hiccup repeats as he nervously looks elsewhere until they land on his father. "Odin needs a place to put your goodies." Stoick explains as he climbs down a latter.

"Yeah, right. I'll, uh... get on that. Great." Hiccup sighs, still feeling bummed out. Twilight coos at him as she tries to cheer him up by nudging him gently. But Hiccup only casts her a glance before he starts walking away. Twilight looks at Stoick then nods her head at Hiccup. Stoick, having reached the ground now, understands what she is conveying, "Hold on." He calls out to Hiccup, making his son stop as he gives his attention to his father. Stoick walks over to his son as he meets with him. "Hold on. All right, come on. What's on your mind? Out with it." Stoick says, trying to get Hiccup to talk.

"Well, it's been three days, Dad. I-" Hiccup pauses as he sighs once again. "I just thought Toothless would be back by now. But, (Y/N)-" He pauses again as he remembers the conversation he had with Astrid. "Oh, I'm sure they are okay." Stoick affirms, knowing the close bond his son and (Y/N) have with the Night Fury siblings. "Yeah? I wish I could be that sure." Hiccup says, still worrying over his friends. Twilight moves over and gives Hiccup a gentle nudge on his arm as he looks down at her. Stoick sighs heavily as he sees his son so down, "Listen, I know what it's like to miss someone you love this time of year. But what do we do when they can't be here for the holiday? We celebrate them." Stoick states as he gently grabs Hiccup's shoulder. "And I imagine that's exactly what Toothless and (Y/N) would want you to do." He says. Hiccup glances up at his father then looks down as he thinks about his words. "Besides, Twilight is here. And she's still here, so she knows that they will be back." He states, gently giving Twilight a pet and the dragon purrs from the action. "Right?" Stoick says to Hiccup. "You're right." Hiccup says as he looks up at his father.

"Good." Stoick says, then nudges Hiccup a little hard as the teen groans from the action and is knocked aside a little. "Now, go get that helmet. We've had enough disappointment around here." Stoick states as he walks off. Hiccup rolls his shoulder then sighs as he remembers what happened to his helmet. Twilight rubs against him and Hiccup pets her head. The two finding comfort in each other during this time.

Elsewhere, (Y/N) sits on the shore of an island she and Toothless are on as they take a break. She plays around in the sand as she thinks about their progress, which has not gone great. She looks over to see Toothless looking out into the sea with a sad look. She stands up as she walks over to him. "Don't worry, Toothless. We'll find it. I know we will." She tells him. He looks over at her with big sad eyes as he leans into her. (Y/N) holds his head as she looks out into the sea. She then feels her hip for which her sword would lay, but had left it back on Berk so that nothing happened to it. If she lost it then she would....

Well, she would not know what to do. But then a bright shine makes her blink her eyes as she looks to find where it had come from. Toothless removes himself from her as he notices her expression then looks to find something shining in the sand. He hurries over to it then digs the area and finds something. (Y/N) follows and slowly gets on her knees, trying to be easy on her bandaged leg, then grabs a small metal chest of some kind. She tries to open it, but it was shut tight.

So she takes out a knife she kept in her boot and uses it to open the chest. Toothless watches as she focuses and successfully opens the chest. She puts away her knife then gently pushes Toothless back as he sniffs the chest then finally opens the chest, only to softly gasp at what she sees. She then gets an idea and smiles, "This is perfect." She says. Showing Toothless and the male Night Fury coos in agreement at what was inside the chest.

Back on Berk, everyone was going about their business as Snoggletog approaches. People chatter as they finish some last minute preparations. Hiccup walks through the village with Twilight as the two taking solace in each other's presence. But then Hiccup, who had his attention on the ground, bumped into someone making Twilight jumped back a little as she had her mind on something else. Hiccup and the other person groaned from the impact and Hiccup looks to see Fishlegs holding a large basket containing fish. "Oh, Fishlegs, you hungry? There's enough fish there to feed a dragon." Hiccup lightly teases, smiling at the large boy. Twilight sniffs the fish in the basket.

Bu then Fishlegs laughs nervously making the female Fury back away as she narrows her pupils at him with skeptical look. "Oh! A dragon, that's..." Fishlegs did not finish as he rushes off. Hiccup's smile drops as he shares a look with Twilight.

They followed Fishlegs and see him enter a building, the large blonde being too nervous to check if he was being followed as he hurries in. Fishelgs then exits after checking to see if the coast was clear and walks off with a smile on his face. Twilight lifts her wing off Hiccup as Fishlegs leaves and Hiccup quickly gets up and walks over to the doors of the building Fishlegs entered. He grabs the handles and opens the doors to find... "Aaaaaaa-!" Meatlug flies at him and the chain snaps as the Gronckle rams at Hiccup, taking him along. Twilight roars in surprise then flies after them. The first time she uses her automatic tail-fin.

"Meatlug?" Hiccup says in disbelief, having believed the dragon to have been with the rest. He hears roaring and looks to find Twilight under Meatlug. He then removes himself from the Gronckle as he falls and lands on Twilight. He looks at Meatlug and makes a decision, "Follow that Gronckle, Twilight. Let's find out where the dragons went." He says to the purple-eyed Night Fury. Twilight roars in agreement and flies after Meatlug. They fly through the village and Astrid ducks her head as they pass her overhead and she watches with surprised eyes, "Hiccup? Where are you going?!" She calls out to Hiccup. "I have no idea!" Hiccup replies back, looking back at Astrid for a brief moment then focuses ahead as Twilight follows after Meatlug. Astrid only watches with an incredulous expression. "Meatlug! What about presents? Hey!" She then looks back as she sees Fishlegs call out to Meatlug.

Astrid got the rest of the Dragon Riders and are now in the building for which Fishlegs kept Meatlug. "I can't believe him." Astrid looks back with a furious expression directed at Fishlegs, "You can't believe him?!? You kidnapped your dragon!" She berates him, smacking his arm for emphasis. "Well, that makes it sound so mean." Fishlegs says, sounding guilty. But while they were talking, Ruffnut and Tuffnut spot something in the hay and walk over to it. They push aside the hay and their eyes widen in surprise. "Hey, guys..." Tuffnut calls out to the others, but was ignored. "He flew away the second he was unleashed." "I'm 72% sure he wanted to stay." Astrid and Fishelgs argue. "Guys!" Tuffnut says loudly, getting the others' attention.

They walk over to see what the twins have found. "Whoa-ho-ho-ho. Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks." Fishlegs says. In the hay was multiple round blue rock-like objects that also looked to have uncut gems encrusted in them. "You're such an idiot. Those aren't rocks. Your dragon laid eggs." Ruffnut tells him. "Hey, Wait." Astrid starts, having gotten on one knee as she inspects one of the eggs in her hands. "I bet that's why the dragons left- to lay their eggs." Astrid realizes. "But boy dragons don't lay eggs." Fishelgs says in confusion on how his 'boy' dragon could lay eggs. "Yeah. Your boy dragon is a girl dragon." Ruffnut states. "Okay! That actually explains a few things." Fishlegs says sheepishly.

"Hey!" Astrid stands up with a big smile on her face, "Everyone's missing their dragon, right?" She starts. "Uh, here it comes." Snotlout complains. "I've got an idea." Astrid says, having moved over to a turned over, empty crate. She grabs a red ribbon from a box of decorations, "It'll be another new Snoggletog tradition." She finishes, turning to face the group as she holds the egg in her hands, now with a red bow decorating it.

She and the others, with the decorated eggs in their arms, look around the empty village. "Oh, this is gonna be good." Astrid says in excitement. She and the others separate to place the eggs in the homes. They place the eggs in the awaiting helmets, happy that dragons will still be a part of the holiday.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Hiccup were still following Meatlug. They were in a foggy area but Twilight had no trouble while Hiccup tries to look ahead to see something. Twilight then dodged a rock pillar making Hiccup exclaim in surprise, "Whoa!" He holds onto Twilight as best he can while the female Night Fury tries to be as steady as possible to keep Hiccup on her. "Where is Meatlug going?" Hiccup asks out loud. Twilight giving him a glance in acknowledgment but then focuses back on the Gronckle. Twilight then flies upwards. "Aah!" Making Hiccup yelp a little. He looks back to find a wrecked ship, looking to have belonged to his tribe.

Meatlug and Twilight flew above the clouds. Hiccup looking up at the sky to find it now being midday. Hiccup looks down at the clouds but then pass them as an island is revealed. It was smaller than Berk and is circular with a large pool of water in the center of it. The auburn-haired teen's eyes widen as he sees all the dragons on it. Twilight then dives down and glides across the water, landing on the island after Meatlug did. Hiccup gets off her as he steps onto the island. He walks a little then stops as he looks around. Steam came from the pool of water as dragons are seen all over.

Twilight stands next to him as the two see that they are babies playing with their parents. A Deadly Nadder walks over to their hatchlings and wretches a little then lowers their head to feed their babies. "Whoa. You guys come here to have babies." Hiccup says in realization. But then looks down in thought as he turns his head to look at Twilight. The Fury feels his gaze and looks at him. "You were okay with not going... because you didn't have anything to go to." He says, a sad frown on his face. Twilight coos at him then gives him a tiny lick on his face. Hiccup smiles at her and wipes off the saliva on his cheek. He gives her a scratch on the chin but then notices a Gronckle pushing some eggs into a small pool.

"Huh." Hiccup hums then slides downhill and jumps down, he halts a little as baby dragons run by him. "Ah!" He watches them with a smile as Twilight meets with him, having jumped down gracefully. As the eggs sink to the bottom of the pool, they crack as they heat up and baby Gronckles burst from them. The newborns quickly swim to the surface and Hiccup kneels down as they crawl out of the pool. "Aww." He coos at the babies. "Wow." He marvels as one of the babies flies for a moment then falls and rolls over to their parent, their siblings following after.

Twilight watches them and then one of the baby Gronckles waddles up to her. She huffs softly then leans her head down to gently nudge them to go be with their parent. The baby gives a happy roar at her then runs off. Hiccup smiles softly at the scene but then notices an egg. He stands up and walks over to it. "Hey, look over here. You missed one." But then the egg starts to crack and the Gronckle roars as it flies off and Twilight's eyes narrow as she rushes over and tackles Hiccup right as the egg explodes. Twilight rolls for a bit as she covers herself and Hiccup with her wings. She peeks her head out to make sure it was safe then untucks her wings and releases Hiccup from her paws as he looks with wide eyes at the newly hatched Gronckle, which had been launched into the sky after hatching and lands with a bounce.

It gets onto its feet and yawns as it stretches. Not bothered by its explosive birth. Hiccup slowly removes himself from Twilight as the two stand up on their own. "Man. It's a good thing those don't hatch on Berk." Hiccup says out loud. Twilight huffs in agreement.

However, back on Berk, the rest of the Dragon Riders had finished putting all of the eggs in the houses. They meet in the center of village as Astrid places the last one in a boot. She closes the door behind her, not noticing the egg starting to smoke. "Wasn't this a great idea?" She says to the others. "Uh-huh! Everyone is going to be so surprised." Fishlegs says. But right after he said that, the house Astrid was just in explodes and the baby dragon hits Fishlegs in the face, "Ow!" He yelps as he falls onto his back. "Surprise!" Snotlout says. The baby Gronckle then lands on Fishlegs, causing the boy to groan from the impact.

The baby dragon yawns as they sit on Fishelgs. Tuffnut, Ruffnut, and Snotlout all fawn over the baby while Astrid looks at the baby with wide eyes. "The eggs explode?" She says hesitantly. And explosions go off in other homes. "THE EGGS EXPLODE!!!" Astrid yells. The villagers then run for cover as fires are started because of the eggs. One man runs screaming as his helmet caught on fire. "Sorry!" Astrid apologizes to the man. Then another explosion went off and another man screams as he runs wire his arms in the air. "Sorry." Astrid apologizes again as she holds her hands to her face in agony at seeing the destruction.

One of the newly hatched Gronckles hits the giant tree-like structure, setting it ablaze. More explosions happen which led to more houses being damaged as people still ran around in panic. "Awesome." Ruffnut awes at the destruction. "Wow!" Her brother in the same trance as she is. Fishlegs holds the baby Gronckle that hit his face in his arms as he cringes at the destruction, but Snotlout smirks at it, "This is your best idea yet." He says to Astrid, but the shield maiden could not respond as she still watches the chaos with a horrified look.

Stoick makes to the center of the village and looks up at the structure as it is on fire. "What in Thor's name is going on?!?" He demands. "The eggs explode." Astrid says, then flinches as one more egg explodes. She smiles nervously at Stoick after the massive blunder.

Back on the nesting island, the sun starts to set as Hiccup walks around the island with Twilight. "Toothless!" Hiccup calls out to Toothless. Hoping that maybe he was here. "Toothless? (Y/N)?" Hiccup calls out again, feeling hope diminish. Twilight looks at him with a sympathetic face and gently nudged him with her head. Hiccup gives her a glance then looks around. "Ah, where are you guys?" He mutters.

The duo then walks up to a ledge and find, "Hookfang!" Hiccup exclaims happily as he makes his way to said dragon. The Nightmare perks his head up in surprise at seeing him. Twilight follows after and Hookfang chuffs at Hiccup as the teen greets him. Twilight then rushes over to someplace else and Hiccup looks over to see her meet with, "Stormfly." Hiccup says then makes his way to the Nadder. "Oh! You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys." Hiccup says as Stormfly gently nudged her head at him, chuffing at him. Twilight then gets swarmed by Stormfly's babies as they chirp at her. She moves around them but one trips and lands on its face. It quickly gets up and roars, getting Hiccup's attention.

"And you have... babies?" Hiccup says in slight disbelief, smiling at the little Nadders. Twilight then has the blue-scaled one bite at her and she lowly growls at them with a warning look. They step back and look at her with apologetic eyes. Hiccup laughs a little then the babies turn their attention to him. "Aww. Look at you guys, all happy together." He says as he bends down and lend his hand to them. The purple-scaled one walks over and bumps their head against his. Hiccup laughs joyfully and gives them a scratch on the side of their face. "Who knew you were leaving to celebrate your own... sort of... holiday?" He says slowly as he reaches an epiphany. Remembering how (Y/N) had said that they could be having their own holiday.

He then stands up, "I should get back to my holiday." He says, his hands on his hips. Twilight purrs at him and Hiccup smiles at her, "What do you say, Twilight? Wanna head back?" He asks her. The female Fury walks over to him and stands next to him. Hiccup smiles as he gets on her. "Let's go home." He says, giving her a scratch on her neck. She purrs from the affection then flaps her wings as she takes off into the sky and hovers over the island. "I'll see you all back on Berk when you're good and ready, okay, gang?" Hiccup says to the dragons below.

But then Stormfly screeches as she begins flying and the rest of the adult dragons follow. "Oh! No, no! No, no, no!" Hiccup exclaims, trying to get them to stay but it was futile. "I, uh, I think I just started the return migration." He says. Twilight just huffs at his statement. The baby dragons screech as they see their parents take flight and start running to try and follow after them. "Well, if you insist." Hiccup says, accepting the dragons' return. Some babies jump off a cliff and try to fly after their parents, "Come on." Hiccup encourages. But the wind pushes them back onto the island. "Oh, boy, this is never gonna work." Hiccup says. The adult dragons look back at their babies and the babies roar to them. "Hmm." Hiccup hums as he thinks of a solution. And then his eyes brighten as he remembers something. "Oh! Hold on. I've got just the thing." He says, tapping Twilight on the head as he got an idea. Twilight flies off in the direction Hiccup wants her to along with some of the dragons.

Elsewhere, dusk had fallen and (Y/N) smiles widely as she rides on Toothless as the two make their way back to Berk. The (H/C)-haired woman looks down at the package in her hands then holds it under her left arm as she uses her right hand to hold onto Toothless, who smiles as best he can while he has something in his mouth. After finding that metal chest, the two's luck had turn around and now they are eagerly heading back to Berk. "I hope the Hiccup and Twilight won't be too mad about what happened." (Y/N) says out loud. Toothless rumbles at her in assurance as he looks back at her with big eyes.

She smiles at him then gives him a pat on the head as the two focus ahead. "Just need to make a short pit stop then we will go meet with them. Best to take the back way so to not get attention." She says. Toothless rumbles back to her as flaps his wings and makes himself go a little faster.

Back on Berk, the newly hatched Gronckles bundle up in an area as they nap. While the rest of the people work on repairing the village after the hatching palooza. "Oh, Gobber, this is a disaster." Stoick groans tiredly as he and Gobber walk through the village. "Ach, it's not so bad." Gobber says to try and cheer his friend up. "Oh, not that bad?" Stoick sasses as he looks up and sees Astrid hammering through a hole on one of the roofs of the houses that were blown up. "The village is destroyed, the dragons have gone and left us. Let's face it. This holiday is a complete- What are these people looking at?" Stoick stops his ranting as he notices the people around him looking at something.

He then looks up at the sky and his eyes widen as he sees somethings flying towards the island. "What is that?" He questions. It is then revealed to be Hiccup and Twilight along with the dragons as some carry the wrecked ship with some rope. "It's Hiccup!" Stoick exclaims. "And our dragons!" Astrid says. The crowd then cheers and applause at the return of Hiccup and the dragons. The dragons then place the ship on some snow and it slides for a bit until it stops stabilizes, the dragons holding the ropes letting go once it was.

The people look at the ship with curiosity but then the baby dragons exit it making the crowd aww at their cuteness. The adult dragons land and once Twilight lands, Hiccup gets off her as he smiles having come home along with the dragons. The crowd goes to reunite with their dragons. "Yeah! Woo-Hoo!" Snotlout cheers as he hugs Hookfang's head, the Nightmare chuffing at him as he leans his head into him. Meatlug flies as she looks for her babies and then perks up happily as she sees them. She lands as the baby Gronckles crowd together and Meatlug regurgitates fish she saved for them. The babies happily eat as Meatlug watches with a fond smile. "Meatlug!" Fishlegs exclaims happily as he runs and tackles his dragon in a hug.

"Stormfly! You're back! Oh!" Astrid says blissfully as she runs up to her dragon. Resting her forehead and hands on Stormfly as the Nadder closes her eyes in greeting. Then the Nadder's hatchlings walk up to Astrid and chirp at her. Astrid looks at them with a wide smile, "And there are babies." She says as she bends down and pets them as they happily chirp at her. Hiccup watches all with a smile as Tiwlight stands next to him. She then hears someone approaching and looks to see Stoick walk up to Hiccup. He chuckles joyfully as he wraps arms around his son and picks up as he hugs him. "Well done, son!" He says. "Thanks, Dad." Hiccup chokes out from the strong embrace.

Stoick let go of Hiccup and the teen staggers a little as he inhales some air into his lungs. Twilight walks up and to him in case he needs help standing but Hiccup waves her off as he straightens himself. "Everyone! Grab your dragons! To the Great Hall! We finally have something to celebrate about." Stoick announces. No one noticing two individuals landing on the other side of the village.

All of Berk celebrates in the Great Hall with the dragons. They cheer and laugh as they celebrate Snoggletog. Hiccup walks with Tiwlight beside him as they look around at all the people and dragons. "This is the best holiday ever! Ooh! How's a baby?" Fishelgs cheers as he plays with some of Meatlug's hatchlings. "Whoa!" Snotlout exclaims a little then laughs as he plays with a baby Monstrous Nightmare. Hiccup stops walking as he looks around, seeing everyone with their dragons and kids playing with the baby dragons. Twilight senses his sadness and gently nudges him with her head as she looks at him with big sympathetic eyes. She too missing her rider and brother.

"Hiccup, I know this must be really hard for you, seeing everyone with their dragons." Astrid starts as she walks up to Hiccup, looking at him with consolation, "But you and Twilight did a really wonderful thing. Thank you." She says then hugs Hiccup and gives Twilight a pet and the female Fury purrs from the affection. Hiccup smiles at Astrid's assurance and wraps his arms around her to hug her back. But then he frowns as he remembers the two people that were not here. "Astrid, where did (Y/N) and Toothless go?" He asks her. Astrid looks down at the ground with a sad frown as she stops petting Twilight, the dragon holding her head low as she remembers her rider and brother's absence.

"I don't know." She answers. She then looks up as a door to the Great Hall opens and sees none other than (Y/N) and Toothless enter the place. Toothless has something in his mouth and (Y/N) holds a package along with having her father's sword on her. They look around as they enter the hall, looking for certain someones. Some people notice them but the two don't give them any mind as they still look and look until their eyes land on the people they have been looking for.

(Y/N) notices Astrid with them and holds a finger up to her lips to signal the blonde woman to stay quiet. Astrid had the widest smile then it becomes a smirk as she glances away for a moment then separates from Hiccup. Wow. Man, wouldn't want to be you right now. I mean, you brought back everyone's dragon except yours. And you couldn't find (Y/N)." She says, keeping Hiccup and Twilight's attention on her. The two only give her unimpressed and irritated looks. "Yeah, you know, this is not helping at all." He says, rolling his eyes at Astrid.

Astrid bites her lip as her hands shake in excitement then pushes Hiccup turning him around. Twilight jumps a bit from the action but then looks behind her and sees, "Toothless! (Y/N)!" Hiccup exclaims in joy as he runs to them. Toothless chuffs happily and (Y/N) smiles widely as Twilight runs up to her then stops as the two look at one another. "Sorry, Twi. I just-" (Y/N) was stopped mid-apology as Twilight gives her a big lick on the face. The (S/N)-skinned woman groans playfully as she wipes off the saliva with her right, non-bandaged hand as she looks up at Twilight with a big smile. "I won't do it again. Promise." (Y/N) says. Twilight huffs then closes her eyes and leans forward as she touch foreheads with (Y/N). The young Viking closing her eyes and enjoying the reunion with her dragon.

Hiccup and Toothless meet and Hiccup looks at his dragon with a wide smile then hugs him. Feeling the warmth from the male Fury. "Stoick." Gobber says to his friend. Stoick looks at him then follows to what he is gesturing at. He smiles as his son reunites with his dragon. Hiccup then separates from Toothless as he starts lecturing him. "Bad dragon! Very bad dragon!" He says, using his hand as emphasis. Toothless follows it with wide innocent eyes. "You scared me to death. You too, (Y/N)." He says, getting said woman's attention as she opens her eyes and separates from Twilight. She looks at him with a guilty smile. "Don't you guys ever stay away that long again. And what is in your mouth?" Hiccup says as he then notices something in Toothless' mouth. The dragon puts it on his head, covering him in saliva.

Some people gagged at the sight while others laugh. Toothless removes himself from Hiccup and it is revealed to be Hiccup's helmet, now back with its owner. Hiccup chuckles in disgust as he wipes the saliva off him. "Yeah, y-you found my helmet." He says. Toothless grunts at his statement. (Y/N) laughs a little at his reaction while Twilight looks at her then at her brother then perks up as she realizes. Hiccup then widens his eyes at the realization too. "Hey! You found my helmet!" He exclaims. "That's where you've been?" He asks them. Toothless rubs his face with Hiccup's. "Well, yeah." (Y/N) answers. "Buddy, (Y/N), thank you. You are amazing." Hiccup smiles at them and (Y/N) smiles back as Hiccup hugs Toothless again. (Y/N) then hugs Twilight with her bandaged arm as the purple-eyed Fury purrs at her. Stoick and Gobber laugh as things are finally settled. "Happy Snoggletog!" Astrid cheers and the crowd cheers along.

After getting cleaned and catching up with the other riders, and a light punch from Astrid, Hiccup and (Y/N) sit in a quiet corner as they look at festivities around them. Twilight and Toothless were lying with each other, after Twilight gave her brother and hard smack for leaving so suddenly with her rider. Hiccup looks down for a moment then inhales deeply as he looks at (Y/N). "Hey." He starts. (Y/N) gives her attention to him as she turns her body to face him. "I'm really glad you and Toothless are back, but why did you go with him?" He asks her. (Y/N) looks down for a minute then closes her eyes and deeply inhales. "Your helmet was made from your mother's breastplate. Right?" She says, opening her eyes as she looks at Hiccup.

Hiccup's eyes widen then he looks down at his helmet held in his hands. "Yeah." He answers looking back up at (Y/N). "It is the only thing you know that connects you to her." She says. She looks down as she turns back a little then places her right hand on her sword. She took off her belt earlier to sit more comfortably. She looks back at it with somber eyes, "This sword, my father's sword is the only thing connecting me to my parents. Hell, either of my parents. When I saw you lose your helmet, I guess I just..." (Y/N) pauses as she closes her eyes and sighs.

Hiccup looks at her with heartbreaking expression as he realizes why she did what she did. "It be like losing a parent again." The (H/C)-haired woman answers as she opens her eyes and turns back to face him, removing her hand from her sword. She looks at Hiccup with teary (E/C) eyes but no tears were shed as (Y/N) quickly wipes her eyes. Hiccup looks down at his helmet as he thinks about what she said. He never got to know his mother and talking about her is a touchy subject, but it was nice having something of hers so that he had a connection with her in some way.

He looks up at (Y/N) as she sighs. "But anyway, here." She says, giving him the package she has been holding onto. Hiccup looks at her and sees her with a small smile and so he sets his helmet to the side and takes the gift from her. He opens it by removing the ribbon decoration and then the lid. His eyes widen as he picks up a journal. It has a brown leather cover that had carvings of two Night Furies that surround the center of it which had a beautiful pearl that shines with purple and green hues that represented the moon. "I heard that you ran out of pages in your old one, so I made you a new one." Hiccup looks at (Y/N) as she smiles nervously at him, hoping he liked it.

"The pearl was the finishing touch. Toothless and I found it while we were looking for your helmet. Do you like it?" She asks, rubbing her bandaged left arm. Hiccup closes his mouth, which he did not realize was open, as he blinks and sets the journal down as he holds (Y/N)'s hands with his own. "It's amazing. But having you, Toothless, and Twilight here made this the best Snoggletog I could ever have." He says, smiling at her. (Y/N) sighs in relief as the two look into each other's eyes. Hiccup's eyes then glance up and notices something. "Huh." He mutters. "What?" (Y/N) asks him. "Up there." (Y/N) looks up to what Hiccup is looking up and sees a green plant with white berries from it hanging from the ceiling.

Hiccup then comes up with an idea. He lowers his head and (Y/N) does the same as they look at each other once more. "I didn't have a gift planned for you, so I hope this is okay." He says. He leans forward and gives (Y/N) a kiss on the lips. (Y/N)'s eyes widen a little in surprise but then closes them as she leans in to kiss him back. They part and look into each other's eyes as they smile at each other, still holding hands. "Happy Snoggletog, Hiccup." "Happy Snoggletog, (Y/N)." Toothless and Twilight then walk over and and together all four enjoy being together as they watch the celebration together.

In the morning, Hiccup was sleeping on the floor since (Y/N) was in his bed. He insisted for her and Twilight to sleep over since he was still wanting to keep her and Toothless close after the long period of absence. Wood creaked then the house shakes which caused the two young Vikings to wake up. They give each other a smile then look up at the roof. After getting ready, they exit the house and look around as the village was covered in snow. A roar was heard, "We're coming, guys!" Hiccup calls back and hurries down the steps. (Y/N) leapt to the ground instead of taking the stairs.

"Okay, we're up." "All right, bud, come on down. We were just..." Hiccup trails off as he sees both Twilight and Toothless standing together with their old flight gear before them. (Y/N) looks at them with a confused expression. "Guys, what this?" She asks, looking up at them. "Yeah, what's you pull these out for? You don't need them anymore." Hiccup says, pushing aside Toothless' old saddle. "Come on, let's get going." Hiccup says as he walks towards Toothless to get on the male Fury. "Yeah, let's go flying together, Twi." (Y/N) says as she walks pass Twilight's old saddle.

But the Fury siblings walked by them, grumbling as the two Vikings look at them with confusion. The black-scaled dragons look down at the saddles then back up at their riders. "Would you two quit fooling around?" Hiccup playfully tells them. He and (Y/N) try to get on them but the move again. "Guys, you have your independence back. The tails work perfectly." (Y/N) says. The dragons only look at them with big eyes. Hiccup and (Y/N) share a brief look then look at the dragons. "Toothless?" "Twilight?"

The Night Furies look at each other then look back at their tails as they open their real tail-fins and the new prosthetic ones copy them. They then look at whir riders as they slam their tails onto the ground. "Twilight!" "Toothless! Stop! What are you two doing?!?" (Y/N) and Hiccup exclaim in shock as the Night Furies toss the tail-fins away then grab their respective saddles and place them in front of them. The Vikings look at the dragons and their eyes widen. The Night Furies look at them with big pleading eyes as Toothless pushes his saddle with his paw as Twilight chuffs at them. The Viking pair slowly smile at them.

"Winter in Berk lasts most of the year. It hangs on with both hands and won't let go. And the only real comforts against the cold are those you keep close to your heart." Hiccup's voice narrates as he rides on Toothless and (Y/N) rides on Tiwlight. The Fury siblings now wearing their old gear as they fly above the clouds. "Okay, you guys, ready?" Hiccup calls out to the others. "You bet!" (Y/N) calls back. Toothless and Twilight roar back. Hiccup and (Y/N) unlatch their safety lines from the saddles and remove their feet from the peddles. They stand on their dragons then jump off them as they backflip and fall down.

"Yeehaw!" "Woo-Hoo!" They dive down and their dragons dive down with them. Hiccup smiles at Toothless and Toothless him his signature gummy smile. (Y/N) laughs joyfully and Twilight coos at her. "Turns out that was the best Snoggletog ever." Toothless taps Hiccup's shoulder, which makes the teen spin. Hiccup smiles at his best friend then closes his eyes as he feels the wind in his face. Toothless copies him as do (Y/N) and Twilight. "That year, I gave my friends a pretty great gift." As they reach the ground, Vikings get on their respective dragons and open their tail-fins. "Woo-Hoo!" "Yeah!" They cheer as their dragons open their wings and roar, flying by some trees that get snow shaken off them from the force. "They gave me better ones."

The End.

(I hope you have enjoyed this. Happy Holidays and Happy New Years!!!)

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