New Tails

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Third Person P.O.V.

"-and with one twist, he took my hand, and swallow it whole!" Gobber says, as he tells the teens of how he lost his arm. "And I saw the look on his face," He continues, as he waves a cooked turkey around. "I was delicious. He must have passed the word because it wasn't a month until another one took my leg." He finish, as the teens gasp except Hiccup and (Y/N). For their minds were on something else.

"Isn't it weird to think your hand was inside a dragon? Like, if your mind was was still in control of it, you could kill the dragon from the inside by crushing its heart or something." Fishlegs voices his thoughts, waving two large chicken legs. "I swear, I'm so angry right now! I'll avenge you beautiful hand and your beautiful foot! I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight! With my face!" Snotlout growls.

Gobber hums in disagreement, as he rips a wing from the turkey. "No. It's the wings and tail you really want. If it can't fly, it can't get away. A down dragon is a dead dragon." He explains. But this concerns Hiccup and (Y/N). Gobber yawns, "All right. I'm off to bed. You should be too. Tomorrow we get to the big boys, slowly but surely making our way up to the Monstrous Nightmare. But who will win the honor of killing it?" He says, as the teens become excited at the news.

But two teens were gone, leaving behind their cooked fish. Astrid notices and looks to find Hiccup going down the stairs, (Y/N) in the front  wanting to get away as quickly as possible. Astrid was confused as to why they left suddenly but then sat back with the others as they talk about a tattoo/birthmark Tuffnut had.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

At the forge in a room at the back, Hiccup opens his journal on the page of the Night Fury and redraws a tail-fin. He then started up the forge while (Y/N) gathered leather. The two work together as Hiccup assembles the pieces while (Y/N) sews. After long hours of hard work, two newly-made tail-fins were complete.

In the morning, they head back to the cove. They both holding a tail-fin and a basket filled with fish for the dragons. "Hey Toothless~ Twilight~" Hiccup called out in a sing-song voice. As he and (Y/N) approach the dragons. "We brought some breakfast. Hope you two like it." (Y/N) says in a soothing voice, as she puts down her basket while Hiccup drops his. They tip them over with lots of fish pouring out.

The dragons slowly walk to a pile of fish sniffing at it. "Okay. That's disgusting." Hiccup groans. "Well, dig in. We got some salmon and Icelandic cod." (Y/N) lists as she slowly walks next to Twilight. "Yep. And a whole smoke eel." But after he said that both dragons start backing away. (Y/N) takes a defensive stance as Hiccup picks up the dead eel. Both dragons roar in distress, "No, no, no, no, no!" Hiccup yells frantically, throwing the eel away.

(Y/N) relaxes her stance and pats Twilight's head gently. The dragon appreciates the gesture. "No. It's okay." Hiccup assures, reaching his hand out to Toothless. Who sneezes at the smell on the boy's hand. "Yeah....I don't really like eel much either." He says, wiping his hand on his vest. "Honestly. I don't think anyone likes eel." (Y/N) adds.

Now eel free, both dragons feast on the fish. "That's it. That's it....just stick with the good stuff," Hiccup says slowly as he walks behind Toothless.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I saw Hiccup make his way towards Toothless' tail and I walk to Twilight's. She and her brother were busy eating the fish. I get on my knees and try to get the tail-fin on, but the tail moved away. I look to find Twilight looking back at me with a calculating gaze. "It's okay. Just made ya something." I tell her. She looks at the tail-fin in my hands then faces forward and resumes eating.

I breathe a sigh of relief and maneuver myself to be aligned with her tail. Thanks to Hiccup, I know how to attach it. I was more of a fighter but I always had a hobby of drawing and making stuff. I mean, I have a special ink to write on leather and I practically made my outfit. I had talked to Hiccup about adding something to the tail-fins, but he said to wait until we know if they work. However, I never really had a lot of time recently but it is nice to have these moments.

Speaking of Hiccup, I heard him grunt as I look at him trying to keep Toothless' tail still. I giggle at the scene and resume back to my task. Once I had finished it looks good. But before I could contemplate further, I heard screaming and flapping and looked back to find Toothless has taken flight. With Hiccup clinging onto his tail. "HICCUP!" Twilight roars as I call out to Hiccup.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I scream as I see (Y/N) and Twilight get further away. "No, no, no, no, no!" I look at the tail to find that the tail-fin is closed. I feel Toothless fall and I grab the the fin and open it. We took to the sky and I couldn't believe it. "Oh my - It's working!" I then turned his tail and we end up back in the cove, gliding across the pond.

I felt such accomplishment. "Yes! Yes, we did it!" But then I felt Toothless turn sharply and I lost my grip and end up skipping over the water. I was soaked and Toothless crashed into the water, but I never felt better. "Yeah!" I swim over to (Y/N) as she lends me a hand. I grab it and she pulls me out of the water.

"Well, it works." She says, crossing her arms. I smile at her but then she hugs me, hard. "Gods, do you have a death wish or something?" She whispers and I laugh nervously. "Uh, maybe?" She pulls back and looks me in the eyes. I couldn't help but stare into those (E/C) eyes. But then I felt a slap on my head. "Ow!"

I look to find Twilight with a glare as she turns her back to me to check on Toothless after slapping him too. "I think that's her way of saying to be more careful from now on." I hear (Y/N) laugh. I rub my head to soothe the pain, "Yeah. Noted. A-And good call on the leather. Ve-very strong." I tell her. She smiles, "Thanks. But it was your craftsmanship that made the tail operational. Although, you will have to come up with a way to keep them open." She says.

I knew she was right. I look at the two dragons and knew she was right. I feel a light punch on my shoulder and look back at (Y/N). "Now let's get you dry. We have class." She says. I nod and we say bye to the dragons, but not without me grabbing the eel. Who knows? It could come in handy.

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