Test Drive

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Third Person P.O.V.

The boats had returned, well one, and it was damaged greatly. Everyone had mostly returned but were upset for they had failed to find the Dragon's Nest. Again. They boarded on the docks as people welcomed them back and helped as well.

Stoick sighs heavily as he grabs the hand of a man to help him up. He pats him on the shoulder as thanks and sighs once more and walks off. "I trust you found the nest, at least?" Gobber questions, seeing the burned ships. "Not even close." Stoick growls, not stopping. "Ah. Excellent." Gobber replies sarcastically as he follows his friend. "I hoped you had more success than me." Stoick says. "Well...if by success, you mean that your parenting troubles are over, then....Yes." Gobber answers.

"Congratulations Stoick! Everyone is so relieved!" "Out with the old and in with new, right?" "No one will miss that old nuisance!" "We're throwing a party to celebrate!" A bunch of Vikings said as they passed Stoick, who slightly gasps and looks to Gobber, "He's gone?" He questions. "Ehm, yeah. Most afternoons. Along with (Y/N). But who can blame them? Those two haven't had alone time since Hiccup has been swarmed by his new fans." Gobber answers.

"Hiccup?" Stoick repeats with disbelief in his voice. As he grabs Gobber's shoulder. "Who would have thought, eh? He has this way with the beasts." Gobber answers.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I take a deep breaths as Toothless and I fly high in the sky. I look over at (Y/N) and see her and Twilight enjoying the view, flying behind us. I smile and focus back to the task at hand. "Okay, guys! Let's take this nice and slow!" I look down at my cheat sheet. "Here we go, here we go. Position...three." "I thought it was four?" I hear (Y/N). "Oh. Yeah, right. Thanks." I shift my foot to adjust the tail-fin and look to find (Y/N) doing the same.

I hear Toothless snort as we glide and tip to the side. I look back at his tail-fin and Twilight's too, both holding up great. We even out and glide gently. "You good?" I yell over to (Y/N) only to find her with the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Yep! They're holding up great!" She yells back and I smile too.

I take a deep breathe and look back at the tail-fins. "All right, it's go time." I mumble to myself. "It's go time!" I tell (Y/N). She looks at me and nod and Twilight grunts, ready to go. Together we all dive down and glide across the ocean. I feel the wind on my face as I ride on Toothless. "Come on, bud! Come on, bud!" I encourage him. I hear seagulls and look up to see them as we fly underneath a rocky archway. "Yes! It works!" I look at (Y/N) and smile at the achievement of the tail-fins working and Twilight bumps into Toothless playfully.

I chuckle and move to turn only to have Toothless bump into a rock pillar. "Sorry!" But we end up bumping into another one. "That's my fault." He then slapped me with one of his dorsal fins. "Ow! Yeah, yeah, I'm on it!" I hear the girls laugh and I roll my eyes. "Position four. Uh, three." Toothless began flying upward and I never felt such freedom. "Yeah! Go, baby!" "Woohoo! Yeah!" I hear (Y/N) and I smile widely. "Oh, this is amazing! The wind in my-Cheat sheet! STOP!" I scream as I grab the sheet but I unlatch from Toothless' saddle as he halted.

"HICCUP! TOOTHLESS!" I hear (Y/N) scream as me and Toothless fall. "Oh, gosh! Oh, Gods! Oh, no!" I panic. I try to get to Toothless. He roars as he tries to stabilize himself. I hear Twilight roar but I focus on Toothless, "All right! Y-You gotta kinda - angle yourself! Okay, no, no, no! Come back towards me! Come back down- Ow!" I got slapped in the face by Toothless as he spins.

I hear Twilight roar again and Toothless rights himself and I grab onto the saddle as I latch on. I look to find the ground closing in and me and (Y/N) pull back the dragons as they open their wings to slow down. They roar and I notice that we were heading towards the sea stacks. I grab my sheet from my teeth, but we were going too fast. I let it go and let my instincts take over.

Toothless and I zigzag through the maze. We were flying as if we were one. Once we made it out, I see Twilight fly next to us and see (Y/N) with a surprise look. We make eye contact and pant since we had made it through. "YEAH!" I cheer and raise my hands in victory. But then Toothless shot a fireball and we were heading towards it. "...Come on." I groan as we flew through it.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Never in my life have I felt such a rush. Flying through the sea stacks was a rush unlike anything I could imagine. It was as if Twilight and I shared the same mind. For all my life I had to be strong and prepare to defend myself, but now I feel like I have people to rely on and cover me. Accept me.

Speaking of, the four of us were resting on an island not too far from Berk. Me and Hiccup were resting against Toothless as Twilight lays next to him opposite of us. I couldn't help but giggle at Hiccup's face and hair since he and Toothless flew through a fireball. "So.....I would say that...first flight; a success." I say out loud.

"Yep. Nothing like almost dying." He answers awkwardly. I laugh and he laughs too. We then hear Toothless gag as he regurgitates half-a-fish. I was not doing that again. "Uhh, no thanks. We're good." Hiccup says, showing his own fish on a stick. I heard high-pitched roars and look to find a few Terrible Terrors flying to us. Or more precisely to the pile of fish meant for Toothless and Twilight. Toothless growls and guards the pile. He roars at a Terror while another took the half-a-fish meant for Hiccup and I.

It nibbles on it and another Terror tries to take it, only to to almost get scorched. I hear Toothless let out a laugh-like rumble at the Terror who tried to take a fish growls and was about to fire a flame, only for Twilight to shoot a blast in his mouth making it inflate. I covered my mouth to hide my laughter and I feel Hiccup give me a look but I knew he was smiling too. The poor Terror walks off and in front of me and Hiccup.

"Not so fireproof on the inside, huh?" He says. "Here you go. We're good." I say as I toss him the fish Hiccup had. It squawks and swallows the fish whole. The Terror made a purring noise and slowly crawls onto my lap, curling up against my stomach. I stare in awe and Hiccup pets the Terror. I didn't know what came over me but I placed my head on Hiccup's shoulder.

He froze up for a bit but soon relaxed and didn't say anything. In this moment, I felt vulnerable but it wasn't bad. It was actually nice. "Everything we know about you guys.....is wrong." Hiccup says. And then I remember that not everyone knows the truth about dragons as I start petting the dragon on my lap.

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