The Red Death

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Third Person P.O.V.

In the mist of a thick fog, Viking ships sail through it with Stoick's ship leading the way. "Sound your positions, stay within earshot." He instructs and goes to the front and looks into the distance with a determined look. Gobber watches as the others work and joins his friend, as he looks around nervously.

"Listen, Stoick. I was... Overhearing some of the men, and well, some of them, are wondering what it is we're up against." Gobber stammers but Stoick continues to look ahead. "Not me, of course. I-I know you're always the man with the plan, but some, not me, are wondering if there is, in fact, a plan at all. And... What might it be?" He finishes, awaiting an answer.

"Find the nest and take it." Stoick growls back. "Of course. Send them running. The old Viking fallback. Nice and simple." Gobber rambles. But Stoick shushes him as he notices the two dragons started to rumble as their senses heighten. He then moves to the tiller, "Stand aside." And takes control of the steering.

Both dragons become alert, their heads snapping up and their eyes silted. They then lean their heads in certain directions and Stoick turns the ship, leading the others to follow. "Hard to port." Vikings whisper to each other as they narrowly avoid the sharp rocks.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I looked at the gate containing the Monstrous Nightmare with a crazy idea in mind. "If you plan on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle." I heard Fishlegs and look to find the rest of teens here. (Y/N) smiles at me and I smile back. Tuffnut then walks up to me, "You are wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon." He says as he gets in my face. "Uh." "It's me." He was pushed aside by Snotlout, "I love this plan!" He says with eagerness. "I haven't," Ruffnut elbows him out of the way. "You're crazy! I like that." She was yanked away from me by Astrid. "So, what is the plan?" She asks me.

I look to (Y/N) as she stands next to her. "So?" She smirks. I look to the others and smile. I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Third Person P.O.V.

As the Vikings make there way through the fog, they avoid rocks with old ships on previous searches. A silhouette of a dragon was seen but when they passed it, it was an old ship wrecked and high up on a rock. "Oh. Heh. I was wondering where that went." Gobber says, trying to lighten the mood.

The two dragons continue unknowingly to lead the them to the nest. Stoick steers the shop and barely misses another rock. But then Toothless and Twilight start struggling to get their restraints off. "Stay low, and ready your weapons." Stoick orders. The ship comes in contact with land and Stoick moves to the front.

Humming was heard as he looks at the mountain and sees a dragon's tail disappear. The Furies continue to try and get free while Stoick only smirks in triumph. "We're here." He then jumps off the side of the ship and lands on the island, the humming stops once he lands. He looks around, wondering why the noise had stopped but pushes on with the mission.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Hiccup walk backwards slowly with his hand outstretched towards the Monstrous Nightmare as it approaches him. It keeps its attention on Hiccup as it hisses lowly but I know this will work out. I look to my right as the others watch in awe, but Snotlout was nervous and bends down to pick up a broken spearhead. I lightly smack his arm and Astrid does the same, both of us humming disagreement.

Snotlout drops it and I move so that Hiccup was next to him. He grabs Snotlout's hand gently, "Wait! What are you-?!" I shush him as the Nightmare puffs out some air. "Relax. It's okay." Hiccup assures. He then gently places Snotlout's hand on the dragon's noise and it purrs softly, nuzzling into his hand. He laughs in disbelief while I smile with pride. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look to Hiccup who gestures me to follow him. I nod and we walk off. "Where are you going?!" I hear Snotlout ask frantically.

"You're going to need something to help you hold on." Hiccup replies as we approach a box and bring out some rope. The others look at the other free dragons. I walk towards them, "So," I clap my hands together, getting their attention, "Who's next?" I ask, smirking.

Third Person P.O.V.

Large wooden stakes were crafted and set into the rocky ground and catapults were readied as Vikings prepared for battle. "When we crack that mountain open," Stoick draws a plan into the dirt as he explains it. "All Hell is going to break loose." In my undies," Gobber jokes, "Good thing I bought extras!" Stoick ignores him as he walks forward. "Now matter how this ends, it ends today." He raises his hand and closes it into a fist.

Numerous catapults launched giant boulders at the mountain. Upon impact, they crack open giant holes. Stoick climbs up to one and sees that the inside is showered with darkness. He gestures with his hammer, moving forward twice, and a flaming hay-ball was launched into the opening. Revealing the many dragons dragons sleeping on the wall.

Stoick lets out a war cry and this awakens the dragons. But instead of fighting the them, the dragons flee as fast as they could. The Vikings on the ground look on in confusion, not a single fire shot. Toothless and Twilight could only watch as they flew to safety. Both whimper as they cower in fear.

"Is that it?" Gobber questions, then shrugs lightly as he makes his way down. "We've done it!" The Vikings cheer at their supposed victory but Stoick looks at the dragons in confusion as they continue to fly away. But he then notices the two Furies as they frantically try to break free. "This isn't over!" Stoick realizes, facing the mountain. "Form you ranks! Hold together!"

Cracks started to form as the ground rumbles and a roar was heard throughout the island. Stoick's eyes widen as the mountain crumbles with something coming out of it. "Get clear!" He orders as he jumps to safety with the others racing away.

What comes out is a behemoth of a dragon. As big as a mountain, mostly gray in color with hints of red, razor sharp teeth, a long club-like tail, and a hard exterior with coral-like design.

As the Vikings continue to run away, Stoick looks back at the dragon with wide eyes, at the sight of the queen: the Red Death. "Beard of Thor! What is that?!" Gobber breathes out, as he stands by his friend and looks at the giant dragon. It crashes through the mountain as the others race away from it.

"Odin help us." Stoick says. Realizing the danger he and his people were now in. The Death releases a thunderous roar. "Catapults!" Stoick orders, his men firing quickly with large boulders. But this only angered the dragon as it roars in retaliation and destroys them with their large foot. "Get to the ships!" A man shouts. But Stoick gasps, "No! No!" He shouts as the behemoth notices the wooden ships.

Gas builds up in its mouth and releases fire at the vessels. Men yell and jump into the water to avoid the flames. But two were still on board as Toothless and Twilight had flames surrounding them and still try to escape.

"Smart, that one!" Gobber laughs bitterly as he follows Stoick. "I was a fool." The Chief mumbles to himself, but then shakes his head, "Lead the men to the far side of the island!" He commands. "Right! Everyone to the far-" "Gobber, go with the men!" Stoick tells said man. "I think I'll stay. Just in case you're thinking of doing something crazy." Gobber replies nonchalantly. "I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing someone to hunt." Stoick says firmly. Gobber grabs his arm making him stop as his friend looks at him, "Then I can double that time." He says as he clasps their hands together, smiling at his friend.

Stoick smiles back and nods as he turns and faces the dragon. "Here!" "Oh, no! Here!" The two yell as they run towards the dragon. The Red Death lifts a man up as he yells, almost getting devoured by the it but falls to the ground and runs off. Stoick grabs one of the wooden stakes, throwing it at the beast as it turns its attention towards him. "Come on!" Gobber yells, gaining its attention, "Fight me!" "No, me!" Stoick yells, as the Red Death reels it's head back to fire at them until a blast from the back of its head interrupts it.

Stoick's eyes widen as he sees dragons fly around the Red Death, familiar teens riding on their backs. "Ruff! Tuff! Watch your back!" Hiccup shouts as he steers the Nadder with Astrid behind him and (Y/N) sitting behind her. "Move Fishlegs!" She shouts. Stoick mouths 'what the?' As he watches on. "Look at us! We're on dragons!" Tuffnut shouts in excitement as he rides on one of the necks of the Zippleback with Ruffnut on the other. Snotlout struggles with the Monstrous Nightmare and Fishlegs on the Gronckle as it slowly flies around. "We're on dragons! All of us!" Tuffnut continues to shout.

"Every bit the boar-headed Viking you ever were." Gobber comments, as he walks and stands next to Stoick. The Chief couldn't help but nod his head in agreement.

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