This is Berk

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Third Person P.O.V.

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"This is Berk." A male voice narrates. "It's twelve days north of hopelessness and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery."

It was night and all was quiet on an island with two stone pillars nearby with fire in their mouths to help sailors. Wooden houses with lizard-like designs adorned a large section of the island. "My village. In a word: Sturdy. And it's been here for seven generations but every single building is new." And it's true. The houses looked as though they had just been built. "We have fishing, hunting, and charming views of the sunsets. "The only problems are the pests." Two sheep were eating grass until one was snatched away.

"While most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have," A teenage boy with auburn brown hair opens his door but a large flying reptile breathed fire at him and he quickly closed it. "Dragons."

More dragons start to raid while the villagers grab weapons to combat them. As for the boy he raced out of his home. "Most people would leave. But not us, we're Vikings, we have stubbornness issues." The boy looked around him but unlike the larger muscular people around him fighting against the dragons, he was short and skinny. "My name's Hiccup." A man fell at his feet and he narrowly missed being hacked by an axe. "Great name I know but it's not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like our 'charming' Viking demeanor wouldn't do that." A blast close by knocks him on his back and a Viking yells in his face, "Morning." The man greets.

Hiccup continues to run, passing by villagers telling him to get back inside. He almost ran into a fire produced by a dragon flying by but was grabbed by the cuff of his fur vest by a large man with a large reddish-brown beard. "Hiccup! What is he doing out-What are you doing out?! Get Inside!" He tells Hiccup as he pushes him away to safety. "That's Stoick the Vast. Chief of the tribe. They say that when he was a baby he popped the head of a dragon clean off its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes I do."

Stoick threw a weapons rack at a dragon which hits it and drops whatever it was carrying. "What have we got?" He asks one of his men. "Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks. Oh, and Horak saw a Monstorus Nightmare." A dragon fired close to them but Stoick didn't flinch. "Any Night Furies?" "None so far." He swept away some fire on his shoulder armor. "Good." Large torches were lit and raised to help in seeing the dragons more clearly.

Hiccup then arrived at the blacksmith shop taking off his vest to put on his apron. "Nice of you to join the party. I thought you had been carried off." A large man with a long blonde mustache greets Hiccup as he bangs down on a sword. "What-who-Me? No I'm way to muscular for their taste. They wouldn't know what to do with all this." Hiccup says, flexing his arms. "Oh, they need toothpicks, don't they?" The man teases as he changes hands due to having lost his arm a long time ago same with his foot. "The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber. I've been his apprentice since I was little. Well, little-er." Hiccup gathers weapons and heats them up.

"We move to the lower defenses. We'll counteract with the catapults." The Chief order his men and as they were heading to the catapults a dragon set fire to a house. "See. Old village, lots and lots of new houses." "FIRE!" A Viking yells.

Hiccup then looks out to find the other teens deal with the fire. "Oh that's Fishlegs." A large boy with short blonde hair and short legs hurries by followed by a beefy dark-haired boy. "Snotlout." Then a boy and girl both skinny and with long blonde hair fighting over a single bucket. "The twins: Ruffnut and Tuffnut." A girl with braided blonde hair and a spiked skirt with a serious face runs by. "Astrid. And,"

The final teen pours water on the fire and when they turn around a fire is blasted behind her. She has a slim yet strong physique with (S/C) skin and wore a leather skirt that stopped just above her knees with drawings of dragons, through use of a special ink, with a belt that had a iron buckle with a crescent moon engraved on it. Brown leggings and brown boots lined with fur. Along with leather arm bands on her forearms, a dark (F/C) shirt with leather shoulder pads. Her (H/C) hair was tied up in a braid that stopped just passed her shoulders blades, (if your hair is short just bare with me.) And had (E/C) eyes, highlighted by the flames, is the cherry on top. "(Y/N)."

She and the others rush past the blacksmith  and looked to find Hiccup by the window and gave him a smile and waves at him. Hiccup, who was starring at her with awe, quickly snapped back to reality and waves back and then tried to climb out the window. "Oh, their job is so much cooler than mine." "Ah. Not so fast." Gobber says as he grabs him by his shirt. "Oh, come on. Please. I need to make my mark!" Hiccup groans as he's put back on the ground. "Oh you made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places." Gobber says. "Please, just two minutes. I'll kill a dragon, my life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date." Hiccup says.

"You can't lift a hammer, you can't swing an axe, you can't even throw one of these." Gobber lists as he holds a bola, which a Viking grabs and throws it at a dragon. "Okay fine, but this," Hiccup starts as he gestures to a contraption, "will throw it for me." But when he touched it it fired and hit a man in the face. "See! Now this is what I'm talking about." Gobber starts, walking towards Hiccup. "Uh, minor calibration-" "Don't you, no - Hiccup! If you want to get out there you have to stop all....this." Gobber says. "You just pointed to all of me." Hiccup scoffs.

"Exactly. Stop being all of you." Gobber says, but it didn't exactly help. "Ohh." Hiccup says. "Ohh, yeah." Gobber mocks. "You sir, are playing a dangerous game. Keeping this much raw..Vikingness...contained. There will be consequences!" Hiccup exclaims. "I'll take my chances. Sword. Sharpen. Now." Gobber says as, he gives Hiccup a sword.

"One day I'll get out there. Because killing a dragon, is everything around here." As Hiccup sharpens the sword, he looks at all the different dragons causing havoc throughout the village. "A Nadder head, is sure to at least get me noticed." A group of dragons that had a crown a spikes and spines on their tails. "Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend." Two bulky and round dragons fly off. "Zippleback. Exoctic. Two heads, twice the status." A large green dragon with two long slender necks and tails wreck a house. One of the heads breathed gas in it while the other made a spark, igniting an explosion.

"They found the sheep!" A Viking yells at one of the towers with a catapult. "Concentrate fire on the lower bank!" Stoick orders. "Fire!" The catapult launches a boulder, hitting a Nadder. "And then, there's the Monstorus Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire." A large, long dragon with long horns sets fire to the tower and, is indeed, on fire. "Reload! I'll take care of this." Stoick combats against the dragon, but it flew away after a loud whistle was heard.

"But the ultimate prize is a dragon no one has ever seen. We call it the-" "NIGHT FURY!" "Get Down!" A blast erupted from the tower as it was blasted by a dragon that no one could describe. "JUMP!" Stoick yells, as he and the other men evacuate the burning and destroyed tower. "This thing never steals food. Never shows itself..... And never misses." Hiccup looks out in time for the Night Fury to blast the tower again, this time with two shots. "No one has ever killed a Night Fury. That's why I'm gonna be the first."

"Manage the forge, Hiccup. They need me out there." Gobber says, as he puts on an axe for his arm. "Stay. Put. There." He tells Hiccup, albeit awkwardly. "Ya know what I mean." He says, the yells a battle cry and goes to fight.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Now is my chance. I take off my apron and put my vest on. Grabbing my launcher and running out of the blacksmith and past a bunch of not-so-happy vikings, "I know! Be right back!"

Finding a ledge that was far enough from the village, I set up my launcher. "Come on. Give something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at." I wait. And I see some stars disappear and reappear and soon see the silhouette of what I believe to be the Night Fury. I hear it's familiar whistle and ready myself. It blasts a tower and I close my eyes and pull the trigger and the force sends me on my back.

I hear a screech and look to find it going down. "I hit it. Yes! I hit it! Did anyone see that?!" I hear a crunch behind me and look back to find a Monstrous Nightmare, "Except for you." And I  was soon running and screaming for my life. I hid behind a pillar and felt the blazing heat surrounding me. I try to regain my breath and hoping it's gone, I look back and I heard a grunt on the other side to find none other than the Chief confronting the dragon. It tried to spew fire but it was out and looked afraid.

I'll be honest, I felt kinda bad for him. "You're all out." The Chief hit him repeatedly and it soon flew away. "Oh. And there's one last thing you need to know." The fire burned through the pillar and the torch at the top rolls through the village and I couldn't help but wince at the damage. "Sorry. Dad." That's right. The Chief, Stoick the Vast, is my father. And to add insult to injury more dragons were freed, flying away with the food and livestock from the raid.

"Okay, but I hit a Night Fury." But instead of listening he grabs and drags me away, but I just wanted him to listen. "Aww, it's not like the last few times Dad! I actually really did hit one. You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot. It went down just off Raven's Point. Let's get a search party out there and-" "Stop!" I stopped. "Just, stop. Every time you step outside, disaster follows! Can't you see I have bigger problems?! Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed!" I can just hear the disappointment in his voice.

I look around at all the people watching, "Between you and me the village could do with a little less feeding. Don't you think?" "This isn't a joke, Hiccup!" He sighs heavily. "Why can't follow the simplest orders?" "I-I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just...kill it! I-It's who I am, Dad." I try again to convince him. "You are many things Hiccup. But a dragon killer is not one of them. Get back to the house. Make sure he gets there!" Gobber smacks my head and I walk away as I hear my Dad say he has my mess to clean up. Ouch.

It doesn't help that the other teens are laughing and making fun of me. As usual. "Quite the performance." "I've never seen anyone mess up that bad. That helped!" "Thank you! Thank you. I was trying. So," I couldn't be more embarrassed.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I wanted to speak up but I knew it wouldn't help. I never cared if Hiccup was different, Hell, I was different. I never told anyone but I didn't want to kill dragons. I never had much of a reason even if they raid us almost every day and I lost my parents to one when I was eight and taken in by the Hoffersons. But it wasn't a dragon it was when the house collapsed from a fire. My parents use to tell me that there is a reason for everything. And to never underestimate others, for you may never know what they are capable of.

Sure, the fire may have been caused by a dragon but I came to terms with it a long time ago because of Hiccup. He reached out to me and I am forever thankful for it. Astrid would try to help but she has been more focused on becoming a warrior that she would push anything as a distraction away. And she wasn't the most open person who you can have heartfelt moments with due to not wanting to show 'weakness.'

Hiccup was kind and compassionate and I couldn't help but feel better when talking with him. Unfortunately, we both have been pretty busy, so, we hadn't been talking as much and I had been training hard to become a warrior myself. Even if I didn't want to kill dragons, I still want to defend myself and others.

"(Y/N). Come on. We have work to do." I look to find Astrid already walking off. But I knew Hiccup needed comfort. So, I sneak away and head towards his house. It was up on a hill and larger than the others due to it being the Chief's. I knock, "Hiccup?" I didn't hear anything and slowly opened the door to look inside and find no one insight. I walk in and close the door behind me. I heard a thud and look to find the back door closing.

I realized that he was going to find the Night Fury he shot down. "Oh boy." It's a good thing a carry a knife with me. I exit out of the house and head off to Raven's Point.

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