Good Morning, Goodbye

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A/N: Hiccup works for the Berk Forest Service as a Biologist and a Wilderness Firefighter. Astrid is at home on Maternity leave with Nuffink and Zephyr.

Astrid was laying in bed trying to get a few more minutes of sleep while Hiccup was rushing around getting ready for work. He leaned over to kiss her cheek to gently wake up her.

"Milady, wake up." He said gently. "The kids are awake and I need to leave."

"Just five more minutes." She groaned. It had been a long night. Baby Nuffink had decided that he was going to have a party in his crib at 2am. Hiccup had slept through it, while Astrid had gotten up to check on him. She managed to get to him before he woke Zephyr.

"I'm sorry, Astrid, but I really need to go." Hiccup said. He was dressed in his Forest Service uniform, his nametag hanging a little lop-sided over his breast pocket.

She sprang out of bed, her blonde braid frizzy from being rolled on. She wiped drool off her chin as she slid past him. He grabbed her hand, pulling her in for a quick kiss, before he let go so she could go brush her teeth.

"You do have everything?" She asked, her words garbled around the toothbrush in the side of her mouth. She spat the used toothpaste into the sink. "Lunch? Keys? Phone?"

"Yes, Astrid. I've got it." He said holding up his cooler-styled lunchbox. He patted his pockets to double-check that he had the rest of his necessities.

He checked the time on his phone then slid it back into his pocket. He was running extremely late. They both rushed out into the living room to find Nuffink on a playmat on the floor with Toothless, their black lab, curled around the giggling baby. Zephyr, meanwhile, was bouncing on the couch, unable to contain her early morning energy.

Hiccup smiled at his little family as he opened the front door. He leaned down to give Adtrid one more kiss.

"I'll be back, probably." He called out as he raced to the car.

"And we'll be here, maybe." Astrid said, waving from the doorway. It was going to be a good day.

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