Astrid's Farewell

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It was a rainy day on Berk. Everyone was piled up in the Great Hall. Astrid Haddock walked with Stormfly to the memorial of Stoick The Vast, her would have been Father-in-law. Stormfly's wing shielded the rain from her, though Astrid's hood was up. Astrid looked up at the perfectly carved cliff.
It had been two years since the war with Drago and Stoick's death. Astrid and Stormfly came to the memorial once every month. Astrid liked to believe that Stoick liked her monthly updates on Berk; though, she would never know.
"Hey Stoick. I thought you should have the monthly update on Berk," Astrid started. "Hiccup is doing great at cheifing. Fishlegs and Heather finally got married, I mean after a year of chasing." Astrid chuckled, imagining what he would have said. "I know what you would've said, 'but you and Hiccup chased for five years' and yes, I guess it's true. The Twins are still nothing but trouble. Been caught yak tipping way more than usual, I think that's how Ruffnut gets her anger about her fiancé out.
Hiccup doesn't know, but I know he's going to be the best father, just like you. I just wish you were here to meet him. I know you always wanted to have grandchildren you could play with and tell stories to. I can only imagine. Little kids sitting on your knees, begging you for a story and pulling on your beard." Astrid mentally giggled at the thought. "Hiccup really misses you. He cried himself too sleep almost every night for months. After a while, he realized that you would always live in him. Valka has been a great help at the dragon armory. She's always helping Gobber tend to dragons or she's teaching new tricks to the youngest members of Berk. I know she misses you too. She finally had you, but then lost you in the same day. I will never understand how she copes."
     Astrid did not notice the slim figure off her husband walking with Toothless. Hiccup stopped behind her, quietly listening to the whole conversation. Hiccup's eyes watered as she talked about everything, just as if Stoick were still here.
     Astrid bowed her head, biting her lower lip. When she looked back up, her eyes were filled with tears. She took a shuddering breath. "I really miss you, I miss you calling me your future daughter in law during races, I miss catching you and Gobber spying on Hiccup and me, but most off all," Astrid took a deep breath before continuing, "I miss the fatherly love you always gave me."
     Tears spilled from her eyes, streaking her cheeks. She gently touched the lower part of the memorial. Her head was bowed in respect. She jumped at a sudden gentle hand on her shoulder.
"We both miss you dad." Hiccup choked out.
Astrid smiled through tears and leaned against Hiccup. The duo stood there for a few more minutes.
"How long have you been standing there?" Astrid asked curiously.
"Long enough," Hiccup mumbled, "I think we should go inside. You getting sick would not do our baby any good."
Guys, just.....*starts bawling*

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