Heather&Dagur// Losses&Family

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"No, Dagur!" Heather placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "You can't. It's to dangerous."
"Those hunters are the ones who have our father," Dagur explained.
"I know they're holding him hostage, but please Dagur, I can't loose you," Heather pleaded.
"Heather, I'll always be with you. Here." Dagur laced his fingers with hers.
Heather looked at their locked hands. Dagur brought them to his heart. Heather watched their hands as they slid from each other's. Dagur nodded and flew off on Shattermaster, whooping in pure Berserker style. Heather flew up on Windshear, making sure to keep out of range of the chains and arrows. Soon she saw the familiar shadow of Shattermaster.
     "Dagur!" Heather cheered.
     Heather's smile faded as she saw a stocky man on top of Shattermaster.
     "Oswald?" Heather asked hesitantly.
     "My baby," Oswald sighed.
     "Where Dagur?" Heather suddenly became frantic.
     Heather gasped as she saw a moving body. It floated along the waters edge near the beach. Heather dove back down and jumped off Windshear. She pulled the body ashore. Kneeling, She balled her hands into fists. She punched down on Dagur's stomach. Looking for just under the rib cage.
     "Dagur!" Heather wailed.
     Heather beat him more and more. Her efforts becoming more and more desperate.
"Dagur! Brother!" Tears fell down Heather's face.
Heather beat his chest, begging and wailing for him to breathe. She punched his chest again. Sobbing, she slowed her efforts. Her fists released their tension and fell to the sand next to Dagur.
Heather pulled at her braid, breaking her tie. Heather's shoulder shook with each sob. Her heart broke at the sight of her brother. Oswald pressed an ear onto Dagur's chest. He shook his head. Heather's wails grew louder. She laid her head on his peaceful body. She cried. Her tears soaked into Dagur's tunic. Her sobs wracked her whole body.
Oswald pulled Heather into his side. Heater turned and wrapped her arms around her father. His eye watered. He pressed a kiss onto Heather's head. He ran fingers through her dove soft hair. She cried and cried. She was fairly aware of Winshear leaving.
Soon loads of dragons landed along with riders. Oswald stiffened at the sight of dragons. Heather's cries became quieter. Astrid crouched next to Heather, taking Oswald's place. Heather leaned her arms on Dagur and her head on him.(like in HTTYD2 when Stoick died)
Fishlegs looked at Astrid. Astrid looked helplessly back at Fishlegs. Fishlegs pulled Dagur's body away.
"No! No!" Heather screeched. "Dagur!"
Astrid held her back, to the best of her abilities. Heather soon gave up and cried into Astrid's shoulder. Astrid stroked her hair comfortingly. Heather cried, we tears soaked into Astrid's shirt.
Astrid guided her to Windshear. Windshear nuzzled her rider as Heather climbed on. Heather took the arrow that Astrid's gave her. Soon they were hovering above a boat they found washed up.
"He was an amazing brother. Though he did bad, there was a good in him that he had to find. I'll see you again Brother," Heather bid farewell an shot her arrow.
     Heather kissed her hand placed it on her heart. A single tear dropped and fell onto Windshear's shiny scales. Heather and her father left for Berserker Island.
     Thought Hiccup and the gang missed her, they knew she would have never stayed in one place. Her father reclaimed the chair chieftain on Berserker Island. Heather traveled the world, visiting her friends  a lot.
     Heather never forgot the day she gains a family member and lost another.

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