Heathlegs&Hiccup&Astrid// The Cure Part 1

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(Requested by @roguedragons
What if Heather got appendicitis (or something like that) and Fishlegs takes care of her? Along with Hiccup and Astrid?)
So real quick, since appendicitis can't be cured without surgery, I'm gonna make it scarlet fever instead.

     Heather and Windshear patrolled Berk. Wait, Berk? Why is Heather on Berk and not on Berserker island? Well, let us start with a brief review of the last year.
     One year ago, Heather and Windhsear arrived to help Berk clean up after the Bewilderbeast attack. Hiccup's official chief dubbing had taken place in front of the whole council and his father's chief cloak was altered for his wearing. Heather had attended with Dagur.
     Fishlegs had been chasing for the love of Ruffnut, but upon seeing his old love, he abandoned her for Heather. Heather and Fishlegs had gotten closer over the year, even sharing a kiss or two. Heather had handed the reigns of the Berserkers back over to Dagur.
      Dagur and Mala had been married so he gave the Berserker chief title over to Heather and moved to the Defenders of the Wing island. Though due to Heather's transition to Berk, Dagur and Mala retook top he Berserkers and Mala appointed Throk as their new king.
     So, that was the last year, in a nutshell. Anyways, back to present time. Heather and Windshear landed on a sea stack. Soon a familiar buzz of wings behind her make her smile. She turned to see Fishlegs. She slid off Windshear and stood in front of the Viking.
     "What are you doing here?" Heather asked. "Following me again?"
"No, not really," Fishlegs squeaked while twiddling his thumbs.
Heather smiled. Suddenly her smiled turned to a frown. Fishlegs saw and leaned in to see what was wrong. She grabbed onto Windshear's handlebars for support.
"What's the mat-" Fishlegs was stopped when Heather collapsed next to Windshear. "Heather!"
Fishlegs jumped in to rescue her. He reached to pick her up, but Windshear growled at Fishlegs.
"Oh c'mon Windhsear, we've been over this," Fishlegs groaned.
But Windshear would not budge. She slid Heather onto her back and took off to Berk. Fishlegs jumped on Meatlug and shot after them. As they landed outside of Gothi's hut, he saw Heather was already stumbling inside. Fishlegs landed and saw Windshear. The dragon looked at him apologetically. Fishlegs sighed and reached to pat her, but again Windshear shielded away.
"Fishlegs! What's going on?" Astrid asked. She slid off Stormfly and sent her dragon to eat.
"I don't know, she was on patrol and when we landed she just collapsed," Fishlegs said with arm movements.
"I wouldn't worry Fishlegs, Heather's strong," Hiccup assured, leaning on Toothless. "She'll make it through."

"Scarlet fever?" Fishlegs' eyes rolled as he fainted on the floor of Gothi's hut.
"And we can worry now," Hiccup muttered. He raised his voice to say, "Gothi, there has to be a cure."
Gothi turned around and searched through her books. She found one that was written in an ancient tongue, one that had been lost to the Berkians hundreds of thousands of years before Stoick's time. Hiccup wrapped a comforting arm around his fiancé, as she watched her best friend and fellow warrior helplessly. Suddenly Gothi knocked Hiccup with her staff.
Hiccups arm retreated form Astrid and grabbed his own shoulder. "Ow! Gothi! Wh-why would you do that?"
Gothi ignored him and simply smacked Fishlegs. Fishlegs jumped up and looked at Gothi with hurt eyes. She ignored his look of pain and dropped the book in front of him. Fishlegs stood up and slowly began to read her writings.
"She says, decipher the book, she knows scarlet fever is in there somewhere. Hiccup! Hiccup! The cure! It's in this book!" Fishlegs said with a whoop of joy.
"I know, and this ancient tongue, Fishlegs we need to figure this out! New remedies we could find in here also," Hiccup said gleefully. "And look! There's a section on dragons, maybe they have cures for dragon illnesses too!"
Fishlegs and Hiccup raced out, leaving Astrid and Gothi watching the door. Gothi looked at Astrid, silently questioning her on what just happened. Astrid shrugged before giving a simple, "Geek mode."
Astrid watched Heather's head loll from side to side as she woke up. Astrid sat next to her and her shoulders drooped as she saw the tall tell rash that came with the he fever. Heather smiled. Astrid reach to grasp Heather's hand and tell her that Hiccup and Fihslegs were working on the cure, but Gothi gently grabbed her hand and laid it back in Astrid's lap.
Gothi opened her mouth and croaked out, "Astrid, dangerous. Highly contagious. Talk only, no touch."
Astrid's eyes almost bugged out of her head as she heard the old woman's voice, but she understood. No one could touch Heather, except an animal, like Windshear. Astrid sighed and rested her elbow in her knee and her chin sat upon her fist.
     That cure could not come soon enough.

So real quick! I have a question and I really need y'all to comment what you think. So I'm thinking of going through and deleting the really crappy one shots that I wrote, like the ones at the beginning. What do you think? Please comment what you think, since you are part of this book.

OH! AND, I love hearing your comments and feedback about the book. And I try to reply to all your guys' comments. But if I don't, PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY!
So that's it and comment more ideas for one shots!

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