Heathlegs// Sick days

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(@catdog556 How about Heather gets sick and Fishlegs takes care of her?)

     It was a sorry day on Dragons Edge. Not a soul was seen running a muck. The twins were weeping from their fallen boar pit, while Snotlout was busy getting his "beauty sleep". Hiccup and Astrid were stranded on Berk, unable to fly in this weather. Fishlegs was sitting inside with Meatlug.
     "And then sweet little Meatlug went to sleep, resting for her morning," Fishlegs finished.
     Meatlug's eyes drooped as her head hit the hard floor with a thud. Fishlegs yawned himself and crawled into bed. Meatlug's tongue flicked out, grazing Fishlegs' toes. Fishlegs let out a quiet giggle as it continued. Soon they both were sleeping rock hard.
     "Woah!" Fishlegs jolted up by the bang of his front door.
     He looked closer and saw Windshear. She cracked and let out an ear piercing roar. Fishlegs got out of bed and pulled his boots on. He walked over to her and calmly put his hand on her nose, which she quickly replied to. He then sat on her neck as she took off into the rain. She made hast to Heather's hut.
     "Heather?" Fishlegs asked cautiously.
     A raspy "come in" sounded. The door cracked enough for him to peek inside. He then saw it. Heather was sitting on the edge of her bed. Her head raised from her lap as he entered. Her face was pasty and her green eyes had lost their sparkle. Her long Raven hair fell over one side of her face and ended at her waist. Her light sleeping dress was flown and sprawled all around her. He edged closer, but Heather struck out her hand with a cough.
     "Don't come closer!" She gasped. "I don't want you getting sick."
     Fishlegs walked forward anyway. "Heather, you should know by now, I never get sick."
     Heather lowered her hand and shrugged. Fishlegs sunk onto the bed next to her. She groaned as a wave of nausea swept over her throbbing head. She leaned forward, resting her head in her hands. Fishlegs drew tiny circles on her back. She sat up as the wave dissipated. Fishlegs placed a hand over her forehead. He drew it away quickly, astonished how a body can give off that much heat.
     "How long have you been like this?" Fishlegs asked anxiously.
     "I don't know, I thought it was nothing at first," Heather moaned.
     Fishlegs jumped up and poured water over her fire, leaving a few burning embers. He then toddled back and gently forced Heather to lay down. She didn't argue. He ran and grabbed a bucket of cold water with three damp cloths. He sat next to her. He laid one cloth on her neck and one around the back of her neck. He then took the last one and dabbed her forehead.
     "Thanks for doing this," Heather mumbled.
     "Of course, you're my best friend," Fishlegs gushed.
     Heather hummed softly. Fishlegs continued to gently wipe the sweat of her face. She rolled to her side and curled her knees up. Fishlegs smiled as he watched her breathing even out. He quietly dipped the rag and rolled it and placed it gently across her head, brushing her hair from her face. He then gave strict orders to Windshear to come get him when she woke. He then closed the door quietly behind him.

     It had been three days since Fishlegs had stared treating Heather. He would sit next to her, hold her hand and talk with her. She would chuckle at some of his stories. He would play his windpipe to lull her to sleep after rough nights. A small cot was made for him near her so he could watched her 24/7.
     Fishlegs had left earlier to get her something to eat I case she was hungry. Fishlegs entered the hut with a mug and bowl. Heather squinted at him. He smiled and waddled over. He smiled and sat the food on her bedside. He took the rag off and felt her forehead. Her temperature had drastically gone down. He put his other on his own head and realized her head felt the same as him. Her eyes blinked slowly as she processed what was happening. She took his hand away from her head.
     "Thanks," she said gratefully.
     Fishlegs nodded meekly. He helped her sit up and get a drink of water. She smiled back, her eyes starting to brighten. He watched as her eyes regained their usual light. Her face slowly got its color back, though her voice was still rough. He took the bowl, wordlessly offering it to her. She nodded eagerly and held her hand out for it. Fishlegs shook his head and scooped a bit of soup onto the spoon. He offered it to her. She smiled slightly and let him feed her the soup.
     "Thank you, no one has ever done this for me," Heather admitted.
     "Well, you are my best friend, and I,um, I," Fishlegs stumbled.
     Heather took his hand in hers. "I think I understand."
     Fishlegs smiled and brought her hands to his mouth. He gently kissed the back of them. She smiled and held his hand. He chuckled and retrieved his hands, feeding her the rest of the soup.

     It has been a three days since Heather had gotten better. She regained her strength, so Fihslegs took her for a slow walk around the edge. The couple walked hand in hand through the base. Soon the roar of the Night Fury could be heard. Heather and Fishlegs smiled and walked over to greet their friends. Astrid and Hiccup dismounted and walked over to them.
     "Well, we missed something," Astrid said smugly.
     Heather and Fishlegs released their grip and turned away blushing. Hiccup and Astrid snickered and gave them hugs. Astrid pulled Heather to the side and Hiccup pulled Fishlegs to the side.
     The same thought rushed through Fishlegs and Heather's minds. This is going to be long.
Woohoo!!!!! This was an awesome one-shot to write! Thanks @catdog556 for this idea!!!!!!! See ya next week! And! The next chapter in The Night Fury's Fury is finally coming this Saturday!

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