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     "See you in  a week," Astrid said, giving Hiccup a peck on the cheek.
     Hiccup held their four month old daughter. Astrid caressed her small cheek. Astrid took her from Hiccup and cradled her close.
"I love you Lia." Astrid kissed her forehead gently.
Hiccup took her back and gave her to Valka. Hiccup pulled Astrid in for a last hug.
"Promise me you'll come back." Hiccup's hands shook.
Astrid placed her hands on Hiccup's. She rubbed his hands. "I promise."
Hiccup stole one last kiss from his wife. Astrid smiled and climbed aboard the ship. She waved. The fog swallowed her.

     Astrid stood astounded at all the cheiftess' in the building. The cheiftess of almost every tribe in the archipelago was here. Astrid walked around the room, watching the women intermingling and greet one another. Guards stood at their posts, watching to make sure nothing happened. Astrid looked at all the guards. One was staring at her. She turned on her heel and ran into a chiefess.
"Oh sorry!" The women said.
The old friends shared a hug.
"What? How?" Astrid stumbled.
"I took over the Berserkers," Heather explained. "Don't worry, you won't see trouble from us. What about you?"
"Hiccup and I have been married for two years," Astrid said shyly. "So, who'd you leave behind in control?"
"Fishlegs," Heather said.
"Fishlegs! He's in the Berserkers?" Astrid gasped.
Fishlegs had disappeared from Berk just after Hiccup and Astrid had been married. Berk searched for the Gronkle riding Viking, but had never found him. Astrid suddenly felt like kicking herself for not realizing. Fishlegs has left a note that he was off to find the woman he loved and that he would see the other some time in the future.
"Yeah, he and I got married seven months ago." Heather beamed with delight.
Heather and Astrid walked around. They chatted as they filled each other in on their lives. Astrid looked down and Heather blushed at her gaze.
"I think congratulations are in order." Astrid grinned and looked at Heather with questioning eyes.
Heather smiled and nodded. "Is child birth hard?"
"You don't know the half of it," Astrid assured with a laugh. She rested a hand on Heather's stomach and smiled as she felt the tiniest of movement.
Heather looked at the table. "Looks like the meeting's gonna start."
Astrid and Heather made their way over. The guard followed them. Astrid glanced at him. "Um, can I help you?"
"Just doin' my job 'ere," he assured.
"Okay." Astrid stared ahead and watched where she was walking.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Astrid." Astrid touched the blade of her axe on her back for reassurance.
"Would you go out with me beautiful?" He blurted out.
"No! I am married to the chief of Berk! I will not!" Astrid yelled.
"He doesn't need to know." The guard inched closer.
"Hey! What are you doing to my friend?" Heather called.
"Nothing, just getting acquainted," the guard assured.
Astrid stepped away and walked to her chair at the table. Th guard glared at her.
"Heather?" Astrid whispered. "I don't like that guard."
"Neither do I," Heather growled. "I won't leave you."
"Thanks." Astrid felt relieved to have Heather as a friend.

"Heather, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Astrid whispered.
"I'll come," Heather offered.
"No it's fine," Astrid assured.
Heather nodded warily. Astrid left as another woman slid in next to her.
"How far along?" She asked boldly.
"Five months," Heather replied.
"I am about seven months and I can't wait for my daughter or son to be born," she said.
Heather smiled and kept an eye on the bathroom hallway. Suddenly the guard walked back. Heather's eyes widened. "Excuse me I have to use the bathroom," Heather excused. Heather raced to the bathroom as fast as she could.
"Help!" Came the quiet plead.
So another parter one-shot!
Thanks again to TheChristianGirl12 !

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