Hiccstrid&Nova// We are...

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(Takes place about a month after Save Me)
"Yeah, in here Astrid." Hiccup grabbed a hammer from the wall.
"Can I talk to you, in private?" Astrid fiddled with her fingers.
"Sure." Hiccup led her to his little room.
He closed the door and locked it. He turned to face her.
"What's up?"
"Well, when I got captured." Astrid averted her gaze to the floor. "Drago, he kidnapped the heirs and wives of chiefs. He r-r-r-r-r-rapes them."
Astrid's eyes burst. tears flowed out as she spoke. Hiccup quickly pulled her into a hug. Hiccup ran a gentle hand up and down her hair. He pulled away and caressed her cheek. HE planted a small kiss on her.
"There's one other thing," Astrid began.
Hiccup looked at her expectantly.
"Can we adopt Nova? She has no family." Astrid waited in silence.
"I'd love to."

"Nova! Can you come down here?"
Nova sprinted down the stairs of the Haddock house. Hiccup and Astrid had gotten married after Astrid had returned. Nova lived with them, but had not accepted them as her parents.
"Nova, I want to explain something first." Astrid sat Nova on her lap. "We aren't trying to replace your parents, but would you accept us as your adopted parents?"
"It's not accepting that's hard," Nova wailed. "I'm pregnant, why would you want me?"
"Nova, look at me." Astrid held her gaze steadily. "No matter how you are, I will love you. If you want, you can have your baby and Hiccup and I can raise it."
"Really? You'd do that?" Nova's eyes glossed over.
"Yes baby." Astrid laid a gentle hand on her cheek.
So! How many of you would like a story on Nova? Like her life before Hiccup and Astrid and after her baby's birth. Please comment yes or no. If I get ten or more yeses I will write Nova's Life.
Now, if I do write the book, it would probably be a little bit. Because I want to finish Deceitful Marriage and I can only work on two(regularly updated) books at once. So please tell me if you want the book and if I do write it I'll definately tell y'all.

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