Hiccstrid// Picnic

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Important short note at the end, please read!
     Astrid shrugged as she and Hiccup turned to go back to the edge.
     "Well, I guess the picnic will have to wait."

     "Hiccup? Are you in here?" Astrid asked peeking inside his hut.
     Astrid walked in and looked around. Hiccup's hut was the same, empty, but nothing new. Suddenly she spotted a small piece of parchment on his table. She frowned before walking over and picking it up. She smiled and chuckled to herself. She turned and called for Stormfly. The note had made her smile at the knowledge that Hiccup had remembered.
                             Nigjord point as soon as you found this. I'm renewing that picnic
     It had been two weeks since the war and end of Johan. And three weeks after their picnic got ruined by the twins. Astrid smiled as Stormfly landed. She saw Hiccup with his feet, foot, dangling over the edge of the cliff. Astrid patted Stormfly, telling her it's okay and she can go play with Toothless. She sat down next to Hiccup.
     "So you didn't forget," Astrid said with a smile.
     Hiccup kissed her cheek. "Never, and with all of us getting ready to go back to Berk, I wanted to renew it before we left." Hiccup helped her up and led her to a blanket laid on the grass.
     Astrid smiled and they had their picnic. Astrid and Hiccup laughed and recalled the fun times they had on the Edge. Astrid was sad to leave, but she knew she had a whole life on Berk to look forward to. One she knew Hiccup would be a part of. Hiccup and her reclined on the blanket, watching the noontime sun peak. Soon it was time to go.
     "Thanks Hiccup," Astrid said. She packed the remaining food away, but did toss a piece of chicken to Stormfly.
      Hiccup rolled up the blanket. "It's not a problem, we needed it."
     Astrid grinned and helped Hiccup tie down the blanket and basket to Toothless' saddle. Hiccup grabbed her waist and pulled her into him before placing a delicate kiss on her lips. She smiled and pulled away. Together they rode back down to the Edge, ready to finish last minute packing and head to Berk. They would leave the Edge forever.

So, two things.
1. I'm going through to edit the spelling and grammar errors in all the previous chapters and I am going to be better and proof reading them before publishing.
2. MOST IMPORTANT! If you have commented an idea for a one shot and I have not published it yet, I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN! I have all the one shot submissions in my camera roll and I will write each and every one of them. Promise!
Okay! Byeeeeee!

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