Hiccstrid// Real losses

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(Maybe you can do where Astrid and Hiccup have a fight, and then Astrid was kidnapped by Viggo.

Astrid was flying with Stormfly, fuming and punching the saddle. Why may you ask? Well, her boyfriend, Hiccup Haddock, has been getting on her nerve about worrying.
     "Stormfly, how could he be this overprotective? I'm not a baby! I can handle myself." Astrid laid back on the saddle.
     Stormfly chirped and listened to her rider rant about Hiccup and his overprotectiveness and about how Hiccup should neve rhave to worry about her. Stormfly growled and continued to fly eastward.
     "I know he's just being caring. I shouldn't have bot his throat out." Astrid sat up in the saddle. Stormfly squawked. "Metaphorically speaking."
     Stormfly jerked. She dodged and dipped.
     "Stormfly! Sky!" Astrid held on as Stormfly soared up into the air, her wings almost falling off.
     Suddenly a arrow struck Stormfly's wing. She roared as she did her best to stay in control. Astrid plummeted. Her hands slipped off the saddle.
     "Hiccup!" Astrid called out of habit. "Stormfly!"
     Stormfly plummeted into a nearby forest. Astrid yelped as a hunter grabbed her from the air.
     "Let me go!" Astrid's eye widened in terror.
     "My dear, be careful. I would hate to have to kill you," Viggo said.
     Astrid's eyes narrowed.

     Hiccup yelled as he kicked a rock off the cliff. The pale dusk sky slowly sunk to black, dotted with stars.
     "Hiccup!" Heather came barreling towards her. "It's Astrid. She said she was going on a flight, but she hasn't come back."
     "Heather, I'm sure she's just doing extra flying," Hiccup assured.
     "That was over six hours ago." Heather's eyes betrayed worry for her friend.
     Hiccup's breath hitched. "Saddle up. You and me are going now."

     Heather leveled next to Hiccup. "So, what happened? She said you two got into a fight."
     "I've been worrying about her ever since she had the Scourge. But I voiced how worried I was and she hated me." Hiccup elaborated with his hands.
     "Why'd you voice your concerns?" Heather asked.
     "She almost died. She tripped off the cliff outside my hut," Hiccup said quietly. "Stormfly caught her in plenty of time, but all I could think about was 'what if Stormfly hadn't caught her?'."
     "Hiccup, it's completely normal for a girl to not like when boys are overprotective," Heather explained. "Especially if she's a trained shield maiden."
     "Woah! Woah, woah, woah, who said anything about overprotective?" Hiccup paused her.
     "If all you can think about is the worst case scenario, then that's pretty overprotective," Heather pointed out.
     Hiccup looked down, his cheeks starting to flush. Suddenly Heather stopped.
     "Did you hear that?" Heather demanded.
     "Hear what?" Hiccup asked.
     A roar a pain and fury was sounded from a nearby island. Heather and Hiccup exchanged looks of worry and raced towards it.
     "Sounds like a Nadder." Heather concentrated. "Wait, that's Stormfly! Windshear, faster!"
     Stormfly elated at seeing her rider's best friends. She slowly got up and nuzzled Hiccup's hand. Heather pulled out an arrow.
     "Dragons hunters." Heather stroked Stormfly. "My best guess is that Stormfly was hit and Astrid fell off. But due to the arrow's affects Stormfly couldn't save Astrid and she crashed here."
     "Wow, you are very quick at that," Hiccup complimented.
     "Hiccup, you're missing the point, if Stormfly is fine now, then the Hunters have a full four hour head start. We need to start flying, or else." Heather looked at Hiccup. "Astrid is done for."
     Hiccup and Heather took to the air with Stormfly close behind. Hiccup and Toothless sniffed out Astrid's scent. Stormfly scented her and shot off, with more speed than ever.
     Soon a hunter ship came into view. Hiccup held up a hand. Heather glared as she saw Astrid tied to the mast. Astrid struggled, but soon hung her head. Stormfly chirped and started down.
     "No Stormfly! We can't save Astrid if we're trying to save you too." Hiccup held his hand in front of her nose.
     Stormfly glared at him. Toothless snuffled and barked. Stormfly squawked and relaxed, flitting back into formation. Toothless warbled and looked at the ship.
     Suddenly Viggo looked up and spotted Toothless' red tail fin. "Hiccup, come down and negotiate."
     Hiccup, Heather, Stormfly, Toothless and Windshear descended in formation. Hiccup landed with Toothless and stood in front of Viggo. Heather hissed under her breath, glaring daggers at Viggo.
     "Give Astrid back." Hiccup glared.
     "Well, I would be willing, if you hand over your dragons." Viggo held the knife closer to Astrid.
     "Toothless," Hiccup said warningly.
     Toothless shot. The blast exploded to show Viggo on the ground and Astrid throw a few feet. Astrid rushed into Hiccup's arms, mumbling inaudible things. She held on as Hiccup lifted her onto Toothless. Then, along with the others, they disappeared from Viggo's sight.
     "Hiccup, about earlier," Astrid started. "I'm sorry. I get it, you were looking out for me. Thank you."
     "Astrid, its fine," Hiccup assured. "You can take care of yourself and I do need to let up a little."
     Astrid chuckled quietly. Suddenly she was flipped backwards by Stormfly. Stormfly chirped and looked at her. Astrid scratched her cheek.
     "Let's go home."

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