Hiccstrid// Blue was Always Your Color

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           Do Hiccup's reation to Astrid's new outfit from HTTYD 3 (not the blue dragon armor)
P.S. Hiccup has already changed into his new outfit in HTTYD3

     Stormfly landed, chirping as her rider approached. Astrid scratched Stormfly's chin and side as she mounted. Astrid shook her head with a smile as Stormfly was standing in a small pile of blue and yellow scales.
     "You shed worse than any other dragon," Astrid commented.
     Astrid bent over to collect the scales, but someone grabbed her waist and yanked her backwards. Astrid let our a yelp, though she knew exactly who it was.
     "Afternoon milady," Hiccup greeted in her ear.
     Astrid frowned and twisted Hiccup's arm behind his back. Hiccup let out a cry, tapping out as he let go of Astrid.
     "Okay, okay," Hiccup cried. "Point taken."
     Astrid shook her head and stood up, but Hiccup simply pulled her back down and studied her. Astrid looked down self consciously. Hiccup reached out and ran his hand along her new fur-lined shoulder pads.
     "All new," Hiccup commeted
     "Yeah," Astrid said casually.
     Astrid's shirt has returned to the blue tones that she had always loved. A bright red, dragon like, imprinted vest accompanied the new shirt. A new, Nader inspired headband was fitted around her head and her fur wrist wraps were unchanged. Her skirt was minorly changed and she had gotten slimmer, new fur lined boots to finish the new look.
     "Just needs something different," Hiccup mused. "Turn around."
     Astrid frowned, but turned around so she was sitting in between his legs. Hiccup gently began playing with her braided hair. The intricate braid coming loose. Hiccup's fingers gingerly unwound the smaller braid that ran along the top of her head.
     "Hiccup, what are you do-" Astrid broke off as Hiccup shushed her.
     "Hold on," Hiccup said. "You braid my hair, I get to do yours."
     Astrid blew out a huff, but sat still as Hiccup began pulling parts of her hair back. His fingers worked through her hair with ease twisting a few strands into a braid down the back. Astrid reaches back as Hiccup completed his masterpiece and felt the long braid running down her back. The hair that was twisted around to hold her hair back from her face, but the small wisps that he left around her face.
     "What do you think?" Hiccup asked in her ear, his arms holding her bare arms gently.
     "I love it," Astrid said after feeling it.
     It was still odd for her to feel her hair down and not in a braid, but she knew that it may be time for a change. She was not a girl anymore. She was a woman now. Her looks still remained feminine as ever, but her reputation proceeded her as well.
     Hiccup stood up, extending his arm. "Milady?"
     Astrid accepted the hand and pulled herself up. "I bet your mother is wondering where the young chief is."
     Hiccup nodded and mounted Toothless. "Well then, shall we?"
     Astrid nodded and led Stormfly to the Great Hall. Toothless followed behind and landed, leaving with Stormfly. Hiccup pulled his notebook from Toothless' satchel before he and Astrid walked into the Great Hall, ducking to avoid the dragons and baby dragons that were beginning to overrun Berk.
     "Maybe some more perches," Astrid commented.
     Hiccup lifted up his notebook. "Way ahead of you."

K, so that is for sticking with me. I'm working on getting some more one-shots written!

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