Hiccstrid// Not Yet

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At Dagur and Mala's wedding

"To the their Majesties!"
The chant echoed around the plaza. Chalices and goblets were raised in celebration. Mala and Dagur leaned against each other, smiling in happy matrimony.
     Astrid smiled as she looked at the happy couple. Hiccup came behind and placed a hand on her shoulder, until it traveled to her waist. Astrid turned to him and looked at him.
     "What?" Hiccup asked innocently.
     "What was the kiss for?" Astrid asked, draping her arms around his neck.
Hiccup shrugged. "Just cause."
Astrid pecked his lips before Heather grabbed her arm.
"Hate to break this up, really, I do, but c'mon Astrid!" Heather began dragging Astrid away.
"Why?" Astrid asked, being jostled.
"Because Mala's going to toss her bouquet, and whoever catches it will get married next," Heather explains quickly. "It's an old tradition that Freya herself made up."
      Mala turned her back, smiling as she faced away from her guests. All the women gather behind her and she tossed the bouquet. Time seemed to slow down as Astrid reached up to shield her head from all the arms. Suddenly something brushed her hands and she automatically closed on something soft.
Astrid opened her eyes to see the pink bouquet sitting in her hands, many of the women cheered, though a few looked at her funnily, sad that they did not get it.
Heather squealed and huffed Astrid. "You know what this means right?"
"Um, n-no," Astrid stammered, afraid of what Heather was going to say.
"It means that by Freya's tradition and law, you have to be married next, no one else can," Heather explained in joy.
Astrid's eyes widened and she gulped. "Uh, um, well, um, you see, Hiccup and I aren't really at that point yet, so," Astrid paused, lookin around frantically. "Here!" She shoved the bouquet into the hands of Atali.
Atali looked at the flowers and raised an eyebrow. She shrugged and walked away. Astrid sighed but jumped as Heather appeared nose to nose with her.
"Just you wait, I'll be visiting you for your wedding soon," Heather said adamantly. "Plus, you'll need somebody to be an aunt."

So sorry I've been MIA.
I dunno, I've kinda just been on the back burner with stories, but I swear I'm trying! I've got a few ideas.

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