Hiccstrid// To Valhalla and Back

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(So sorry I lost the comment! But the gist is that Astrid dies instead of Stoick.) Okay, I tweaked it a little.

"Toothless," Hiccup reasoned.
Astird watched from her perch behind Eret. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. Toothless was going to kill Hiccup.
"Stormfly! Take us down! Now!" Astrid ordered frantically.
Stormfly squawked and obeyed. She dove at a crushing speed towards the Night Fury. Eret yelled in fear of the sudden speed. Astrid jumped off of Stormfly, diving through the air like a bolista. Astrid swallowed thickly as she sped through the air. Her whole life with Hiccup would be gone any other way. She vaguely heard Stoick scream her name, all her focus was getting to Hiccup.
She barreled into Hiccup causing him to be violently shoved to the side. For a millisecond, she believed she could have missed the blast, but in that second, everything went dark.

Hiccup gasped for breath at the sudden force. His knees held him as he was bent forward on the ground. He looked up to see Toothless breathing heavily, steam coming from his smoldering mouth. His gaze shifted to the ice pile, covering a person. The person was hard to spot, but to Hiccup, the blonde hair was unmistakable.
"Astrid!" He slid next to her body. "Astrid no!" He shoved pieces of ice off her body.
His hands shook. He was vaguely aware of his parents behind him. His trembling hands brought Astrid's head to his lap and his fingers gently traced her cheek. Stoick leaned down to Astrid's chest, but shook his head in sorrow.
"No," Hiccup choked. He looked at Astrid's face, peaceful. His chest heaved with sobs that reused to break free. Finally the tears spilled forth, running along his cheeks to land on her lifeless body. He pulled her limp body into a hug. "Astrid!" He sobbed.
Stoick stood with an arm around his son, while Valka stood, head bent in honor of the warrior. The gang landed, astonished at what Astrid had done. Tuffnut grabbed his head in shock. Ruffnut's hands flew to her mouth as tears formed. Fishlegs just stood sadly, looking at the their fallen friend. Snotlout even shed tears, not caring who saw.
Hiccup still trembled, his head bent low to Astrid. As all the dragons departed, Hiccup let Astrid lay down and tried to get to Toothless, but to no avail. Stoick stood next to his son and brought the smallest cargo boat to the shore.
"Hiccup, it's time son," Stoick said thickly.
     Hiccup nodded sadly. He picked up Astrid and gently laid her in the ship. He folded her hands on her stomach. Hiccup traced her face one last time. He released her hair and arranged it around her. He leaned over the side. His lips pressed against hers, feeling the body heat leaving her.
     "I love you Astrid," Hiccup whispered hoarsely. "You'll always have a place in my heart, milady. You know I'll always love you."
     He gave her one last kiss, and then pushed the ship out to sea. Stoick handed Hiccup a bow and arrow. He patted his crestfallen son. Stoick passed out the arrows and bows to everyone who stood behind him. Stoick stood straight and started to speak.
     "May the Valkyries welcome you, may they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla. A great lass has fallen today. A warrior, a rider, a leader, a friend," Stoick choked on his words.
     Hiccup stood with his head down. His voice was soft, but everyone could hear his one last word. "My love."
     Valka let out a small gasp. Her face morphed into sorrow as she realized who's love she was.
Hiccup lit his arrow tip. He raised the arrow to the air, closing his eyes as he released the arrow from its hold. The arrow soared through the air, landing in the ship and starting a small flame. The rest of the riders and Valka all raised their arrows and a flurry of arrows stuck in the ship. Hiccup had raised his head, ready to speak.
     "I'm sorry Astrid," he started sadly. "I promised I'd keep you safe. How am I supposed to go on? You have always been there for me. Your the strongest and bravest Viking I've ever know. H-how can I be that brave that selfless without you? I'd go to Valhalla and back to be with you again. I'll miss you forever, and I vow that you will never be forgotten." Hiccup took a deep breath before continuing. "I can only try to be brave. Berk will honor you forever."
     He turned around and saw all the Vikings with tears shining in their eyes or running down their cheeks. Hiccup sighed and started pacing back at a confident stride. He walked back to the sanctuary and hopped on on of the baby Scuttleclaws.
     "Alright riders, we're going to Berk. And we're saving our dragons." Hiccup nudged the side of the baby.

     Hiccup stared at the ash and ice covered ground. Stormfly had confided to her stable when she realized that Astrid was gone. Hiccup sighed.
     "I wish you were hear Astrid, you have always been the light of my dull life. Berk feels so empty without you." Hiccup buried his head in his knees.
     "Hiccup, I'm so sorry about Astrid," Valka spoke quietly.
     "We both are," Stoick chimed in.
     Hiccup nodded in defeat, but soon his head shot up. In the distance, a voice cried, "Hiccup!"
     He jumped up and started running to the sound of the voice. Stoick and Valka kept pace behind him. Hiccup raced and slid through the crack in the cove wall. He stopped short after a yard. His eyes filled with tears. There, standing on the other side of the cove was a woman.
     Her golden blonde hair was down. She wore a floor length white skirt with gold trimming on it. The corset and top were encrusted with gold designs. Her feet were bare and she stood with the elegance of a Valkyrie. She looked up and started running to Hiccup.
     A single word escaped his lips. "Astrid."
     He met her in the middle and held onto her for dear life. His nose was buried in her hair, he spun around with her. He finally set her down and pulled back. Then he traced her jawline. She cupped his cheeks and wiped away the tear line.
     "Is it really you?" Hiccup whispered in awe.
     "Yes," Astrid said nodding. "Yes it's me!"
     Hiccup grabbed her waist and her cheek. He pulled her into him, pressing his lips on hers. She brought her hand to his cheek and held him close. They broke and leaned their foreheads against each other's. He grinned and kiss the top of her head. Hiccup engulfed her with a hug and was soon crushed by Stoick.
     Astrid laughed with Hiccup, not caring if Sotick was squeezing her ribs. Valka walked up slowly and Hiccup pulled Astrid out of his father's embrace. He pulled her over and stood in front of Valka.
     "Mom, this is Astrid," Hiccup introduced.
     Astrid smiled while Valka gave her a hug. "I'm glad Hicucp ended with you."
     The four of them made their way to the Great Hall to announce Astrid's return.

Woohoo! First chapter of Volume II!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So these one-shots will be better written than the first volume! Promise!

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