Hiccstrid/ What If

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(Requested by @DRAGON_READER
                               Can you make a one-shot that what if Toothless didn't make it to Hiccup when the Bewilderbeast covered him in ice)

     "Oh no!" Hiccup cried.
     Hiccup's cry was cut short as a cocoon of ice encased him. Astrid gasped. Valka slid off her dragon and started to pound on it. Astrid grabbed her axe and tried to hack off chunks. Valka grabbed her axe handle.
     "No! You could injure him more," she said urgently.
     Astrid stopped and looked at the ice. Toothless wailed and head butted the ice over and over again. Astrid grabbed his head and held his neck tightly. She knew that he could not shoot a plasma blast, it could go through and hit Hiccup too. Toothless gave up and crooned, while Astrid clung to her loves dragon. Astrid's face hardened and her body went into warrior mode.
     "I can't lose him," Astrid snarled. She leaned her forehead against the ice. "Don't worry Hiccup, I will get you out, or I'll die trying."

     Hiccup opened his eyes. The ice had made a tiny room inside, the smallest space between the deadly spikes. He could feel hacking and he knew Astrid and his mom were trying to break him free. Hiccup grabbed his arms, shivering at the cold temperature. He rested agains the ice.
"Astrid," he whispered.
He soon slumped against the ice, and fell into a cold slumber. A slumber due to the lack of warmth he was encapsulated in.

"Astrid, what are ye doing?" Gobber chased after the blonde.
"I'm getting Hiccup back, but I'm going to kill Drago myself," Astrid said.
"Ye can't! It's impossible against that behemoth," Gobber stopped.
Toothless was clutching a spike. He released an ear splitting screech. Astrid knew it, his screech was in fury and a cry for his fallen rider. Toothless suddenly channeled something inside himself and his back spikes grew in light. They radiated a glorious blue.
"What's happened?" Astrid asked, racing back over to Valka.
"Night Furies were some of the few dragons that could channel the powers of the alpha," Vlaka explained quickly. "Toothless must possess some of that power."
Astrid watched in shock and awe at Toothless. Their protector, who would stop at nothing to avenge his rider. Toothless' new power came with a no limit for his blasts. He fired one after another, not giving the alpha time to react. Toothless disrupted the alpha's control on the dragons of Berk. Slowly the dragons' heads shook and they broke free from the bonds of the Bewilderbeast. Toothless leapt atop a spire of ice and roared his command to all the dragons.
     At his command, all the dragons flocked to Toothless. He was their alpha, and he would truly protect them all. Toothless looked defiantly at the Bewilderbeast, who roared back, cold breath billowing in the air. Toothless let out a short roar to the dragons. Toothless steamed a plasma blast and shot it. The Bewilderbeast stumbled a bit, but came back; however, he made it no further when dragons fired. Streams and jets of fire, fireballs and tornados of fire blasted into the Bewilderbeast. Even a dragon of his size and armor could not defend himself against such an attack. 
     Toothless roared for them to halt. The smoke cleared and the Bewilderbeast looked dazed. The Bewilderbeast stumbled forward, wanting to finish what he had started, but Toothless had other plans. As the Toothless inhaled deeply, Astrid could see the bright plasma blast forming in his throat. He suddenly released it. A sonic blast echoed around Berk, shaking it to the core. The Bewilderbeast let out a defeated cry as one of his massive tusks fell. Toothless let out a long, victorious roar. His wings expanded to make him look twice as big. The Bewilderbeast looked down, bowing before the alpha.
     "The alpha protects them all," Valka murmured.
     Soon the Bewilderbeast dove into the he water, creating a massive splash and wave that crashed agains Berk's coast. Toothless then jumped down to where Astrid was standing. He nudged her and warbled. Astrid smiled and scratched his head spikes. Toothless then jumped over to where Hiccup was still encapsulated. Toothless breathed deeply and released a pale purple mist. The crowd back up as the mist was smoking hot. As the mist encircled the ice, a loud crack rang out and then another. Toothless closed his mouth and let out a small blast, shattering the capsule of ice.
     "Hiccup!" Astrid yelled.
     She raced down to where Toothless was nosing Hiccup. Astrid breathed a silent prayers when she saw Hiccup's chest rising and falling with shallow and slow breaths. Toothless lit his spines and wings and curled around Hiccup. He looked up at Astrid, lifting a wing to invite her inside the warm cocoon. Astrid smiled and slid down next to Toothless's warm belly. She held Hiccup close, while Toothless closed his wing, sealing them inside. With the exhaustion of battle and the heat radiating off of Toothless, Astrid soon began to drift off to sleep.

     Hiccup's heart rate increased slightly as he woke from his death-like hibernation. Hiccup shivered and snuggled closer to whatever was so warm. As he squinted he saw nothing but darkness. Suddenly a small shaft of moonlight poked through and Hiccup realized that he was kept warm by Toothless. He snuggled closer, until he realized that it was not Toothless that he was laying on. It was Astrid. She shifted as he moved off of her. Blinking her eyes shot open and she tackled Hiccup, rolling them both out of Toothless' wings. Toothless jumped up and bounced around at Hiccup's living.
     "I thought you were dead," Astrid sighed. "Don't do that again!"
     "Eh, were Vikings, it's an occupational hazard." Hiccup quoted.
     He rolled over so he could hug Astrid.* She pulled his armor and kissed him. He wrapped his arm around her to keep her from falling on the floor. They were interrupted by Toothless nudging in between them. Hiccup laughed and grabbed Toothless' neck, hugging his best friend.
      "How did I get out?" Hiccup asked.
     "That is a long story, one I am willing to tell you, once you go to the Great Hall where everyone is gathered." Astrid pulled him up.
     They walked hand in hand I tot he Great Hall. Cheers erupted for their Cheif. The noise was so loud, that Hiccup was surprised that the roof didn't shatter and cave in. The party lasted a few days and soon life resumed back to normal on Berk.

     Well, at least a Berkian's normal.
(* Think of the scene in Tangled when he wakes up, the way he hugs her on his side. That's the scene I was going for)

Yay! Another One-Shot!!!!!!!!! How are you guys liking them so far? Comment!

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