Hicctooth// Memories Part 2

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     Hiccup stormed through the forest, seething at the rest of the young Vikings. He let out a frustrated yell.
     "I mean, me? Train a dragon? That can't be done! Why are they messing with my head?" Hiccup ranted aloud; however, his rant was cut short by a loud wailing moan.
A black object plummeted from the sky, landing in a cove. Hiccup slid down the path, being the curious Viking he was. Peeking through the opening, Hiccup's eyes landed on the Night Fury. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself was trapped in the cove, mere meters in front of him. The Night Fury looked up and let out a low hiss. It's eyes were narrowed and its pupils were thin.
"I'm sorry, I'll get you out of there," Hiccup promised. "No dragon should be kept in this prison."
Hiccup swore he saw the Night Fury smile, but he turned away quickly. Hiccup treaded through the forest, pondering about the Night Fury. His father would be so proud of him if he brought back a Night Fury head, but he could not. Hiccup could not condemn an innocent dragon. Hiccup sighed an decided on his plan. A howling roar sounded, notably the Night Fury.
Toothless warbled quietly to himself. He looked up and saw the flitting figure of Stormfly. Stormfly landed and let Astrid slide off her. Astrid giggled as Toothless nuzzled him and scratched his head. Toothless nodded for her to leave, which Astrid obliged to. Stormfly let out a chirp as she left. Toothless jumped around the cove giddily. He was going to snap Hiccup back. His triumphant and happy roar echoed around the cove, pulsing through the Edge.

"So, how do you think it's going?" Tuffnut asked lazily.
"It's going great!" Astrid called. She slid off Stormfly and walked over to the hearth. "Hiccup will be back soon."
"Ugh, I was liking not having bossy Hiccup around." Snotlout lolled his head on annoyance.
"Well I will be glad that Hiccup is going to be back." Fishlegs crossed his arms triumphantly. "I'll be happy when things return to normal."
"That's because all you two do is geek out," Snotlout complained.
"And who wants things to be normal?" Ruffnut interjected. "I mean c'mon. Hello? Normal is so overrated."
"Enough! Hiccup will train Toothless and you guys are going to be happy about it," Astrid insisted.
She took her place next to the hearth and grabbed a bowl of stew. Okay Hiccup, she thought, I know you're in there. Come back to me.

Hiccup glance around carefully. He tripped as his metal leg got stuck in some branches. How he got a metal leg was beyond him, but he figured it had something to do with the villagers who hate him. With no shield he had grabbed a large perch, hoping it would satisfy the dragon. As he entered he heard a low rumble. Turning he saw it, the Night Fury creeping down the rock wall. He was calm as he opened him mouth for the fish.
"Toothless? I could have sworn you had-woah!" Hiccup gasped as teeth shot out and grabbed the fish. "Teeth."
Toothless, as of two seconds ago, backed him into a corner. Hiccup gasped as he opens his mouth.
"I don't have anymore, oh! Please, don't eat me!" Hiccup managed to squeak out.
Toothless mentally laughed as his ignorance. Toothless regurgitated half of his perch. Toothless shook his head and sat back on his haunches. Hiccup looked at the fish, a hazy memory creeping into his brain. Toothless looked from the fish to him, forcing him to take a bite of the perch. Soon Toothless imitated like the first time, swallowing. After Hiccup had succeeded in not throwing the fish back up he reached for Toothless. Toothless growled warningly and did his best to fly away.
"C'mon, I'm not going to hurt you," Hiccup said, walking over to where Toothless had curled up for a nap.
Toothless flicked out his tail fin so he could no longer see Hiccup. He sensed Hiccup's hand close to him and moved his tail, starling Hiccup. Hiccup stood in one swift motion and started walking away. Toothless hung from a low hanging tree, moaning sadly. All he wanted was his rider back.
As the sun started setting, Toothless waltzed over to see Hiccup drawing in the dirt, just as he had before. Toothless bounced eagerly at the memory. He raced off to uproot a sapling, not caring if the excitement was clear in his eyes. He traced around Hiccup and whacked him, hoping it would jog his memory. As he finished, he nodded at Hiccup, his tongue lolling out a bit. He huffed when Hiccup stepped on his lines. One, two, three, just like before.
Toothless snorted and blew Hiccup's hair, making his eyes big and puppy like. Hiccup reached for him, but stopped. Toothless cocked his head. Hiccup bent his head down and reached his hand out. Toothless touched his hand with his nose and slowly rubbed the side of his head around Hiccup's hand.
Hiccup felt like a brick wall had just hit him. Suddenly he remembered everything. The forbidden friendship he formed with Toothless, the flight he and Astrid had taken, the defeat of the Red Death. All the adventures he had been on came rushing back. He looked up to see Toothless with his biggest toothless smile.
"Toothless! Hey bud!" Hiccup laughed as Toothless tackled him. "Stop, stop!" Hiccup laughed. Toothless stood up and looked at Hiccup, who looked at him. "Thank you bud, you never cease to amaze me."
Toothless bounded over to where Astrid had stored his gear. Within minutes he was back in flight mode. Hiccup jumped on and they shoot into the air. They sped through the air, flying back into the atmosphere. The sound of plasma blasts echoed and the tell whistling sounded as they surpassed Mach 1. Hiccup smiled as he saw the gang cheered.
"Guys!" Hiccup smiled as they landed.
The gang crushed him in a squeezing hug. As they broke apart, Astrid stayed, hugging Hiccup. Hiccup gladly returned it. Finally he pulled away smiling.
"Hey, I'm fine," Hiccup assured.
Astrid pecked his lips quickly. Hiccup smiled as they all walked back into the Clubhouse.
Hiccup was back and he was back to stay.

So? What'd y'all think?

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