Rufflout// Mistake? Love

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Continuation from the last chapter

     Snotlout rushes to the living room of the Thorston house. He stopped and looked at Ruffnut. "Yes?"
     "Will you get me some smoked salmon? That sounds good right now," Ruffnut requested.
     "Again? I just got you roasted eel this morning," Snotlout moaned.
Ruffnut frowned, pouting. "I want SALMON!"
Snotlout raised his hands quickly. "Okay okay! Jeez Louise."
     "Wait, but who will be her for you?" Snotlout asked. "I mean, no one can do it better than me."
     Ruffnut rolled her eyes and picked up a horn.
     Snotlout pointed. "Isn't that Heather's horn? How'd you get it?"
     Ruffnut blew into the horn. Snotlout listened, honestly admiring how nice the horn sounded. Suddenly Heather volleyed through the window, making a perfect landing.
     "Um hi," she said with a smile, "I guess I'm here to relieve you of Ruffnut duties."
     Snotlout frowned and exited, both girls chuckling at how he dragged his feet.

     Snotlout's back aches as he returned with a fresh salmon, along with the odd assortment for when Ruffnut demands again.
     "Woah, Snotlout, did you get enough fish from Mulch?" Astrid joked, walking up with her hand entwined with Hiccup's.
"You have enough fish to feed a dragon," Hiccup added.
"No, it's for Ruffnut," Snotlout snapped. "She wants a roasted fish every day, but everyday it's a different kind. So, Astrid, yes I did. And Hiccup, I'm being resourceful. So goodbye."
Hiccup and Astrid glanced at each other in confusion. They watched Snotlout walk away, carrying all the fish. Snotlout kicked the door open, loudly announcing his return.
"Shh!" Heather hissed. "She just fell asleep."
Snotlout opened his mouth in a "o" and nodded. He placed the basket down, Heather following him into the kitchen.
"What's all the fish for?" Heather asked. "Ruffnut can't eat all that."
"She wants a different one every day, so I decided that the Snotman would take matters into his own hands," Snotlout said with cockiness.
     Heather huffed and took the basket into the kitchen. Snotlout bit his lip and fumbled with his fingers. He stepped closer and peered around Heather to watch her chop and prepare the fish.
     "How is she?" Snotlout asked quietly.
     "Better, Gothi was in earlier, took off the bandages and cleared her of infection. She resting." Heather shrugged, wiping the knife on a rag. "She told me to tell you that she's sorry she's been such an ungrateful yak."
Snotlout scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, well, I guess it goes both ways."
     Heather smiled. "You should go check on her."
     "But you said she's not awake." Snotlout furrowed his eyebrows.
     "Yes, but she was actually asking for you," Heather said.
     Snotlout nodded and walked up to the room in the loft. Inside were two beds, green paint splotched on them. He walked over to where Ruffnut was lying. Her face was tilted and her arm lay across her midsection.
     Snotlout took a seat. "Hey Ruffnut," he started. "I just wanted to say sorry. Sorry for being a muttonhead. I guess, I guess I just wanted to take care of you, you know, show you I could be more than a muttonhead. The feud with Fishlegs started as a joke, just a way for me to pick at him, but you know, the more I fought for you, the more I meant it." He sighed heavily. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you."
Ruffnut stirred and turned to her side, her hand dropping onto Sntolout's hand, that rested on the wood. She gave it a small squeeze and smiled in her doze. Snotlout smiled back, genuine and true.
"I won't ever leave you," Snotlout vowed. He pressed a gentle kiss to Ruffnut's forehead. He then took her hands in his, sitting with her all day.

I know it seems like I'm making excuses, but bear with me that typing chapters on a phone can be hard.
Hopefully I'm gonna get a laptop soon and then I can write much faster.
Thanks for being patient with me!!!!

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