Rufflout// The Calm in the Storm

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(Requested by @Fandom_Queen23
                 How about set in rtte and Snotlout and Ruffnut get caught in a storm)

     Astrid's call alerted Snotlout. Snotlout snapped his gaze up to see Ruffnut falling through the rain. Tuffnut and Barf and Belch dove through, but it was clear that they would not make it in time. The Zippleback was not made for speed.
     "Hookfang! Dive!" Snotlout lightly kicked Hookfang's side.
     Hookfang shot down, his aerodynamic shape enhancing the speed. Hookfang grasped Ruffnut in his talons and Snotlout looked up. The rest of the gang was still facing off against Ryker and his arrows. Volleys of arrows flew their way, creating a cloud of green.
     "Hookfang, take us down," Snotlout ordered.
     Hookfang nodded and dove down to a nearby rock cliff. Snotlout observed the gang from where he stood. He turned to Hookfang and saw an arrow lodged in his saddle. Snotlout sighed in relief when he knew it had not gone all the way through. Ruffnut still lay on the ground.
     "We can't go back up there," Snotlout said to Hookfang. "It's way to dangerous. Looks like the Snotfang is gonna have to find somewhere to shelter for the night."
     Hookfang chirped(Or whatever its called) and lowered his head for Snotlout to get on. Snotlout laid RUffnut across his lap and held onto her waist as Hookfang lifted from the rocks. Hookfang flapped a few timed before turning and flying in the opposite direction of the arrows. Hookfang kept his guard up as they approached unknown areas of sea.
     "Ah!" Snotlout suddenly yelped as a clap of thunder sounded.
     Hookfang looked around wildly, knowing that with thunder came lighting. He and Snotlout did not havve a good relationship with lighting. Suddenly Hookfang spotted a cliffside cave. He dove down through the rain. Snotlout slid off with Ruffnut in his arms. He wandered into the cave and looked around. It seemed to have only ever been found by small dragons, but by the looks of things they were long gone.
     "Alright Hooky," Snotlout adressed. "You okay?"
     Hookfang huffed and blasted a small fire in the middle. Snotlout nodded. The rain pattered outside and thunder rolled across the sky. The night lit up with flashes of lighting. Ruffnut stirred, waking up. She looked around. She sat up, pressing the heel of her hand to her temples.
     "Woah, dizzy. What happened?"
     "Hooky and I saved you from the ocean," Snotlout boasted.
     "Oh, um, thanks?" Ruffnut tried. "But we should get back. Tuffnut will be looking for me, you know. He really actually likes me sometimes."
     "We can't," Snotlout admitted. "That storm is way to dangerous for Hooky and me. We're gonna have to wait out the storm."
     Ruffnut frowned. "Fine, we'll wait. It'll only be a matter of time before a rescue squad comes for me because of your cowardly nature!"

     Ruffnut twiddled her thumbs while she sat on the ground. Snotlout poked at the fire and refused to make any eye contact with her.
     "Hey," Ruffnut said, breaking the awkward silence. "So, I'm sorry about what I said about your nature."
     Snotlout glanced up at her and shrugged. "It's fine, I guess you're right."
     Ruffnut shook her head. "No, you're probably right not to go out in that storm."
     Snotlout shook his head. "No, the truth is Ruffnut, I didn't even see if we could fly out once we landed. I guess I was just hoping that we could spend some time together, alone."
     Ruffnut looked shocked. "Really?"
     "Yeah, I mean I understand if you don't want to," Snotlout got up and looked outside. "I understand."
     Ruffnut got up and walked behind Snotlout. "Hey, I think that's really sweet of you. Thanks. I guess I feel kinda special."
     Snotlout cast her a sideways glance. "You are."
     Ruffnut grinned. "So, what do you think about a adventure with me?"
     Snotlout smirked. "Let me get Hookfang."

Sorry if it's a little lame. I kinda didn't know how quite to portray their love and stay to their normal characteristics. Hope it was good though!
Watch out for a big announcement later that I'm so excited to share with you all!!!!!!

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