Toothless// Lost and Alone

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Super sad, I apologize ahead of time

     It was a dark and lonely night. The sky was as black as ever, storm clouds covering all stars. Inside a small cave on the top of Mindoa was a small family. Night Furies, the unholy offspring of lightning and death. A father was curled near the entrance, keeping watch to protect his family. The mother was farther back, her tail curled around her paws and her wing tucked around her. The male rose, sniffing the air and looking towards the storm.
     "Ishla," the male purred. "We need to find a way to leave."
     "Tola," Ishla whispered. "We cannot leave until the rain stops. We have not had a kill for days and the hatchlings cannot fly in the rain. We must stay here."
     "This is Mindoa," Tola snarled, pacing back over to his mate. "They are among the worst of dragon hunters. They will kill us in the blink of an eye if they catch us. We're fortunate that they have not found us, but we have already been here for two days."
     Ishla nuzzled a small nose that poked out from under her wing. "We cannot leave darling. I know the tales Ember told of this place, but this is the only way. Our hatchlings will be doomed if we leave."
     Tola opened his mouth to respond, but broke off. He nodded and curled next to Ishla. Their three hatchlings poked out from their mother's protective wing. Tola rumbled a chuckle as one climbed over to him. The hatchling clambered onto Tola's head and laid there.
     "Murda, my head is not a climbing post," Tola said sternly.
     "But daddy," Murda whined.
     "Murda!" Ishla snapped. "Off."
     "Yes mama," Murda sighed.
     She flopped down off of her father's head and walked over to a corner, pouting as she had not gotten her way. The smallest hatchling was nosing her way out, but her brother trampled her.
     "Kilon!" She wailed. "Mama, he ran over me again!"
     "Echo, you're not hurt," Ishla said, blowing Echo's tail from her nose.
     Echo huffed and glared at her brother. Kilon stuck his tongue out, but his green eyes danced with laughter. Echo squealed and pounced on her brother, her violet eyes full of life. Kilon let her tackle him to the ground, her small teeth knawing on his ear. Murda soon joined, unable to resist the temptation. Kilon was soon under a pile of his sisters. He opened his mouth to roar, but an unfamiliar burn arose in the back of his throat. Suddenly he was shot back as he ignited the gas.
     "No!" Tola roared.
     The blast flew outside the cave and blew up in the night sky. The cave went silent as they could hear the vikings beneath them begin to come to life.
     "Ishla," Tola snarled. "We have to go!"
     Ishla nodded, unable to disagree with her mate. She nosed Murda, Echo and Kilon onto her back and opened her wings to take off. Tola flew out behind them and the family began to take the sky, their black hides perfect. Echo wrinkled her nose, sniffing and pawing at her nose. Suddenly she fell. She let out a roar as she plummeted.
     "Daddy!" Echo cried.
     "Echo!" Tola dove, snatching her between his claws, but a net shot out of nowhere, wrapping around Tola and Echo.
     Ishla stopped and hovered as she saw her mate and hatchling hurtle towards the ground, the vikings hungry for dragon blood. Echo fell from the net and landed with a thud seconds before Tola. Ishla snarled and soared close, Murda and Kilon clutching to her back.
     "Jump to that platform," Ishla ordered. "Now!"
   Murda and Kilon jumped as their mother whisked past. They watched in fear as their mother rained down on the vikings below. Their eyes were wide with worry as they watched their mother swoop in and grasp Echo. She quickly placed Echo, who was shaking, with her siblings and dove back to her mate. Ishala released the signature Night Fury screech as she shot towards the Vikings. Tola was roaring and snarling at the vikings. Ishla dove down and flung the net from her mate. Tola and Ishla backed away and turned to take off, but a small whistle of wind and a stinging in each of their legs stopped them.
     "Ishla!" Tola roared as his mate was dragged away from him.
     A slim figure emerged from the darkness, cackling as he approached Ishla. Tola growled and opened his mouth, but vikings quickly laced his mouth shut. Ishla snarled, but whined as she saw her end approaching. The man raised his whip and brought it down upon her head. The whip sliced through her hide and Ishla cried out.
     "Mama!" Echo cried.
     Ishla felt the strength leave her body as the man took a sword, plunging it into her neck. Tola roared in fury and flew at the man. The vikings let go of the ropes as the Night Fury flew at the man. Tola tackled the man. He saw the long face and his dark hair, the man's slim figure squashed under Tola's talons.
     "You die today," the man hissed. "Rid the world of you beasts. I am the Night Fury killer!"
     The man found a hidden dagger and plunged it into Tola's chest. Tola fell limp as the man scrambled out from under the carcass. Kilon grabbed Echo's scruf as she tried to fly towards their fallen parents. Murda took off, flying as she saw the Night Fury killer turn their direction.
     "Kill them all!" The man screamed.
     Kilon looked and saw Murda already far away, flying to a safer place, but he and Echo had not moved.
     "Echo," Kilon said. "Echo, snap out of it!"
     Echo was frozen in shock as their parents were gone. Kilon began pushing her away. Echo finally snapped out of it and took off. Kilon flew faster, as his wings were larger, but Echo began losing altitude fast.
     "Leave me!" Echo cried as Kilon dove down for her.
     "No, I won't!" Kilon insisted. "You're all I have left."
     "Go!" Echo snarled. Softer she added, "I love you. Save yourself."
     Kilon stopped as vikings appeared below them, waiting to slay Echo. Echo gave a croon, her perfect blue eyes closing. A low whine came from Kilon, knowing he would never see her eyes again.
     "Grimmel! There!" One viking shouted.
     The slim man from earlier pounced as Echo touched the ground. Kilon turned and took off, terrified of what may await him if he stayed any longer. His eyes closed as he tried to forget the grusome knowlege of his parents death and what Echo went through. Kilon crashed onto a nearby sea stack, a tiny cave his only shelter. He sighed and curled up.
     He was alone and lost without his parents.

Tada! This is a sad one, but I thought about it and this is a theory I have for Toothless' past.
In case you didn't get it, Toothless is Kilon. I made Kilon his dragon name.

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