Building Pressure

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(Here's the next chapter. I AM ON ROLL RIGHT NOW!!! Anyway, enjoy! Also, I hope the title of the chapter is okay. Okay, enjoy.)

Third Person P.O.V.

On an island that had no sign of life on it, in a tall tower made of rocks, Grimmel sits at a desk as he concentrates closely. He grabs a tail of one of his Deathgrippers and guides its poisonous stinger through a layer of leather. He watches as the venom drips from the blade-like tip and fills up the class jar. The dragon removes its tail, feeling it run low on venom, and Grimmel hums as he picks up a small tube pours the purple liquid into it. He swirls the liquid in the small glass then grabs a dart to put it in. He smirks as he holds the small flap up, the venom filling up the dart.

The two Deathgrippers with him suddenly tensed, making Grimmel look back at them then snaps his fingers as he gets back to work. The dragons obey and leave their master to protect the base. They carefully traverse through the darkness, low growls emitting from them. Using some rocks to hide behind, the dragon riders lift themselves up as they look at the base clad in their dragon armor. "Okay, split up." Snotlout orders, pointing in two different directions. "We'll be harder to catch." He says, but was ignored by the others. "I was think we should spit up, just because." Eret speaks up, shrugging his shoulders. Everyone nods their heads in agreement. "I like your instincts." Valka tells him, then places her hand on a rock in front of her to jump over it. The others follow suit until Snotlout was left alone with a confused expression, "What's this?" He says but follows shortly after.

The Riders stealthily sneak around Grimmel's hideout with Astrid leading the Deathgrippers away and Tuffnut being pulled down by Ruffnut before he was spotted. Hiccup and (Y/N) made their way up the spiral stair case and soon saw light emitting from a room which had to be Grimmel's. Hiccup grabbed Inferno from his belt and looks back at (Y/N) as she pulls out her sword. She takes a deep breath then looks at Hiccup and nods her head. He gives her nod a back and ignites the blade with flames.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hiccup leads as they entered carefully, using the fire from his sword to light the place. But he and (Y/N) stand in the middle of the room, confused as to why it is empty. (Y/N) holds her sword ready but then her instincts kick in and then hears a metallic noise. She and Hiccup quickly rush out of the room and down a couple of steps then they look up as a metal net falls on top of the base. Caging the dragon riders inside. "Where are your dragons when you need them? Hmm, Chief?" Hiccup and (Y/N) point their swords at Grimmel, the man standing just on the other side of the net with a calm expression. His hands behind his back as he looks at the two. "First rule of the hunt: Separate the prey from its pack." He taunts, pointing a finger at the pair, "You just removed yourselves from the equation." He says.

"Why are you doing this?" Hiccup asks him, lifting his helmet to look at Grimmel. "Really? I didn't think you cared." Grimmel responds, sarcasm prominent in his voice. His eyes look up at the other riders then back to Hiccup, (Y/N) giving him a glare that could kill under her mask. "Well, unlike you, when I was a boy and came across a Night Fury, I killed it where it slept!" Grimmel says, turning his back to Hiccup and (Y/N), not noticing the woman's shift in stance. "That simple act of courage made me a hero in my village. So," Grimmel faces them again, "I decided to kill every last one, bringing real peace to the people of this world." His lips then form into a snarl, directing it at the two Vikings in front of him. "That is, until you came along. And you can't help but to preach that dragons are something other than thieves and murderers." He scoffs, throwing his arms around. "That nonsense dies now. Starting with you two.

"So that's it." (Y/N) says. Grimmel looks at her with raised brow, "Pardon?" He says. (Y/N) lowers her sword and points a finger at him, "You don't want to bring peace. You just want to be praised." She states, lifting up her mask as she flares down Grimmel with strong (E/C)-colored eyes. "You think that striking down a dragon that was sleeping, not even causing any trouble, makes you a hero? No. You are trying to recapture the praise of when you 'accomplished' something and let it go to your head that lead you down a path. Believing you are creating a better world, but built with the blood of creatures that have more heart and compassion than you ever had. You are lost, sad, and pathetic. A coward with no heart or guts. We found a better way to live. We established peace. We put in the effort to do so. We gained a family with the creatures you see as monsters. But you are a true monster." (Y/N) states, her voice strong as she glares down Grimmel.

Grimmel looks at (Y/N) with neutral expression, but he was actually ticked off by her calling him a coward. Hiccup looks at his betrothed with admiration, but then shakes his head and looks back at Grimmel. He then narrows his eye at the man as Deathgrippers appear to stand next to the silver-haired man. "You even have dragons of your own." He points out. Grimmel only chuckles in response, "These? They're dragon killers, drugged into obedience with their own venom." He explains, reaching out and grabbing one of the tusks from a Deathgripper and pulls it towards him. He fiddles with one of the tubes attached to its headgear, it filled with venom. "Not even your precious Alphas could control them. They serve me." He says, pushing one of the tubes down and the venom injecting into the dragon, its pupils becoming silts, "And only me.... Let me demonstrate." Grimmel says, lifting a whistle to his mouth.

Hiccup and (Y/N)'s eyes widened the second the man blew the whistle. "TAKE COVER!!" Hiccup shouts, grabbing (Y/N)'s arm as they sprint up the steps of the stairs. The Deathgrippers' green acid just barely missing them. "Split up!" Astrid orders, leaping over a log to avoid the acid spewed at her. She climbs up the net and reaches the top of it, the Deathgripper pursuing her having also too.

(Y/N) sheathes her sword right as she and Hiccup jump to avoid getting blown up. They grip onto the chains that hang from the destroyed stairs. She and Hiccup look at each other then look to find a ledge on the top floor. Together they swing in sync and (Y/N) goes first, grabbing onto the ledge and turns back as she holds her hand out to Hiccup. Hiccup lets go and manages to barely avoid the Deathgripper acid. He grabs (Y/N)'s hand and she pulls him up quickly. She quickly checks over him and breathes out a sigh seeing no injuries. But then a Deathgripper appears, and (Y/N) pushes Hiccup behind her as she pulls out her sword and slices the tip of one of its tusks off. The dragon roars in pain and falls down.

She exhales and sheathes her sword. "Are you okay?" Hiccup asks her, grabbing her shoulders and making her face him. "Yeah." She tells him. She then looks up to see Valka as the older woman twirls her staff to summon Cloudjumper. The Stormcutter appears and uses his talons to lift the cage up a little. The dragon riders climbed the walls and escape, their dragons waiting for them. "Hurry! Hiccup! (Y/N)!" Valka calls out. Hiccup looks up at his mother than to the log he and (Y/N) stood on, a gap that if it goes wrong, he did not want to think about that. "Go!" He tells (Y/N). She looks at him with a worried expression. "I'll be right behind you. Go!" He tells her, giving her a pleading look. She takes a deep breathe then looks ahead. She takes a few steps back then sprints across the log. She jumps across the gap and Valka grabs her hand, gripping her tightly and pulls her up as Astrid appears with Stormfly.

(Y/N) gets out and Hiccup mentally sighs in relief and takes a few steps back as he readies himself. He then runs across the log and as he jumps over the gap, a Deathgripper jumps out of the fire below to bite him. Thankfully, it misses him and Hiccup grips his mother's hand tightly as he is pulled up. "Now, Cloudjumper!" Valka tells the Stormcutter who lowers one of his wings and the mother and son hold on as the two get free of the metal cage. Everyone hurries away from the burning base on their dragons then hear a mighty roar as the Crimson Goregutter appears in the distance. "Yeah! Our hero!" Fishlegs cheers as the large dragon bashed into the burning building then follows after the Dragon riders, the base collapsing behind them.

Grimmel hums from his spot at the exit, watching the riders escape. "Ugh, he takes that stupid baby everywhere." Grimmel becomes surprised as he turns his head to find Ruffnut next to him, who seems unbothered with her predicament.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

That was too close. I can still feel my heart beating fast as we make our way back to Berk. I hold onto Astrid to keep myself grounded as we ride on Stormfly and I feel her pat my arm. We don't say anything as we arrive back to Nee Berk. Stormfly lands on the ground and I get off her first with Astrid landing next to me. "Thor Almighty. Guess we won't be needing this, huh?" I look at Gobber as waves at a large wooden structure that was meant to be Grimmel's cage.

I sigh as I take off my helmet and let it fall onto the ground. "I led us right into his trap." I look over at Hiccup, he took off his helmet and looks does not look at anyone. "Yeah, nice work, Chief." Tuffnut spats. I roll my eyes at his comment. "Right, Ruff?" A second goes by but there was not a response and I look over at Tuffnut. Ruffnut was not next to him. "Wait, where is Ruffnut?" I hear Hiccup ask. "Uh...." Tuffnut trails off. I look around to try and find her but she was not with us. I gasp softly. Oh no. "We-We left her behind?!!!?" Fishlegs panics, and I see him look around frantically. "How could you not realize she was missing?!" Astrid asks Tuffnut. "You ride a two-headed dragon!" She gestures to Barf and Belch to emphasize. "Oh, yeah. I feel like how Ruffnut is everyday.... Dumb." Tuffnut responds. I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of nose. "Odin be spanked! This just keeps getting better and better!" I hear Gobber exasperate. "Any more fantastic news?" I hear a man say, and I start to lose my patience as I try keep myself calm. I inhale and exhale to control my breathing. "I try to avoid looking at her. It gives me acid reflux." Tuffnut, please shut up. "O-Okay guys!" I hear Hiccup speak but still try to calm myself. "Just keep your helmets on! (Y/N), Twilight, Toothless, and I-" "They are not coming back!" Someone shouted and I snap.

"ENOUGH!!!" I shout, and everyone becomes silent. I look at the crowd with a glare, "What is WRONG with all of you?!? Yes, we failed. But we are not giving up. Why can't you see that Hiccup is trying?!? We are doing the best we can and I get it! You are tired, you're afraid, and you just want this to end, but stuff happens and we won't always be prepared for it. It's not the first time we suffered a loss, but we never stop fighting. Toothless and Twilight may not be here, but they can take care of themselves. Same with Ruffnut. She's cunning and Grimmel would not kill her because he knows we care about her and it would defeat the purpose of his way of thinking. Fighting, yelling, and panicking is NOT going to solve anything! Hiccup is not Stoick, but he is the Chief of this tribe and, Gods help me, if any you doubt Hiccup's leadership again, I will cut out your tongue! IS THAT CLEAR?!!!?" I shout.

I breathe deeply to calm myself down and scan the crowd. They all look at me with wide eyes and none of them say anything. I sigh then close my eyes as I brush my hair back with my hands, inhaling deeply. "We will come up with something. So please, be patient." I say, now more calm. "Right, Hiccup?" I look at Hiccup, but see him with a doubtful expression. "I-I..." He stutters and I lower my arms as I watch him, "Look, I-I'll figure it out. I just need more time." He says then walks off and I frown in sympathy for him.

He drops his helmet onto the ground as he continues to walk away. He was clearly stressed from all of this and does not know how to handle it. I mean, I'm scared too but he's trying so hard to hide it and solve everything on his own. I feel a hand be place on my shoulder, "He thinks he has to lead alone. Because his father did." I look to my left to see Valka as she looks ahead. "But he doesn't realize the strength you have together. Do you believe in him?" She says to me. "Always. But he thinks he's nothing without Toothless. I care about him and Twilight too. So much, but I know Hiccup can do this. He has before." I answer with absolute honesty, looking at her briefly then back at Hiccup. "Then help him realize the truth." She says.

I look down in thought then feel a hand be placed on my right shoulder and look to see Astrid smiling softly. "Take Stormfly. She'll help you find them." She says. I smile at her then give her a hug in thanks. I give Valka a quick hug also then get on Stormfly and have her land in front of Hiccup. I look down at him with a smile, "Get on." "What?" "We're going to find them." I state and lend my hand to him. "Really?" He asks. I just smile at him then a slowly smiles and takes my hand. I help pull him up as he sits behind me. "Everybody, stay put. We will get Ruffnut back. Don't worry." He tells everyone.

Stormfly then flies off and I feel Hiccup wrap his arms around my waist. "Thank you." He tells me in low voice and I look back at him with a soft smile. "I'll always stand with you, Hiccup. We're a team." I tell him. He smiles softly at me then faces ahead with a determined look. I face forward also as we ride Stormfly to find Toothless and Twilight. I hope they are alright.

(Don't know when the next chapter will drop so please be patient. Bye!)

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