Forever Family

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Mom. Mom! Are we there yet?" I smile as I pull the rope to lift the sails with Skylor. Tyren has been bouncing with excitement ever since we first set off to visit Twilight and Toothless. "Not yet, sweetie." I answer, tying the rope to keep the sails up. "You have been asking that the whole trip. Don't you know patience?" Skylor says to him. I roll my eyes as they banter. Those two would argue a lot but I know that they love each other and don't want to admit it. "Mom, will we see them?" Skylor asks and I give her a small smile, "We just have to wait and see." I answer honestly.

I look back to see Hiccup at the wheel as he steers the ship. He looks at me and smiles and I give him a smile back. I feel a tug on my fur cape and look down to see Oma looking up at me with bright eyes. I kneel down to be at eye-level with her, "What is it, honey?" I ask. "Will they like us?" She asks. I smile, picking her up as I stand up, "They are going to love you just as much as we do." I tell her, nuzzling my nose with hers. She giggles and nuzzles me back. "Mom! I want a hug!" I lean back from Oma and look down at Tyren. I giggle softly and adjust my hold on Oma. I hold her with one arm and use my other to wrap around Tyren's shoulders and hug him as best I could. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me back.

I am so lucky to have such an amazing family. I can't wait to introduce them to Twilight and Toothless.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We are so close, I can feel it. I tighten my grip on the wheel. It's been so long that I still can't believe we're doing this. "Dad?" I snap out of my thoughts and look down to see Skylor looking up at me. "Are we almost there?" She asks, then avoids looking at me. I smile and loosen my grip, "Almost." I answer. But then I hear roaring and look ahead to see it. The giant cloud of mist. I feel Skylor grab my arm and I look to see her looking at it with wide eyes. I look to see (Y/N) walk to the lever and turn her head to look at me. I give her a nod and she pulls the lever, dropping the anchor.

I let go of the wheel and make my way to the front of the boat with Skylor holding my arm. I stop and look at the entrance to the Hidden World. I look at (Y/N) and see she is looking at it with at with a distant look. I then look to find Tyren and Oma looking at it with as well. This is it. We're here. Time to see some old friends.

Third Person P.O.V.

"There were dragons when I was a boy." Hiccup's voice was heard as the Haddock family stand together to try and see if they could find who they have come to visit. "Aww, there were great grim sky dragons that nested on the cliff tops like gigantic scary birds. Little brown scuttle-y dragons that hunted down the mice and rats in well organized packs." Hiccup wraps his arm around Skylor to hold her close and takes one of (Y/N)'s hands, squeezing it softly. (Y/N) gives his hand a squeeze back as she holds Tyren close to her. Oma grips her father's pants as she tries to see past the mist. "Preposterously huge sea dragons that were twenty times as big as the big blue whale."

Hiccup then sees something as he slowly removes his arm from Skylor, who went to stand by her mother, and lets go of (Y/N)'s hand as then rests his hands on the boat to try and get a better look. "Some say they crawled back into the sea leaving not a bone nor a fang for men to remember them by." Hiccup then feels the hands still gripping his pants and looks down at Oma. He smiles and rests a hand on her head as he gently nudges her to go to (Y/N). Once she was standing with her older siblings and mother, Hiccup looked back at the the large misty screen. "Others say they were nothing but folktales to begin with." And that is when he saw them. Two figures that had their heads facing his direction. "And... I'm okay with that."

Hiccup softly gasps as the mist clears and reveals Toothless and Twilight, resting on some large rocks. He also saw the Light Furies too. But what really caught his attention are the five little dragons that appear. (Y/N) holds her children close as she sees not only her old friends, but their children also. Hiccup holds back tears as he finally sees his old friends again. Toothless gets up and then takes off as he approaches the boat. He dives down and lands on the head of the boat, his pupils silted as he looks at the people on board. Twilight then lands on the other side as she looks at the people with silted eyes as well. (Y/N) maneuvers the kids to be in-between her Hiccup as she and her husband face their former respective dragons. The Night Furies slowly making their way to them.

Hiccup looks back to see his children huddled close together as Skylor wraps her arms around them to protect them as best she could. Hiccup looks back at Toothless as he slowly raise a hand to the male Night Fury, "Hey... Hey there, bud. Remember me?" Hiccup says softly to Toothless. (Y/N) raises her scarred arm to Twilight as she smiles gently at the female Night Fury. "Hi. It's been a while, Twi." She whispers as she smiles at Twilight. Both dragons were still cautious as they slowly approach them. Skylor holds her siblings close, "It's okay. It's okay." She whispers to them as she tries to soothe them.

Both dragons stop as they face their respective person. Toothless stands on his hind legs as Hiccup closes his eyes and turns his head away, holding his hand up to Toothless. (Y/N) looks at her children to ensure that they are safe and closes her eyes as she holds her hand to Twilight. Tyren holds Oma close as he grips one of Skylor's arms as he and his sisters watch with bated breath. Waiting to see what the dragons would do. The Night Fury siblings share a brief look then lean forward and sniff the hands presented to them by the two humans.

And once they did, their eyes widen as they recognize their friends. Toothless pounces on Hiccup as he roars happily. Hiccup groans from the tackle but then chuckles at his friend's embrace. Twilight excitedly nuzzles her head against (Y/N)'s face as the (H/C)-haired woman laughs happily as she hugs and nuzzles Twilight back. Skylor, Tyren, and Oma all watch with wide and surprised eyes at the interaction between the dragons and their parents. "H-Hey, bud!" Hiccup laughs as Toothless circles him, "Glad to see you too, bud!" Hiccup says, then grunts as Toothless headbutts him. Twilight purrs loudly as (Y/N) rests her hands on her head. "I have missed you so much." (Y/N) says, her eyes closed as she enjoys Twilights presence.

"How are the tails holding up? Probably could use some oil and a little fine tuning?" Hiccup says, while being licked by Toothless. Twilight then looks over at the small children as they look at her with wide eyes. Toothless calms down as Hiccup lifts himself to sit up. Oma gulps then takes some steps towards Toothless. The green-eyed Fury looks down at the small child and lowers his head down to be at eye-level with her. Hiccup turns his body and rests on his knees as he faces his youngest, "It's okay." He assures her. Skylor and Tyren watched but then hear a coo and look back to find Twilight looking at them with her purple eyes. (Y/N) smiles as she moves to stand next to Twilight. "It's alright." She soothes them. The two look at each other then slowly approach the female Fury.

Hiccup smiles at the two then looks at his youngest, "Now raise your hand up with your palm facing him." He instructs her. Oma does what he says and raises her hand to the male Fury. "Hold your hands up, like this." (Y/N) instructs Skylor and Tyren, grabbing one of their hands and having them be held up to Twilight. The parents stand beside the dragons as they watch their children, "Now, let them come to you." Hiccup says. Skylor looks at Twilight then closes her eyes and Tyren does the same, but he squeezes his eyes shut. Oma looks at Toothless with a wide eyes as she holds her hand to him.

The Night Furies look at the little humans in front of them and note that their smells have Hiccup and (Y/N)'s mixed in. Twilight then leans forward as she closes her eyes and press her nose into Skylor and Tyren's hands. Toothless leans into Oma's hand and the young girl softly gasps from the contact. "Wow." She whispers. Hiccup smiles as he looks at Skylor softly pet Twilight while Tyren stares in amazement. Toothless leans back and opens his eyes and look at the woman next to his sister. If the man next to him is Hiccup, then that woman has to be (Y/N). He smiles widely and Oma sees that he has no teeth. "Toothless." She mutters.

(Y/N) hears panting and looks to see Toothless looking at her with a wide and gummy smile. She smiles at him and after making sure that Tyren and Skylor were okay around Twilight, she walks over and meets with Toothless. "Hi, Toothless." She softly whispers. Toothless leans towards her to sniff her then coos excitedly. He gently rubs his face against hers and (Y/N) giggles at his affection. "Hi! I'm know, I know! It's been so long." She says, hugging Toothless' head as best she could. Hiccup stands up and chuckles as he sees his wife and soul brother interacting after so long. He looks over to see that Twilight was looking at him with her purple eyes and he smiles as he walks over to her. "Hey, Twi. It's been a while." He softly greets her. Twilight coos and gives him a lick on the cheek. Hiccup chuckles softly and pets her head. "Wow. They really are that close." Skylor remarks. Tyren could only nod his head and Oma continues to watch the interaction between her parents and the Night Furies.

Toothless gives (Y/N) a small lick on the face then looks back at the giant mist screen and roars, Twilight copies him as the Haddock family watches. After a moment, the Viking family looks to see the golden-eyed Light Fury approaching the boat. Following him was the baby dragons and finally the blue-eyes Light Fury. Hiccup and (Y/N) guide their children so that Light Furies and Night Lights would have space to land. The white dragons land while some of the Night Lights stumble a little. Oma, Skylor, and Tyren all look at the dragons with wide and amazed eyes while their parents have warm smiles. Lucian, the golden-eyed male Light Fury, slowly walks forward and (Y/N) holds her hand up to him. He sniffs her hand and his pupils widen at the familiar scent.

He coos as at the two adults. "Hi. Nice to know you remember us." (Y/N) says. Toothless walks over to stand beside Lumi, the blue-eyed female Light Fury, and gives her a gentle nuzzle. She smiles at him then looks at her brother as he is being petted by Hiccup and (Y/N). Oma looks to see the little dragons that watch her and her family with wide eyes. She grabs her father's cape and tugs it a little. Hiccup looks down at her to give her his attention and she points at the Night Lights. He looks over at the black and white dragons and smile softly.

He lightly taps (Y/N)'s shoulder and gets her attention. He nods his head to the Night Lights and she looks over at the little dragons. She smiles and looks at him. Twilight watches their exchange and she looks then looks at Lucian, silently asking him. He looks at her then the Haddock family and then the Night Lights. He gives an approving coo and she smiles as she looks at her brother. Toothless makes eye contact with her then looks at his mate. She looks at him then looks down at the Night Lights, who give her puppy dog eyes, then at the human family. She sees the children of Hiccup and (Y/N) look at her with awe and curiosity.

She looks at the Night Lights and nods her head. They growl happily and Toothless gives her a lick in the cheek. (Y/N) saw it and she gestures Skylor, Tyren, and Oma to get on their knees. They do so and wait for the little dragons to come to them. The parents, both Viking and dragon, wait patiently for their children to meet. Skylor looks at the Night Lights with a small smile, Tyren staying still as best he could, and Oma laid her hands on her lap.

Dart was the first to walk forward. She was slow and cautious, but eager as well. Once she stood only a foot away from the siblings, Skylor raised her hand slowly to her. Oma and Tyren follow and wait. Pouncer then made his way towards the three along with Nox. Slowly, Dart closes her eyes and leans forward to touch Skylor's palm with her nose. Skylor let out a soft gasp and slowly pets the dragon. Pouncer sniffs Tyren's hand then closes his eyes as he leans forward into the young boy's hand. Finally, Nox looks into Oma's green and (E/C) eyes as he closes his eyes and touches her palm with his nose.

Hiccup smiles with pride in his eyes as he wraps an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders to hold her close to him. (Y/N) lays a hand on Hiccup's as she watches with a proud look at her and Hiccup's children. Tyren scratches Pouncer's neck and the mainly white dragon loves it. Oma gently rubs the the side of Nox's head and the mainly black male dragon purrs happily. Dart smiles as she makes her way onto Skylor's lap and the auburn-haired girl laughs a little and gives her some scratches on the neck. Dart greatly appreciates it and licks Skylor's face as a thank you. Finn then tackles Dart and Skylor causing the three to fall down and the parents laugh at the behavior and Dart smacks Finn with her tail but the other female Night Light just laughs.

Ruffrunner walks over and nudges against Oma to get some scratches. The youngest Haddock smiles at him and gives him scratches on the neck. Lumi smiles softly as she sees her kids, niece, and nephew bond with Toothless and Twilight's friends' kids. Toothless looks at Hiccup and (Y/N) then up to the sky. He looks over at Twilight as she looks at him and the two think the same thing. The female Night Fury nudges (Y/N) and the (H/C)-haired woman looks at her. Twilight lowers herself and (Y/N)'s eyes widen with realization. She looks at Hiccup and sees that he has the same expression as her. He then smiles rose as he helps take off (Y/N)'s cape. (Y/N) gives him a smirk back as she takes off his cape.

Flying past the clouds, Hiccup closes his eyes as he feels the wind in his hair. He opens his eyes as looks down at Oma and sees her hold her arms out like she is flying. Toothless flies at a steady pace as he looks to see his soul brother along with Oma smiling happily. He then turns and glides as he rolls in the air, Oma giggling as she and her father ride on him. Hiccup then tosses her into the air and catches her as she laughs loudly. Toothless joins in as he lifts himself up and down. He then flies upwards as Hiccup tosses Oma into the air. He catches her as the free fall for a bit until Toothless steadies himself. Twilight then flies past them, (Y/N) riding her with Skylor sitting behind her and Tyren in front.

Hiccup smiles with his Oma then the two notice Lumi fly next to them with Dart, Ruffrunner, and Pouncer. Ruffrunner fires a plasma blast then flies through it and disappears. He reappears shortly after and flies towards Hiccup and Oma. Oma leans forward to touch Pouncer, Hiccup holds her so she does not fall off Toothless, and the green-eyed mainly white dragon plays with her hand a little.

(Y/N) takes a deep breath then exhales slowly as she enjoys the feeling of flight once more. She lays a hand on Twilight, who coos back at her. Skylor then points at Lucian who flies next to them as well as Finn and Nox. Tyren lends a hand out and Finn gives it a lick. Skylor laughs then sees Nox fly closer. She gives him and smile and the golden-eyed mainly black dragon gives her a smile back. "Legend says that when the ground quakes or lava spews from the earth, it's the dragons letting us know they're still here." Toothless then flies to be with the them along with Lumi, Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner.

Nox flies towards Oma who gives him a wide smile and Finn and friendly wave. Very carefully, Hiccup holds his hand out to Skylor who takes it as she then gets on Toothless and sits behind her father. (Y/N) pushes Tyren up a little as Toothless rolls around them and Hiccup drops Oma, who is caught by (Y/N) as she is then placed in front of her and behind Tyren. Tyren takes his father's hand as he then gets on Toothless and sits in front of his father. Pouncer and Ruffnner roar at Tyren in greeting as he smiles at them. Skylor waves at Dart and the gets a lick on the cheek by said dragon. "Waiting for us to figure out how to get along."

Toothless takes off into the sky and (Y/N) shares a look with Twilight and Oma then (Y/N)'s souls sister follows after them. The Light Furies and Night Lights follow after them as they all swerve by clouds. "Yes, the world believes the dragons are gone if they ever existed at all. But we Berkians, we know otherwise. And we'll guard the secret until the time comes when dragons can return in peace." Toothless and Twilight fly in sync as their families follow them. Hiccup, (Y/N), and their kids paving the way for a future where both species can live in peace.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(IT IS DONE!!! Thank you for reading, it has been a journey and I hope you have enjoyed it. The HTTYD trilogy is over. It means lot knowing that there are people who enjoy what I bring. Bye!)

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