Dragon festival

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Today was the day. Today was the day you and the other dragons celebrate the year this village came to be. Your father told you to stay behind, but being the trouble maker you are you didn't listen. You met a deadly nadder with a blue dominant and pink recessive pattern. Her name was Rose. You and Rose were close friends and you guys hung out with each other all the time. Even when your father told you not to. That's why he doesn't know about her. You and Rose were sitting in the center row. You were trying to ignore the eyes that followed since you were the only lightfury around. Rose put her wing on your shoulder. "Don't let me get to you. We're all different and that's what they don't understand."

"Yea, I know." You said with a sigh of defeat. Just then the trumpets sounded and it was time for the dragon festival.

There was food, drinks, dragon games, and the best part was that you made new friends. You've met a zippleback named Amy (not me anyway it's named after my cousin) and May and met a groncle named Crusher.

Then it was time. The ultimate event. The dragon race! Rose encourages you to race with the others so you went with them. As you lined up to get started most of he crowd was booing at you for being different. Crusher shot a ball of fire to the crowd. "Hey boo at someone else!" He shouted as the crowd descended. A monsterous nightmare came up to you. He didn't look like a friend. "Hope you lose to extinction lightfury." He said to you making you gulp in fear.

The bell sounded and the race was one. You and you friends flew through the town, through the lake and through the canyon (yes you live near a canyon). You were just inches away from the finish line and just when you couldn't get any lucker, you won the race. The crowd widen there eyes with shocked......then they cheered. Your friends went towards you and cheered as well. The nightmare however was not. "Eh lucky win, you won't win next time." The zippleback Amy and May walked up to him and said, "You're right Frank we'll beat you next."

"Then you'll lose twice in a row." Crusher added as the crowd roared with laughter. The nightmare called Frank flew away with disgust.

Well through the rest of the night you and your friends partied and sanged until the sunset and it was time to go. Well sadly you luck ran out on you at the last minute. You father found out we're you were. He also said he w as there the whole time, but he did say he'll let you off the hook. For now anyway.

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