Flight school

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You absolutely loved flight school. It was where you can finally begin to fly without your father watching you. You felt free. Like the wind was actually talking to you.

Right now, you and your Rose where at the flying platforms ready to spread your wings. "You ready (Y/N)?"

"Born ready." You said with fire in your eyes. Almost literally. Crusher walked to the front of the platforms and had a ball of fire in his mouth. "When I shoot this fire out, the flight race is on. Ready. Set. Fly!" Once he said fly, he shot his ball of fire into the air which then dissipated. You and Rose instantly flew fast into the forest.

You zoomed through trees like an arrow. "Hope you can keep up." You called out to your friend but when you turned around she wasn't there. "Huh?"

"What was that about keeping up?" You turned around to see Rose teasing you by flying backwards. She had a huge smirk on her face. "Hey, how're you doing that?"

"Many wonders of the deadly nadders." She said as she flew further flying past you. "Oh no you don't." You said as you flew faster to catch up. Then, you suddenly had an idea. You poof up a ball of fire and made sure not to shoot it directly as Rose. You went through and turned invisible. "Perfect." You said as you quickly grabbed a fish who was jumping out of the water and ate it. "Hmm, fish."

When you were finished with your snack, you continued the race. You were flying directly above Rose and when you flew lower you whispered her name. "Rose, oh Rose." Rose stopped dead in her tracks. "What the-"

"Ha! Yes!" You said as you turned visible again. "Gotcha!"

"Hey, how did you do that?"

"Many wonders of the Night/Lightfuries." You said as you zoomed deeper into the forest. "Hey get back here." Rose said as you two being to laugh and begin to chase each other.

Soon, you saw the finished line and both you and Rose crossed it together. "IT'S A TIE!" Crusher shouted as everyone cheered. "Wahoo! We won." You rapped your wings around Rose. "We won together." You said as you smiled.

Though it soon disappeared as you felt something strange inside your stomach. "Ow, what's this."

"Are you okay (Y/N)?"

"I don't know. I feel....sick." You said as you suddenly fell to the floor. "(Y/N)!" Rose yelled as you then, blackout.


Sry I didn't post often. I was so caught up in school

Raph: And MaoMao

Shut up.

Raph: And Sonic Forces, I mean cmon you finished the game the day you got it.


Raph: And Fanfiction.net

That's enough out of you. Anyway yea sry about that. Hope you enjoyed this one.

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