when you get hurt

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You walked to the river guilty for pranking your father a few hours ago. You say at the river as you saw a few fish swimming around. You weren't really hungry so you didn't try to catch them. You sadly looked at you reflection as it came to view.

Then, just when today couldn't get any worse, a voice appeared in your mind. "Hey lighttrashy." A mocking voice said. You didn't try to hide your guilt as you turned around to meet Frank in a satisfying mood. "What do you want Frank, can't you see in trying to be alone?" You said with fire in your eyes. Frank chuckled evilly as he came closer to you. You backed up away from him as he crept closer. Frank smirked evilly and without hesitation, jumped on you and started to choke you with his giant claws. "You wanna know why they call us monstrous nightmares?" You didn't answer. He was choking too hard. "Because we're monsters, and we fill your nightmares." He said as he stopped choking you so he can scratch your leg and wings. You were officially flightless. You couldn't get away. He was going to hurt you.

"Frank, time for dinner." A voice said that sounded like his father. Frank clenched his teeth and sharply looked at you. "Next time, don't embarrass a nightmare." He said as he walked away like nothing happened. You sat there scared and frightened.

Frank just assaulted you!


You sadly walked home in pain from the choke and the scratches. When you reached your cave, your father greeted you with a hug. "Honey where have you been i was so worried." You looked at your father like you couldn't look to the sky without getting burned by the sun. "I.....I was...-"

"WTH (Y/N) What happened to you?!" You were interrupted by your father's shout as he liked at you leg and wing. You stepped back wanting to fly away. Yet you couldn't cause your wing was damaged. Your father walked closer to you. "(Y/N), who did this to you?" You froze with fear as your body suddenly felt heavy. You fell to the ground and blacked out.


When you woke up, a zippleback appeared in your face. Both heads had a nurse hat on. "Oh youre awake." On of them said as you beginner to sit up...........only to be brought back down again by the zippleback. "Hey, hey, careful."

"Yes darling you took a bad beating to your wing and leg."

"But the good news is, both of them will heal soon, but no flying for about a week, okay?" They said as you felt a bandage on your wing and leg. "Where's my father Toothless."

"Oh he's right outside."

"Want us to go get him sweetie?" Thats are very nice zippleback.

"No I can do it myself." You said as you sat up without being put back on the bed. You limb to your father as he ran towards you. "You okay?"

"Yea I'm okay. The nurse said I'll heal soon." You said as your father looked at your bandage wing. "😑 great now I have to go back to getting food for you at the market." You chuckled at your father's annoyance as you both walked him while he help carry your bandage leg.

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