Breakfast with friends

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The following morning I wake up feeling a bit better. But, I have a slight cough. I shuffle into the bathroom and look in the mirror. My blonde hair is sticking up in all directions. I pick up the hairbrush and drag it through my hair.

A hand wraps around my stomach and a kiss is placed on my neck. I move my head to the side. As Austin's mouth sucks on my neck

I think he's going to leave me a hickey.

I tie my blonde hair in a ponytail.

Austin moves his lips from my neck. "How are you feeling today?"

"A bit better. I just need to take it easy for the next couple of days."

Austin takes my hand and pulls me with him to the kitchen.

When we get to the kitchen my cousin Chase is standing in the kitchen wearing only his boxers.

I look around the room for something that my cousin cover himself up with. I find a jumper on the couch and throw it at. "Put this on."

He looks at me. "Are you jealous I have a sexy body?"

I smirk. "Austin's body is sexy, my dear cousin. Yours disgusts me cause your family." I drag my hand up Austin's shirt.

Chase throws a dishtowel at me and it hits me in the face. "Cut that shit out or you won't get breakfast this morning."

My mouth drops open. I pout. "You wouldn't do that to your pregnant cousin. You'd want to see your second cousin healthy while he or she cook inside me."

He laughs. "True, sit down and I'll bring breakfast to you once it's done. Do you want tea/coffee or orange juice?"

Austin looks at me before he answers. "Val, will have orange juice and I'll have a white tea and orange juice."

"Eye eye, captain."

Austin laughs and then leans into me. He whispers. "Your cousin is a smart arse."

I nod. "It runs in the family. You'll find that out eventually."

Austin's phone rings. He looks at and he frowns. "Excuse me," he leaves the kitchen and walks over to the balcony. He slams the door behind him.

He paces back and forth on the balcony.

Chase drops a plate full of bacon and eggs on the table. He picks up the third plate which has heaps of toast piled on it.

I raise an eyebrow. "Who's all this food for?"

There's a knock on the door.

Chase looks at me. "I'll get it." He opens the door.

Nico and Colton enter my place.

Colton looks at me. He points to the door. "What's going on with him?"

I shrug. "I have no idea. He frowned at the phone when it rung and then he's been pacing for the last three minutes."

Colton laughs. "If that's the way he acts when she calls I'm looking forward to see how he reacts when she comes back."

"Who is she?"

He shakes his head. "I can't tell you anything else. He's going to be pissed with the small amount I already told you."

Austin opens the door and freezes when he sees everyone looking at him. "What?" he yells.

He never yells.

The sound of his voice makes me jump. I've never heard him angry before.

Nico wraps his arms around me protectively as he glares at Austin.

My heart beats faster and my hands are shaking.

He scared me.

Nico whispers. "Take deep breaths you'll be fine soon."

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself.

Austin's face softens as he looks at me. He reaches out to me. "I'm sorry," he touches my face. "That was my ex. She's back in town and she wants to see me. Every time she's in town my relationships fall apart. I don't want that for us."

I hold his hand. "No one is going to pull us apart."

He moves my hand off him. "My sister is back as well. They both asked me to come to dinner with them tonight."

"Take me with you. That way we can set her straight to leave you alone since you're my boyfriend. I don't share what's mine."

Austin sighs. "Fine, but we need to go shopping. All your clothes are too small for you. I want you to wear a dress that shows off the bump." He places his hand on it.

I place my hand on top of his. "Okay," 

Chase gets Nico and Colt their drinks and then he joins us at the table for breakfast.

I place a slice of toast on my plate with a strip of bacon.

Austin turns to me. "Is that all your going to eat?"

I shake my head. I'm going to have a bowl of Cocoa pops.

After I've finished the toast and bacon strip I pick up the box of cocoa pops and pour it into my bowl.

I pour milk into it and it turns brown from the cereal. I can hear the crackle from the cereal. I scoop some of chocolate goodness onto my spoon and eat it.


Austin pulls the car into the parking lot of the shopping centre. He opens the door for me and I exit the car.

"Thank you," he slams the door behind me.

Austin takes my hand as we cross the parking lot. He takes me to a wedding shop and I look through their racks.

Austin stops next me. "Do you see something you like?"

I shake my head. "It's hard to choose one dress to wear when your boyfriend drags you to a wedding shop to choose a dress to his date with his sister and ex. I'm not going to compete with the models in your life."

He kisses my cheek. "You don't need to compete with them. They will never be in your league."

I leave the store.

Austin slowly follow me. "What's wrong?"

I poke his chest. "That's what every girl wants to hear. Her boyfriend saying she's not in the same league as your half-sister and ex."

He removes my hand from him. "You're the only person that's ever captured my heart the rest of the girls I have used for my own personal reasons. You've always been different. I knew that the moment I knocked on your door with the fake ring. From that day you've change my life for the better. You'll be the only woman to carry my baby."

"That's sweet. I'm choosing the shop for the dress you want to see me in." I take his hand drag him into the closest store.

On the rack is a red V neck dress. I pick it up and carry to the change rooms.

Austin leans against the wall and crosses his leg.

I open the blinds to the small room. There's three mirrors and seat in this room. I remove my shoes, pants and t-shirt. I pull the dress over my head.

I tug down the material to make sure it's not caught anywhere. I pull the curtain across and step out of the room

Austin looks up from the floor. He whistles. "Damn, I don't think it right for me to take you to meet my sister and ex."


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I'll update tomorrow.

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