Collins Inc.

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At Collin's Inc. I sit on one of the grey chairs and pick up a magazine as I wait for Jayden to come out of the meeting.

I cross my legs and flip through the magazine. I see a picture of Austin with his hand on the back of some woman and he's whispering something in her ear.

I throw the magazine on the table and move toward the window.

The view from the 30th floor of Collin's Inc. is spectacular. I can see the beach and the boardwalk. People are walking on it, the birds are flying over their heads. I watch as a fisherman wheels in a fish and puts it in a cooler.

Someone behind me clears their throat.

I turn towards the most stunning man I'll ever meet. He has sandy blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, tanned skin, chiselled jaw, his arms are covered with a white buttoned shirt and he's black pants. He has a pair of designer sunglasses on his head. "It's beautiful isn't it?" he indicates out the window.

"Yes," I look back out the window. "It's a shame you don't see the Hollywood hills."

He laughs. "I have that view in my office." his eyes shine brightly. "Follow me," Jayden leads the way to office.

In his office the view is better. The Hollywood sign is surrounded by the bush and I can see a few mansions.

I could get used to the view.

He smirks. "You can stop checking me out now. I won't be able to help myself if you keep staring."

I shake my head to clear. "I'm sorry."

"You're a beautiful woman, Miss Hardy. It's hard to be around someone like you when you're taken." Jayden adjusts the seat and places his hands on the desk.

A yellow envelope is on his desk with my name on it.

He pushes it towards me. "Your contract is in here."

I pull out the contract and read it.

Name: Valentina Hardy (A/N I have changed Valentina's last name from the previous chapters as well)


Needs to be available 9-5 Mon-Fri

Needs to have access to Internet while at home on weekends in case something goes wrong with the orders

Can be called at short notice to come into office Mon-Fri

No Relationships tolerated in the workplace

The list goes on.

I put the contract down and look at Jayden. "I am pregnant, Mr Collins. I have to go to check-ups Mon-Fri as they're the only days my Doctor works. You need to fix this contract to accommodate that I'm pregnant. If I work too it could put me in the office. So, Mr Collins are you willing to negotiate this contract with me?" I lean forward.

He nods. "Alright, I'll accommodate to your needs, Miss Hardy."

I smile. "Great, first thing on the contract is. I will work between 9-3, the designs will be created and sent to each member of my team.

Jayden crosses something off the contract. "Go on."

"A fresh supply of red and yellow gummy bears each day on my table. A private office where I can design things without getting interrupted. A work laptop if I can't make it to work I still can make designs from my bed."

He throws his head back and laughs. "You're demanding little minx. I can't believe my one of Best Friends found you. Where can I find someone like you?"

I shrug. "As far as I know I'm one of a kind. If you prefer I could help you find someone that's not willing to have a one night stand with a Billionaire."

"Really?" He asks.

I shake my head. "You can't expect me to find a girl like that. They are rare in the day and age, Mr Collins. A lot of the woman I've come across would do you and get the hell out of dodge. Powerful men like you are dangerous."

He smirks. "Do you think I'm dangerous?"

"You're not my type, Mr Collins. Do you need anything else for the contract?"

Jayden shakes his head. "I'll make the changes."

I move toward the window and look out at the beautiful city.

I need to go to New York.

I hear the keys on the keyboard taping as Jayden fixes the contract on his computer. I pull out my phone and look up flights to New York.

I buy two tickets and put that I'll pay for it on pick up. I'll be heading to New York in two weeks to see my family.

I hear the printer and turn into a hard wall.

He sniffs my hair and I feel his breath on my back. His hand wrap around my waist keeping me in place.

I shiver.

I should leave. I don't need to put up with harassment from this guy.

I push Jayden away from me. "Your too close, Jayden."

He moves away from me and looks at the floor. "I'm sorry."

I sigh, pick up my bag and leave the room. Tears run down my face as I realise working for other people in the fashion industry is a bad idea.

I hit the lift button until it stops on the floor I'm on. The doors open and I run inside and hot the G button. As the doors close I see Jayden and his face is red. He drags his hands through his hair.

I lean against the lift as it descends. Once it reaches the ground floor I run out of the building and climb into the first taxi I come across.

The taxi driver turns to me. "Where to Miss?"

I give him the address to Austin's place. When I get to his place I see a limo in front of it. Jayden steps out of the car and he looks at the taxi.

Austin's eyes follow his to the taxi I'm in.

My hands start to shake as I look at Jayden. "C-can you take me somewhere else?" I give him the address to my place.

At home I walk through the front door and place my keys in the glass bowl. My stomach starts to twist and I need to puke.

I run to the bathroom.

After I've thrown up I pull myself up using the basin. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth a couple of times.

I hear banging on my front door. "Valentina, I know you're in there. We need to talk."

No, we don't.

I strip out of my clothes and step into the shower. My tears fall and they get washed away with the water pouring over my skin.

I start to feel lightheaded I grab onto the wall and slide down the wall until I'm in a sitting position. I pull my legs up to me and wrap my arms around them the best I can with being pregnant.

I close my eyes hoping the lightheadness will leave.

I hear the bathroom door open and lift my head to the person bursting into the bathroom. "What do you want?"

Austin's face is red. "I want you." He steps into the shower fully clothed. He pulls me into his arms. "Jayden told me he cracked on to you. He came to mine to apologise for it. He knows you won't be working for him."

"I thought Jayden would have told you a lie?"

Austin shakes his head. "Jayden's never lied to me before. He knows the consequences of such things." He pulls a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. "You've got your own fashion company. Baker Inc. closed there door today. I brought the company and told all the workers they get to keep their. Also, the name of the company will be changed. You get to choose the name."

"I've got the name York Inc. I want you to work with me at this company and you can bring whoever you need."

He kisses me. "The baby line needs to be out on the twelfth of January."

"It will be," I pull his jacket off him and throw it on the floor. "We're going to New York on the 17th December. York Inc. will be closed from the 16th December to the 3rd January. I'll have the designs done before we leave. How many pieces are needed?"

"They want fifty designs. Can you do that?"

I nod. "The designs are done." I lie my head on him. "I'm tired."

Austin strips out of his wet clothes and dries himself off with the spare towel. He wraps one around me and lifts me into his arms.

I lie my head on him and close my eyes. I feel him place me on the bed and covers are pulled around me.

Austin leaves soft lingering kiss on my forehead. "I'm going to cook dinner while you sleep. Is there anything you want?"


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