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Austin pulls the car onto a street and there's a gate that separates the communities. The guard checks Austin's ID and then he's let through.

As we drive up the street I see mansions and most of them look the same with the white coated paint, palm trees and iron gates.

Austin pulls the car into a driveway and he types in a pin to in the electronic touch board. The gates open for him and he pulls into the driveway of a Victorian style mansion.

There's a gold fountain in front of the house and water spouts out of the mouth of the animal.

Darla and Glen walk out of the house and stand next to the door hand in hand.

Austin steps out of the car and he rounds to my side opening my door for me. I step out of the car and take Austin's hand.

Austin and I walk over to his parents.

Darla pulls me into her arms. "I'm glad you came for Thanksgiving. I'd thought you might go home to your parents?"

I shake my head. "I don't go to New York that often. My parents are always busy and I don't want to bother them by visiting. If they invite me home I go knowing they won't be too busy for me."

Diana walks out of the house with her model friend Lena.

I want to leave.

Austin holds my hand and gives it a squeeze.

I nod.

Lena snarls. "I thought you got rid of the girl after she lost the baby."

Darla and Glen yell. "What?" they looks at Austin and I for answers.

Austin wraps his arms around me. "She wasn't having a miscarriage. She didn't feel well from the food she ate.

That's half the truth.

I felt gassy.

Darla turns to Lena. "I think it would be best if you left." She turns to Diana. "The next time you come home I'd appreciate it be only you."

"Darla?" Diana turns to her Dad. "Dad, you can't kick me out its thanksgiving."

Darla sighs. "Diana you can stay. Your friend needs to leave take her to the gate and get the security guys to call her a cab. Then you come right home."

"Yes, Darla." Diana walks by and she shoots daggers at me.

Lena follows her and she bumps me with her shoulder.

If Austin still wasn't holding onto me I would have landed on the ground.

I turn to him. "Thank you."

Austin takes my hand and we enter the mansion.

The house is open spaced from the lounge room. I can see the living, dining and kitchen from by the door. A LCD TV is mounted on the wall, a grey sofa facing the TV, a Christmas box is next to the window.

Austin looks at the box. "After dinner as a family we set up the Christmas tree and put up the lights outside too. Mum did this growing up with her family and she brought it with her. It's my favourite thing to do. That's why I don't miss a Thanksgiving with my family."

Austin takes my hand and leads the way to the lounge. He pulls me onto his lap.

Glen and Darla are in the same position as us.

Darla looks over at us. "What's new with you two?"

Austin kisses my neck. Then whispers. "Do you want to tell Mum or should I?"

I smile. "She's your mother you get the honours."

He laughs, "Alright," he turns to his parents. "I asked Val to marry me and she said yes. Can you believe that?"

Darla runs over to me and she pulls me off Austin's lap. "I want to see the ring."

I show her the ring. "It's gorgeous isn't it?"

Darla nod. She turns to Austin. "You chose a great ring and woman to Marry son. Can I organise the wedding and the Baby shower?"

Shit! I never thought of them.

Austin looks at Darla. "Mum, can you give her a break. She's just getting her head wrapped around that I asked her to marry me. Now you want to talk about a Baby shower and wedding? When we choose to organise those things you'll be the first to know."

Darla nods. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be pushy."

I take Darla's hand. "You weren't. How about in two weeks you come over to Austin's?"

She smiles. "I'd like that. I haven't been to my son's place in some time." Darla cough sneezes. "Hubby for Hire."

Austin's mouth drops open.

I laugh. "Oh, look Mummy knows."

Austin shakes his head. "How did you find out about that?"

Darla laughs. "One of my friend's daughter's hired a Hubby and that guy was you. The friend's daughter told everyone how hot you were and people she told about you hired you for parties and events."

Glen looks at me. "How did you two meet?"

Darla smirks. "Hubby for Hire."

My face turns red and I nod.

Darla looks at Austin. "Was it love at first sight?"

Austin nods. "I proposed to her with a fake ring. But, in my mind it was the real deal. And when it was the real thing it felt great to have her actually say 'yes.' She kissed me and put all her feelings into that kiss."

Diana walks into the house and she looks Austin. "I wish some guy would be that way towards me. Everyone I meet seem to use me."

I clear my throat. "I have someone in mind for you Diana. He'll be over tonight."

Diana smiles. "I'm sorry I was a bitch to you. Lena brings the worst out of me."

"Don't hang out with her. She's probably the reason why you don't get the good guys." Diana takes my arm and leads up to her bedroom.

Her room is painted pink, the bedspread, curtains and pillow cases are also pink with the word 'PRINCESS' on it.

She points to her bed. "Take a seat. I want you to tell me all about the guy you're setting me up with."

"My cousin Chase is a great guy. He's the Governor of New York City's nephew and he's respected both in New York and Los Angeles. He has travelled the world and always comes to visit me in between trips."

"Do you think he'll follow me to Milan after the New Year's Eve?"

I shrug. "You'll have to wait and see, Diana. Everything can't happen that fast."

"It did for you and Austin. Your sister got married what four/five months ago?"

"She did."

"Girls dinner." Darla yells.

"Coming," Diana and I walk down the stairs.

In the dining room I see the table is ready for dinner. There's a table cloth on the table with silver plates and cutlery, candles are lining the table, and two vases of flower one at the head of the table and the other on the bottom.

My mouth waters at the smell of the turkey.

I can't wait to have dinner.

The turkey is placed in front of Glen.

Chase sits beside Diana.

While I sit next to Austin

"Everyone holds hand while we thank the lord." Glen looks around the group. "I'll go first. Dear lord I'm thankful for the beautiful family I have."

Darla goes next. "Dear lord I'm thankful that my son has found the right woman."

Chase looks at everyone. "I'm thankful for every year I get to meet amazing people and taste amazing food from around the world."

Diana takes Chase's hand. "I'm thankful for having a perfect body and travelling the world to show it off."

Austin shakes his head. "That's shallow. All you ever think about is yourself, Diana."

She rolls her eyes. "What are you thankful for brother?"

"I'm thankful that I met my other half and am starting a family with someone as special as she is to me. I love you, Val."

I lean over and kiss him.

His family clear their throats.

Glen says. "What are you thankful for?"

"I'm thankful for every day I am alive and finding my other half. As well as carrying this child with the man I love so much."

Glen cuts the turkey.

I scoop carrots and potatoes on my plate. The turkey plate is passes around the table.

We eat dinner.

The table is quiet all you can hear is the clutter of the cutlery.

After dinner the dishes are washed and put away. Austin helps Glen bring the Christmas tree to the lounge room.

All of us set the Christmas tree and start decorating. Once the tree is set the men walks outside and they climb on the roof to set up the lights.

While they are outside it starts to snow.

I run outside with Diana and we spin around as snowflakes hit our skin. The snow doesn't feel that cold as it hit my face.

I laugh and spin around again enjoying the snow that's falling from the sky.

Austin climbs off the roof and runs over to me. He scoops me into his arms and looks up in the sky.

Today has been perfect.


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