The Pub

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A/N in previous chapters I put Cruz instead of Austin. The main character name is AUSTIN not Cruz. I fixed the mistakes. So here's the next Chapter of Hubby For Hire.


I hold Austin's hand as we step inside the Pub. I order a beer and skull the whole thing.

Austin looks at me. "Are you trying to get yourself sick?"

I shake my head. "I'm going to drink as much as I can so I don't have to go to the Hens Party with those girls."

He smiles. "Do you want me to pretend to be drunk too?"

I shake my head. "You stay sober and you can take me back to the house."

He puts his arm around my shoulder. "Are you really going to get drunk?"

I shake my head. "I'm going to pretend. I need you to have my back."

Austin kisses my cheek. "I'll always have your, sweetheart."

I whisper. "I going to make a fool of myself, tonight. Just know I'm never like this."

I wave the bartender over.

He looks me up and down. His eyes land on my breasts and he licks his lips. "What can I get you?"

"A blowjob, make it good."

He grabs my arm and leads me down the dark hall.

I stop moving. "Ouch! You're hurting me."

He pulls me to the door and opens it.

"I want the drink. What are you doing?" I slur.

The door leads to the parking lot. He forces me to the ground. "You said make it. Here's your chance."

"What?" I frown. "I wanted the drink. Not you."

He pulls the zip down on his jeans and frees himself. "Put it in your mouth now. Or I'll force it in." He grabs my hair.

The door slams open and hits the brick wall behind the building.

Austin steps out of the club. "What are you doing with my wife?"

He lets go of my head. "She told me she wanted to give me a blow job."

Austin clenches his fist and hits the guy in the face.

His nose squirts out blood.

Austin grabs my hand and leads me back inside the club. He lets go of my arm and looks at the red marks left on my wrist from the bartender. "That's it we're going home."

Austin throws me over his shoulder.

James stops in front of Austin. "Where are you going?"

"I have to take Valentina home. She's had far too much to drink." Austin walks past them.

At the car my vision doubles. "Austin,"


"I think I was drugged."

Then blackness takes over.



Valentina's face is pale as I put her on the ground to open the door for the taxi. She looks out of it.



"I think I was drugged." Valentina's eyes closes and she falls.

I catch her and put her in the back of the taxi. "Can you take us to the hospital, please."

The taxi takes us to the hospital and I carry her inside. "I need help." I yell.

I look at the beautiful girl in my arms.

A nurse rushes over with a gurney. "What happened?"

"We are at a bar drinking and she thinks she was drugged."

"Do you know who drugged her?"

I shake my head. "It could have been the bartender. He was the one handling the drinks. He pulled her outside but he didn't get to far with her because I punched him in the face."

The nurses take her away.

I call Valentina's family and the rush to the hospital.

Two police officers walk into the waiting room and they look at me. "Austin, you are under arrest for assault on a bartender. You have the right to remain silent." Blah, blah, blah. 

The officers lead me to the Police Station. I yell to her parents. "He wanted her to give him a blow job. If I didn't show up when I did she could have been beaten and rapped."

The mother sobs in her husbands arms.

I watch Liane pulls her phone out. "James will get you out!" She yells.

I nod.


My lawyer walks through the door and takes a seat next to me in the interview room. The wall is painted blue and there's a two way mirror. A white desk and four chairs.

I relay the events to the Police Officers.

They tell me they've had problems with that guy before but nothing ever sticks with him. With my statement they will be able to get him off the streets.

I want to see Valentina.

I look at the men in the room. "Can I go now? I want to see my wife."

They let me go.

The officer that arrested me says. "We are going to drop the charges against you."

"Thank you."

James stands up when I exit the building. "Do you want to go back to the hospital?"

"Yes, has she woken up yet?"

James nods. "She's been asking about you. Her parents told them you were arrested and they don't know if you'll be back tonight."

At the hospital I run to the waiting room.

Valentina's Mum stands. "She wants to see you. I'll show you to her room."

I follow her to Valentina's room.

Valentina sits up on the bed. "Austin,"

I climb onto the bed next to her. I wrap my arms around her. "I was worried."

She kisses my cheek. "I'm fine, honey. You saved me."

My feelings for this woman isn't fake. It's real. I love her.

"I love you." I blurt.

She smiles. "I love you, too."

I put a hand on her face and claim her mouth.

She puts her hand on my face. She moans into our kiss.

My pants begin to feel tight as I make out with the beauty in the bed.

She pulls away breathing hard. "Show me how much you love me tomorrow night?"

I nod. "I will. For tonight we will sleep."

She snuggles into me.

I wrap my arms around her and settle into the bed.

I fall asleep.


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