Try Outs

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Carter's POV
Most of school went by in a blur. I made some friends, including a really nice girl named Mary. She loved football also, but only watching it. She couldn't play a lick. Anyway, most of my day was spent introducing myself to my teachers, making new friends, and waiting for the bell to ring. And it finally did. I sprinted out the class room to my locker, which was next to Mary's, and hauled out my bag.

"Well, good luck!" Mary patted me on the back and grinned. "Go kick some boys a-" she started to say, but an announcement interrupted her.
"All football players trying out for the team please report to the locker room." Mary pointed at me.
"That's your cue." She winked. I thanked her and walked down the hall to the gym and hurriedly raced into the girls locker room. I walked out, fully geared up. Most of the boys were throwing the ball around, though some were talking to coach.
"You must be..." He glanced down his sheet, squinting.
"Oh! You're Carter." He grinned and patted me on the shoulder knowingly. He didn't recognize I was a girl at first, probably because my hair was tucked into my helmet.
"Well, try outs start in 10 minuets, so warm up!" Coach grinned.

Dolan's POV
I walked onto the bleachers and scanned for any new kids. Ah, bingo. About 7 different names were on the backs of people in the field. On person in particular caught my attention. He was shorter and skinnier the the rest of us, but seemed just as strong. I walked over to my buddy, Damson.
"Dude, not that many new kids this year." I said.
"I know, right." Damson and I always pranked the new kids during the first practice.

"Okay, okay. Every one huddle up." Coach motioned for us to come near.
"I'm going to split you up by position. Who's quarterback?" I raised my hand and two new kids did too. They didn't seem like a threat. About five inches shorter and ten pounds lighter, and no where near as strong.
"Over there." He pointed to the mid-field line.
"Line men?" He asked again. A dozen or so kids raised their hands.
"Over there." This went on for a while before he came to wide receivers.
"Okay, lastly, wide receivers?" The skinny, short dude I noticed in the beginning of practice raised his hand. So did Damson and Sean, two returning players.
"Okay, let's scrimmage."

We played for about thirty minutes before he switched up the players.
"Next group." I was QB this time around. The receivers lined up on the side of the field, and I was to throw a pass to each as they ran down the field, The short dude was my first receiver.

"Go!" Coach clapped his hands together. I chucked the ball as hard and fast as I could, and the second it left my hands, I grinned. It was a perfect pass, but had a little to much push. If the new receiver could get his hands around it, it would spin out almost  immediately.
I could practically see Damson and Sean rolling their eyes behind their face masks. The new guy sprinted surprisingly fast down the field and caught up to the ball. He reached his hands behind his head and, with a leap, snagged it with his finger tips. Sean whistled in new retrospect at the new guy as he looped around and tossed the ball to coach.

Damson looked at him when he came back to the line, and high fived him.  Or should I say her. She took her helmet off, revealing a tumble of auburn hair down to just before her shoulders. I stared at her through my helmet. She winked, smudging the black paint below her eyes.
"What, never seen a girl before?"

The ending is credited to PeytonNovak !!! This story is very loosely based off of her amazing hockey book, Puck Off! Thanks for reading!

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