Chapter 104. Surprise

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"Is anybody home?"



I jumped up from the sofa and planted myself in front of my friend, who was standing in my door and finally felt like gracing me with his presence. Sahil opened his arms for me, and I hugged him, thanking him for paying me a visit.

"I am sorry I couldn't come earlier. I wish I lived in the same city. You are okay, right?" He broke the hug and pouted.

"I am fine." I twirled around, and he chuckled when I complained about not bringing Gauri too.

"She sent her wishes; she had to leave for her village due to some emergency."

I nodded and guided him inside the living room. I yelled that Sahil was here, and Mom came out of the kitchen, and Dad also arrived after some time as he was busy drying clothes on the terrace.

"Nice to meet you, Sahil," Dad said and shook Sahil's hand.

Mom also greeted him and told him to take a seat while she prepared some refreshments for all of us. Sahil smiled at my parents and sat down beside me on the couch. He took out a small rose pink box from his jacket and handed it to me.

"One more gift?" I giggled.

I opened the box, and my eyes almost popped out when I saw an elegant platinum ring staring back at me. A small black pearl was proudly sitting in the middle of the jewelry and shining just like the person who gave me the expensive gift.

"Isn't that Platinum? Just how rich are you, lad?" Dad commented and examined the ring.

"Not that much." Sahil smiled.

"Aah... You are just being humble. But this is actually very expensive, beta," Dad said.

"I am her friend, Uncle."

Dad nodded and gave the ring back to me. He excused himself when Mom called for him, leaving me and Sahil alone. I thanked him for the gift and put the box carefully on the table. Mom gave us our refreshments and left us to spend some time together.

"So... what's going on in your life?" Sahil asked.

"Other than sleeping all day and watching movies, nothing else." I grinned.

"Nothing else?"


"You are hiding something. Come on, tell me before I have to bribe you into doing so."

"Hehehe, you know me so well, don't you? Well, first of all, I got into the junior volleyball team, participated in the Inter College Sports Tournament, and... finally I have a guy I like."

Sahil was nodding with a smile, but when he heard the last part of my sentence, he narrowed his eyes and shot me a confused look. "Guy you like?"

I tried to conceal my smile and blush, but it was useless. My friend had noticed it and was looking at me with wide eyes. He shifted closer and told me to tell him the whole thing. I shook my head, but when he continued pestering me, I opened my mouth, making Sahil's already pale face go paler.

"Are you pulling my leg?" he complained.

"Why would I? I am not joking; I actually, really, definitely, surely like Ved."

Just after I said that, I started feeling self-conscious and buried my face in the pillow. I let my heartbeat calm down which was running multiple marathons at the same time.

"What about me then?" Sahil asked.


"What about me, Sandhya? Weren't you supposed to be on my team? How can you betray me?"

I tilted my head as I couldn't understand why he was behaving like that again. "I am in your team. Why do you keep repeating the same thing over and over again? I just told you about my crush and you aren't happy?"

"Did Ved tell you he likes you?"

"No, he didn't, but I know he-"

"Then it means you are the only one who is thinking about it."


"You also know that you and Ved don't get along. Ever since I first met you, the only thing you talked about was how much you hate him. And now you are saying that you like him? I don't believe you."

"But I really like him. So what if we weren't on good terms before? It was all in the past and honestly, I also wanted to get rid of our rivalry and carry on with our lives. But doesn't it feel good that Ved and I have finally gotten over our differences and not focused on making each others' lives hell?"

"What if he is just being nice to you? Ever thought about it in that perspective? You are also aware that he is naturally a kind person, and the only exception was you. What if he just felt like throwing his grudges because he wanted to free himself? What if you are taking his caring nature for something else?"

"I... I don't think so..." I trailed off.

"I get it that you might be infatuated with him, but love? He is already popular among girls and boys and there are a lot of people who would like to be with him, and he has never been impolite to anyone - I mean, anyone. Not even me when he clearly knows that I am competing with him.

"In conclusion, he likes helping others in need and being caring is just part of his nature. Do you really think he is giving you a special treatment? And if he really likes you then why hasn't he told you yet?"

"Maybe he is waiting for the right time?" I suggested.

Sahil burst out laughing and shook his head after looking at my reaction. I didn't disturb him and drank my pineapple juice. My friend calmed down and relaxed back. I sulked when he looked at me and gave me a crooked smile.

"There is no such thing as right timing. If he wanted to do it, he would have done that already. I am not trying to make you sad; I am just giving you a reality check."

"If he is hesitant, then I will do it. Atleast, I will be able to confirm my feelings - after that, whether accepting or rejecting is upto him. I will go with what my heart says." I pumped my fist in the air.

"Oh my god, you are so naive. You aren't getting my point, are you? Remember, I told you about always listening to you heart?"

I nodded, and he continued, "I want to add some info in it. Always listen to your heart, but don't ignore your mind too. It is not their for show."

I blinked rapidly, and Sahil checked his wristwatch. He got up and said that he should get going; he had taken a lot of my time, and he had to visit some other place too. I gave him a short nod and informed my parents that he was leaving. Mom and Dad joined me in seeing Sahil off, who hugged me and touched my parents feet before heading towards his car.

"He is a nice guy," Mom said. "You have really caring friends, Sandhu."

"Yeah, I do," I mumbled and went back inside after my friend zoomed off from our premise.

I made myself comfortable in my previous spot and decided to watch some soap opera. Mom also sat down on the side sofa, while Dad decided to save himself from the telly melodrama. Mom laughed as a comedic scene came up, but my mind was busy building up weird thoughts.

What if you are just imagining it? He is naturally a nice person.

If he wanted to do it, he would have done that already.

He likes helping others in need and being caring is just part of his nature. Do you really think he is giving you a special treatment?

"Sandy Pandy, are you planning on making your eyes bigger than your skull?"

I snapped my eyes at Natural Heater; he was waving his hand in front of my face, and behind him, I saw Ayush, Veer and his mother looking at me and Mom with happy expressions.

Slowly, I got up and pinched Ved's cheek. "What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to come after two days?"

"Is that how you greet me when I came directly to your home?" he expressed his disappointment.

"Hey, buddy. How are you?" Ayush waved his hand at me.

I curled up my lips and crushed him in my arms. I patted his back and took a good look at him. "You feeling better now?"

Ayush nodded and was about to say something when Veer pulled his t-shirt and told him that it was his turn. My best friend picked up Veer and gave him to me. Veer wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks for visiting me, Little Rajput," I said.

"Ved told us that he wanted to come here first, so we decided to visit together. Also, Veer has a surprise for you," Krittika Aunty said.

Mom told the guests to make themselves comfortable, and Dad was out of his room in a snap when he heard Ved's voice. He began his fan moment and thanked Ved's stepmother for stopping by. The old generation had a good time bonding, while the younger one was busy with Veer.

"Easy there, bro. Don't jump on her," Ved scolded his younger brother.

Veer ignored Ved and continued headbanging in my lap. Once he was done dancing to an imaginary rock song, he took out something from his bag and told me to read everything aloud. I took the red invitation card from him and opened it.

"I, Veer Jaiwant Rajput, officially invite you and your family to my prestigious birthday party. I will be turning six years old, so you can bring six gifts for me. There will be lots of food, games and candies. I will be waiting... please do come because I invited you."

I smiled at the hand made card and hugged Veer. "I will be there. Promise."

"Ayush bhaiyya helped me in making it," he informed.

I glanced at Ayush and shot him a grateful smile. Once we were done with the surprise, I asked Ved about his National trials, and he sighed deeply. That's when I noticed how I tired he looked; there were dark circles under his eyes and his face was looking dull. I felt sad that instead of going to his house and resting, he came to visit me, and I hadn't yet asked him how he was.

"Are you okay, Ved?"

"Of course. I am just a little drained out, but don't worry." He smiled.

"Then why did you come here?"

"You aren't happy to see me?" He fake glared.

"I am, but-"

"Chill, Sandy Pandy. My National trials went well, but we have to wait for the results. Since I was already done with my formalities, I decided to return earlier after taking Coach's permission."

I nodded, and averted my gaze, but Ved shifted closer and pulled my hair. He asked me if something was bothering me; I shook my head vigorously. He waited for me to spill the tea but let the matter go and began playing with his brother and Ayush. I sensed him looking at me in between, but I did a commendable job in hiding my emotions.

After spending a nice time with my family, our guests decided to take their leaves. Veer's mother thanked Mom and Dad for hospitality and patted my head. Her son reminded me about his birthday party, and Ayush hugged me once more, making me smile in relief that he was okay.

One by one, everyone began leaving, but Ved stopped behind and nudged me with his elbow.

"You are coming, right?"

"Yes. I promised Veer."

"Promise me too, then."

"About what?"

"That you will stop frowning and won't faint later." He kissed my forehead. "Be prepared for one more surprise."

He left after hugging Dad and Mom and joined his family. I froze in my spot as the feeling of Ved's lips lingered on my forehead.

One more surprise? Is it what I am thinking it is?

As my heart was doing random stunts, my mind made its entry like a villain and started the imaginary tape-recorder.

I get it that you might be infatuated with him, but love? Being caring is just part of his nature.

You also know that you and Ved don't get along. Ever since I first met you, the only thing you talked about was how much you hate him.

What if he is just being nice to you? Ever thought about it in that perspective?

Suddenly, my heart choke-slamed my mind and told it to stop planting unnecessary doubts. In the end, my heart won and signalled me to stop behaving like a defeated soldier and pick up a dress for Veer's birthday bash.

The Little Rajput had specially come to invite me - I had to keep my promise.

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